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Everything posted by FennecFyre
I've recently discovered the wonderful world of PZ mods, but before I start stuffing my zoo full of new animals, there was something I wanted to ask about. I've noticed that a lot of mods on this site specify what version of PZ they're updated to, and one post I saw mentioned something about crashing with mods right after the base game got the 1.6 update. I'm making sure not to install any mods that aren't updated to 1.6, but looking to the future, if the game gets another update and I have mods installed, will that always result in my game crashing until the mod creators update their stuff?
http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/23.jpg Uh, okay.
Time seems to pass quickly / MCM won't show all dependent mods
FennecFyre replied to FennecFyre's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
That seemed to be the problem, yeah. NMM had a green check next to the mod, but no plugin file was actually installed. Weird, but it's fixed, at least. -
fastest player home without fast travel
FennecFyre replied to princeegli's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Breezehome is usually the one you get to purchase first, and it's in a pretty central location. Might be a good starter home. -
Time seems to pass quickly / MCM won't show all dependent mods
FennecFyre replied to FennecFyre's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I'll fiddle with the timescale, thanks for that! I'm thinking that because I had Imp's More Complex Needs on my old game instead of Realistic Needs and Diseases, and IMCN let you change the timescale, I probably ended up getting used to a slower passage without knowing it. That's one problem down, at least. I've been playing for more than a minute, but there are still some mods that don't show up. Maybe I should just keep going and see if it resolves itself? I could also try cleaning stuff with TES5Edit, but I'm a bit antsy about that since I don't know what it'll do. -
Edit: If this needs to be moved onto the mod troubleshooting forum, just let me know. I just finished piling on mods to my new Skyrim game on my new computer, and I'm noticing what might be a few bugs. A list of my current mods is below. -The first is that time seems to be passing quicker than normal in my game, though it may be possible that I had just forgotten how fast it passed since I haven't played in a while. Is this a mod's doing, or just in my head? -The second problem concerns MCM. I've got several dependent mods for it, and not all of them show up. For instance, take Deadly Dragons. No MCM menu (which it should have), and for some reason, it didn't even add an esp file to the list the first time I installed it. Is there just a limit to how many MCM can have in it's list, or should it be able to scroll? Load order of mods (LOOT organized this, but I dunno...) Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm ClimatesOfTamriel.esm moonpath.esm (Moonpath to Elsweyr) SkyUI.esp Convenient Horses.esp WetandCold.esp Headtracking.esp (Player Headtracking) ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hazardous.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp Convenient Horses - Unique Frost.esp Brawl Bugs CE.esp Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp (Immersive Armors) dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp (Enhanced Blood Textures) dD-Reduced Wound Size.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-4.esp dD-Reduced Splatter Size.esp iHUD.esp mjhKhajiitSpeakMod - Convenient Horses.esp mjhKhajiitSpeakMod - Moonpath.esp mjhKhajiitSpeak.esp 3DNPC.esp (Interesting NPCs) Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp Immerisve Weapons.esp Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp dD-Dawnguard-Imersive Creatures EBT Patch.esp 3DNPC_FollowerDefaultOutfit.esp RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp Inconsequential NPCs.esp Cloaks.esp 1nivWICCloaks.esp 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp Inconsequential NPCs - Enhancement.esp mjhKhajiitSpeakMod - Realistic Needs And Diseases.esp mjhKhajiitSpeakDLC - Dawnguard.esp mjhKhajiitSpeakDLC - Hearthfire.esp mjhKhajiitSpeakMod - Inconsequential NPCs.esp moonpath_questdata.esp Chesko_Frostfall.esp RND_Hearthfires-Patch.esp 3DNPC Alternatuve Locations.esp RND_AnimalLoot.esp Hunterborn.esp Hunterborn_RND-Patch.esp Hunterborn_Dawnguard-Patch.esp Hunterborn_Frostfall-Patch.esp Any help with either problem would be much-appreciated.
Mm, too bad, but I can live without it. That worked fine, thank you very much!
I'm beginning to find it harder to hate the Thalmor...
FennecFyre replied to Kestrellius's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Well yeah, I agree they got the short end of the stick in ancient history, but I lose all sympathy for them once I see how cruel and despicable they are in Skyrim. You've seen the dungeons in the Embassy and in that one fort you have to rescue Thorald from. Never mind how f*#@ing arrogant they are whenever you talk to them. I must admit I do take a certain dark glee in provoking them into attacking me so I can whip their yellow asses and get off scot-free. And that Thalmor dude in the Mage College? Ice Form shouted him and T-bagged him. Revenge was sweet. -
Cooking Expanded? Or another one?
