So, I figured out some of my problems and got the quest up and running. -I needed to create a sm event node for the quest. (I didn't know the menu opened up like it did) - It seems that all Alias's needed to be unique and in proper order and properly placed in the fragment script. i.e. VFTVertibird=(CustomName Used as alias) -All Actions in the scene, needed to be unique for that specific quest. My problem now, and it's so far a minor one, The Board Vertibird message that is displayed when the quest fires, is not displayed when the Vertibird lands, but when it is dispatched. This is different than that Standard script, which doesn't display this message until the craft lands and also displays a quest marker if it lands out of view. Also, the Actor Behavior will not properly update to not "Pause" on stages, and will not mirror the standard VFT Actor Behavior, Which is only end on Death. Any thoughts? Also, the Pilot I have created to sit in the Vertibird does not appear, this may be because of how the Actor Templates, but as of now, I have an empty Vertibird Flying me around.