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About Gregnice30

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    United States
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    Skyrim, Path of Exile, Rust,Titanfall
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    Skyrim, Mass Effect 3, Fallout 3 + NV, Uncharted 3

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  1. this sucks i know what your saying now, and i am able to do this.......however the NMM still crashes when trying to uncheck the mod? I dont get it it, it knows the mods deleted but still wont uncheck, then i have the same problem restarting NMM. and i have a few hundred mods dl'ed ......this is gonna take me forever....am i right? Im about to just start over and reinstall skyrim/steam/nexus.....whats the best way to do a complete uninstall?
  2. ok so far i have been able open the seperate folders the skyrim\mods and the steamapps/common one . I see the zipped files in the mods folder. I go back to the common\data folder and delete the mods i need? are they the BSA and ESP files??? what happens if the mod wasnt a zip to begin with?
  3. Thanks for your help really, im going to give it a shot after I reread your info a few times to grasp it. Why wont the NMM do it for me tho, how come I have to do this manually? did i do something wrong for this to happen?
  4. dude im soo lost, how do I compare the files? and how do i open the data? the Yellow folder in the NMM??
  5. ok im gonna try this, am i in trouble if i deleted the zip of a few mods??
  6. Ok guys, in kinda still having the problem......i was able to go into the NMM mods folder......when i delete say the "Warnage Armor" compressed zip file, I go to resart NMM and it says the mod was deleted before deactivating first and it cant open unless i putback the file or allow NMM to deactivate the mod . I cant deactivate it first because thats when i get the tracelog error, and if i let NMM do it at the beginning I get the tracelog error, it worked after a few tries, but i had to put back some mods. I was able to delete 2 or 3 but most wont work in this fashion. what am i doing wrong??
  7. Lol yes i have def read this, do i understand and know how to do this, no way thats why i use the NMM.
  8. thanks for all the great input.....Id be telling a lie if i said i wasnt nervous about deleting the files manually....ive have never installed manually or deleted manually before. It just seems weird that after like 6 months of using NMM and switching between 1000 mods, that now this is happening and i cant uninstall or uncheck any mod thru my NMM....however i will try the manual thing out. thanks again.
  9. Hey guys ive done some searching and some previous posting, and im still having trouble removing\deleting mods thru my mod manager...thats the only way i know how to mod is thru NMM. I have the latest version 34.0 but ive been having the problem since 31.1. when i try to delete the mod, NMM freezes half way thru then i have to close it? this is starting to suck, i havent played now in 2 weeks because im fed up with it....I usually have like 150 mods Dl'ed at a time, so it sucks that i cant get rid of ones that i want to like armors, weapons, etc...to start a new character... can anyboyd please help\ Greatly Appreciated Greg G.
  10. Hey guys im having a lot of trouble uninstalling mods on my NMM , an error message comes up on a lot of them that i try to Uninstall. Ive never had this problem before. Has anybody experienced this before , or can anyone give me some info? I am using 0.33.1 NMM. Thanks, Greg
  11. Also in my NMM where it says " Latest Version" at the top of the categories.....every mod says "Data not available"
  12. Hey guys ive had no problem trying to download mods the past 3 weeks, but as of yesterday i cant download any mods......the NMM is saying file does not exist with every single mod i try and download??? i can download the ones on steam no problem. Is this a system glitch or is something going on? I dont know hot to download them manually so i need the NMM working.......sorry for such a novice question but im not too familiar with this kinda of stuff......i mean i use like 200 mods but my NMM does everything for me : /.......any help would be greatly appreciated being im constantly restarting my character builds every 20 levels because i get bored or get another crazy build idea and im constantly changing mods for each builds. Thanks Greg
  13. Ok guys well the problem is solved somehow.....i dont know if it was like a glitch in the system or what, but after 2 days of being like that i can finally press the download button and it works!!!!!!!!!!! i have had the similar problem on steam before but it wasnt as lengthy maybe like a half hour or so... Thanks for the inputs!!!
  14. when i click the button it just like flashes for a second like its going to work and nothing happens, i checked the downloads and everything........i have windows 7 if that makes any difference, i did have a hard time downloading the mod manager, i had to move files and stuff.
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