Will do. Here:
In my first game, I was all for Ulfric. I was already angry at the empire for wanting to execute me for doing jack squat, so thank god I didn't join him right away. As I played, I realized what a racist fanatic he was, and while I can understand wanting to shake off the Thalmor (seriously, f*#@ those guys) he isn't doing it the right way. Even so, when I joined up with the Legion, I still felt a knot in my stomach. Gotta love a game that can do that to you.
I think there's some sort of glitch going on with the food in my game. When I tried to buy food from Hadring at Nightgate Inn, the game crashed. Then, when I tried to use a cooking pot (one of which I had used before which worked fine), the game crashed. I've gotten this result with two separate pots, but haven't tested any other innkeepers. I bought food from a hunter and nothing bad happened. Any idea what I screwed up, and how to un-screw it?
Best mod for needs (food,drinking,sleep)
FennecFyre replied to ddeadmau5's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I use Imp's More Complex Needs for my game. It might work for you. -
So once the world has been saved from Alduin, I think I'm going to have my main settle down, adopt a couple kids, and start up a homestead. I'm thinking (but not entirely sure) about getting Lakeview Manor for my family home, since my main is a Khajiit and I have Frostfall (so settling somewhere warm is a must), but I'm still indecisive about choosing wings. I'm looking for some opinions to help me finally decide. Here's a few factors: I've got a ton of books, weapons, shields, armor, etc, and I'd like to put as much of it on display as I can. I don't do much smithing, enchanting, or potion-brewing, but have the resources for it.I want the place to look homey.I'm thinking of doing Bedrooms (or not, if there are beds in the Main Hall?), Kitchen (I should just be able to place books on tables and stuff around the house, right?), and either Trophy or Storage. Any input is welcomed.
Found a fix similar to the one in that thread (player.addspell 000f71d1, then remove it). Thanks all.
Considering I saved after this, it's probably too late. FFFFUUUUUU-- Maybe player.setrace.Khajiitrace will work. Probably not...
I just completed the first half of The Man Who Cried Wolf, in WolfSkull cave, and now something is up with my character's eyes. When I move backwards, I can see short blue-green streams of light coming from her head, like this: http://i1084.photobucket.com/albums/j420/Vanillawolf77/ScreenShot270_zpsd8a1f062.jpg I'm sorry for the small size and shitty resolution, but my connection is so bad that's all I can upload. Any idea how I can get rid of this? Doing player.DispelAllSpells doesn't seem to have an effect.
Game loads, music plays, goes back to desktop
FennecFyre replied to FennecFyre's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I'm connected to Steam, yes. Loading from the Steam launcher shows the logo for about a second, then does the thing again. However, apparently if I click like a madman while it's loading, then it brings it up. How do I give admin privileges to a program? I know how to run stuff as an admin, but that doesn't seem to be the same thing. -
I open the game via SKSE, it opens normally to the black screen before the Bethesda logo, then right as it would display the logo, it sends me back to the desktop. I can hear the theme music playing, and it still shows the icon in my taskbar, but if I try to open it, it goes black for a few seconds then goes back to desktop. I had installed a few new mods right before this problem, but uninstalling them didn't help. I'm loathe to completely uninstall ALL of them, because it's worked in the past I have no desire to lose all the crap in my modded house. Because I'm a freaking idiot, and I'll obviously get something wrong, please tell me what I should post here to help solve the problem.
(Hey guys, sorry for the stretch of silence. School has decided this will be a couple of kick-me-in-the-teeth weeks. Luckily, I have about four days to spring break, and I WILL post here!) Edit: Okay here we go Sivari blinked at Abdul's brusque tone, even more surprised at the fact that he wanted to help, despite their previous argument. "We shouldn't have to lose anyone," she said, perhaps a bit more spiteful than was necessary, "if everything goes to plan." Raj spoke, and her ears pricked up at the mention of the 'Ratway' and Thieve's Guild. "Good, they may be able to help us." She sat down on a nearby barrel, outlining her idea. "As Raj says, we'll drop the ship out of the site of the city and approach on foot. Raj, you'll talk to your contacts. See if they know a way into the palace." She turned to Abdul. "When we get to the city, we'll find a tavern. You have a few drinks, then start acting up. Pick a fight with me. Break something. Create some sort of commotion that will bring in the Draugr guards. They'll haul you away, likely into the palace dungeon. Raj, we'll need one or two people inside the palace to tell us when Rahgot is planning to sacrifice him. We sneak into the chamber, and try to take him by surprise." Despite their conflict before, she worried about Abdul. "If you would rather me take the place of bait instead, Abdul, I understand."
