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About MorwynKelm

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    Fallout 3 - GOTY with my mod! ;)
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    Tough call...

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  1. Happy new year, everyone! Ok lots of good replies, this will help. I'll PM each of you with details, stay tuned.
  2. I need at least half a dozen testers for a new Fallout 4 mod. Must: Basic experience with modsAbility to effectively communicateAble to verify results It's a very simple mod but with a potentially huge impact. It can NOT break games in any way. Reply here with basic system specs (important!) but I need a wide variety of systems: CPU/RAMGPU/RAMSSD/HDD (important to know if Fallout 4 is installed on HDD or SSD)TimezoneCredit will be given for those that assist in testing. Thank you.
  3. This is almost certainly a configuration problem. For example, ENB can specify multisample x16, but you might have it also enabled in your Skyrim ini so it's effectively doubling the workload. Same is true for waitbusyrender, this is a beast and will drag even the beefiest machines to its knees. Best solution is to use the 'low ini', copy it over and manually tweak settings that you want to use like multicore, ugrids, etc., and let ENB handle all the visual goodness. I've used ENB for years and have seen this many times before.
  4. Good suggestion. Any idea how to make a sticky there?
  5. Not the results I expected which is why I'm glad to get feedback. MORE! :)
  6. Help me decide on a replacement for the vanilla 'level up' sound for my mod! Listen to each, vote! Thanks! http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png Vote on Track #, not file name, thanks! Track #One: https://soundcloud.com/christopher_c/level-up-2 Track #Two: https://soundcloud.com/christopher_c/level-up-1 Track #Three: https://soundcloud.com/christopher_c/level-up Track #Four: https://soundcloud.com/christopher_c/snare Track #Five: https://soundcloud.com/christopher_c/fallout-1-2-level-up Obviously, track one is a bit of a joke but it may work..?
  7. No, I already did mine using CFF, just tripped the flag, done. I'm talking about granting FO3 additional cache like the mod I listed above. It solved a lot of glitches and with added mods it makes everything much more stable. I want to increase FO3 cache the same way, is all.
  8. Wondering if there is an equivalent to Skyrim mem patch for FO3/FOSE, is there a plugin? Or some other way of increasing cache usage by FO3? Thanks.
  9. EDIT; not sure what a NPS mod is, should be NPC Mods ;) Ok, fresh install, haven't played since launch. You know the drill, days of careful research, planning and downloads. TWEAKS! Ugh. I'm working on NPCs and overall beautification for Tamriel as a whole. Trying to keep it simple (as possible) and would like to; - Enhance all NPC assets. meshes, textures, maps, etc. - Head - Eyes (brows?) - Skin - Hair - Body My goal is much less blocky, higher definition, seamless, state-of-the-art and DIVERSITY! What I'm currently looking at is a combination of the following: True Eyes or The Eyes of Beauty (both?) - Beards - Brows And one of the CBBE or Caliente body types with HD textures. This began after I considered using NPCs of Dibella to globally revamp all in-game NPSc. But I quickly noticed that they look horrible from the included images. Blocky, massive noses, blotchy sckin, jagged lines on the head mesh, etc. Am I correct in thinking that once installed, Dibella's NPC and the assets it uses can manually updated to better, more modern versions? I'd like to see some of your lists for best NPC/beautification/refinement mods. Pictures help! Thanks! Something like this but even higher def with more diversity.
  10. Government logos, shields and emblems are public domain - unless you profit (like in a movie) then you have to credit, perhaps pay a royalty fee.
  11. Bumping an ancient as s#*! thread to announce completion of the NV Mod, ported from my Fallout 3 - HD Overhaul mod. Any interest? Testers? Thanks.
  12. RAM disc is only limited to the amount of RAM you have available. Generally, I don't assign more than half of my total RAM installed. I have 16GB and wouldn't make one more than 8GB. Remember, that disc is storage, it's no longer available to you for use by your system as conventional RAM. When you boot into Windows, it will show your available RAM minus whatever you designated for your disc. The benefits are amazing. I use one that is mounted at boot. For general use, I run a 2GB ram disc and it's for temp files, browser cache, etc. Less wear on the disc, I use ssds for my system, platters for storage. You can install Skyrim to a RAM disc but the better choice is to map your /data/ folder to it. Keep it under 8GB and watch it absolutely FLY. Zero stutter. Zero lag for load times. Zero waiting for anything. RAM Discs rock. Been using them since the early Amiga days. PS; disable your swap file in Windows - it's useless. :)
  13. Why aren't I surprised. There's always some smart-mouth that wants to just be contrary. Thanks. You don't even know what you're talking about. I use SuperSPEED, have for years. It's got real low overhead and runs wonderfully.
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