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Everything posted by Vades82

  1. Look at the VFT quest, it is the quest script that is called everytime you use a BOS signal grenade. Your best bet is to copy everything and tweak it to work the way you want it to. You will need to copy the quest->grenade->explosion->static-object->StoryEventNode I suggest you look up as many online tutorials you can on how the Fallout 4 CK works. There are some good videos out there too.
  2. I don't know much about modding myself, but in theory that scene worked by being loaded into a cell with a fixed path for you to walk. When you get into a scene of the individual memory, you are actually walking into an event trigger box that runs the quest scene stage. Each one of his memories is an individual event trigger box, with its own quest scene. At least this would be my best guess
  3. Solved: I recopied and pasted the files from my D drive again. I think this is some type of anti theft mechanism to prevent people from stealing other peoples stuff. I noticed it first when I loaded another guys mod to use as a reference when making mine, because I'm a super noob. Anyways, it seems that the Creation Kit must tag scripts or make a directory when you start writing your own. I did not notice anything different in the ini files, and tried just copying and pasting them first, but in the end, I had to paste my entire old Fallout folder into the new C drive spot. So if anything can be learned from this, it should be back up your files if you have to wipe your operating system, because fresh installs will not recognize your mods as your own.
  4. Hello, as the title says my quest stage frags wont load when viewing quests stages. I recently had to format my computer because win 10 sucks, so I saved all my files to my D drive prior to formatting the C drive. Now, when I open the Kit and load my mod esp. I cannot edit the script frags in the Quest stage tab of my quest. When I compile from the first tab of my quest, all scripts compile, when I do get something up on the quest stage tab, Papyrus comes up with an error and gives me an EOF "Scriptname" error. Any thoughts on why this is happening?
  5. Bump, I'm still unable to get my pilot to show up in my vertibird when I use my fast travel Script. Everything appears correct in my frag script The Pilots alias is properly created and states its created my pilot at tthe start marker. It is below the vertibird in the alias list
  6. No, I have not, the default script worked in my Test run. Travelling both to and from my custom location.
  7. So, I figured out some of my problems and got the quest up and running. -I needed to create a sm event node for the quest. (I didn't know the menu opened up like it did) - It seems that all Alias's needed to be unique and in proper order and properly placed in the fragment script. i.e. VFTVertibird=(CustomName Used as alias) -All Actions in the scene, needed to be unique for that specific quest. My problem now, and it's so far a minor one, The Board Vertibird message that is displayed when the quest fires, is not displayed when the Vertibird lands, but when it is dispatched. This is different than that Standard script, which doesn't display this message until the craft lands and also displays a quest marker if it lands out of view. Also, the Actor Behavior will not properly update to not "Pause" on stages, and will not mirror the standard VFT Actor Behavior, Which is only end on Death. Any thoughts? Also, the Pilot I have created to sit in the Vertibird does not appear, this may be because of how the Actor Templates, but as of now, I have an empty Vertibird Flying me around.
  8. Hello, as the title says, I'm presently trying to get a fast travel script to fire basically mirroring the in game BoS Vertibird grenade. I have created said Item, and added the appropriate items and scripts. Modifying the BoSVertibirdSmoke script to fire using my keywords, and quest. When the Grenade is tossed, it pops and then displays the cannot land VFTdisplay message. From here, I created a quest pretty much identical to the VFT quest, including the scene. Modified every script I could find to use my quest. I eliminated the Quest Alias' for the Globals which determined Vertibird faction and Pilot and used VFTVertibird Ref to create a temp Vertibird at VFTstart and did the same with the VFTPilot. The quest is almost identical to the VFT quest, except for scripts. Which are basically just converts to work with my grenade and quest. The glaring issues I have right now are as follows: 1.The custom grenade script can't get the script to fire 2.In the scene tab, I cannot use Edit Actor Behavior properly, it won't save my changes and defaults on pause, instead of remaining on normal with no categories checked. 3. When Left Clicking on the quest and selecting the Use Report, Mine differs from the VFT, I have 6 items. -MSTT - My Grenade -and 5 packages The VFT original Looks like this -SMBN - AO_DogMeatFinf_Autonomous_Branch -SMQN - BoSVertibirdFastTravelNode -SMQN - AO_Companion_LoiterSearch_Quests etc..default It has it's scene listed in this report, mine does not and our Packages are not the same. I have tried following every thread I can through the kit to mimic the VFT quest and I'm stuck. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm a new to modding the creation kit. this is my grenade script Frag Script from quest stages
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