(Alrighty.) Everyone seemed agreement that it worth a try. They filed back onto the boat, waiting anxiously on the deck for the dragon to speak. When the ship had risen, it raised it's fearsome head. "As you may know," it bellowed up at them, "Rahgot enjoys a good human sacrifice. Blood makes him feel alive once more. Any infraction is considered grounds for execution, and his altar has been stained with the blood of everything from thieves to mere debtors." A sadistic gleam grew in the dragon's eyes. "During the event, he is often quite...distracted, and prefers to carry out the ceremony with a minimum of guards. It would be a simple matter for someone, or multiple someones, to sneak into his chamber and finish him off there." It's voice sudden dissolved into a wracking cough, blood dripping from it's mouth. "And now," it rasped, raising it's head again and shutting it's eyes, "You hold up your end of the bargain." Bragol levered the ship's harpoon into position and launched it, sending the bolt plunging squarely into the dragon's skull. A great shudder ran through the body, and it pitched forward, finally dead. As he reeled the harpoon back in, Sivari pondered the dragon's words, trying to decide what they could do with them. Most of that they already knew. Had they been scammed? But as she thought, an idea began to form. If there were few guards, they could take care of Rahgot easily. But to do that, they would need a diversion... She turned to the others, rubbing her hands together. "Can anyone here play the part of a mean drunk?"
(Do Abdul, Raj, or Edwin have anything to say, or should I go ahead with the dragon's post?)
Sivari's eyes narrowed at Abdul's words, but eventually they flicked down, sullen. Khajiits, especially those who were used to being shunned and looked down upon by other races, held little value to fair play and mercy. They held even less value to it when something that had just been trying to kill them asked for mercy. And yet Abdul made her feel almost ashamed, an unfamiliar feeling to her. Damn these furless and their blasted morals, she thought, lowering the crossbow all the way. But she would know this beast's "secret". The dragon rumbled in an almost satisfied-sounding fashion, even as Teresse advocated they simply leave it to die a painful death. Sivari almost agreed with her. Edwin spoke, agreeing that they should kill it but wishing to kill it humanely. It would be up to the dragon. "How would you prefer to die, then?" she asked it, trying to keep the growl out of her voice. "First, you all board that flying ssship once again. Only then will I speak. Once I have finished, you will fire a ballista," here he curved his neck, baring the flat top of his head, "and ssstrike me here." He eyed Tordin. "Hio fen ni gahrot daar sil, Thunderer." You will not steal this soul, Thunderer. Sivari looked back to the others. "I think it's worth the risk." she said. "It's going to die anyway. Why not try and get a little information out of it?" (If/when they're back on the boat, nobody play the dragon for the moment. I've already decided what it will divulge as a "secret". Riften-related plans are in formation.)
Sivari turned her head marginally as Teresse, Abdul, and Edwin drew up next to her, though one eye was kept on the dragon. She found herself agreeing with Teresse. It was not the Khajiit way to charge headlong into combat and hang the consquences. There were several words in Ta'agra for "hero", among them being one that translated roughly to "dead". So when Abdul spoke, vouching that they let the beast live, a brow was raised. "Are you feeling well?" she asked the Argonian. "You were present just a few moments ago, surely? You remember how it tried kill us, correct?" She was aware that the dragon's eyes had shifted from Tordin to Abdul, and she could almost swear she saw the plotting going on behind those pupils. Edwin spoke, and she nodded at him. "We should kill it now and be done with it." She hefted the crossbow again, winding up a dart and aiming it between the dragon's eyes. Instead of snarling, a guttural chuckle shook it's limp form. "Yesss, you couldn't couldn't you?" it said in a surprisingly refined accent, though one marked with a serpentine hissing inflection. "But if you do, then I won't be able to tell you the sssecret." Sivari scowled, but lowered the bow. "What secret, beast?" It hummed, head bobbing slightly. It seemed the bloodloss was getting to it's head. "Mum'sss the word, at least for now. Ssspare my life, and I will speak, but no sssooner. Favor for favor, fair, hm?" Sivari looked over her shoulder at the others for advice, ears laid back in frustration.