Helmet is just straight up gone on every ranger in the wastes, same when I put it on. I have almost 200 mods now so I have no idea what could be causing it. I have Archive Invalidation on, load order has been sorted, take a look at my load order if that helps
"0000","+","Unmanaged: PowerToTheBull - LEGIONPAs"
"0001","+","Unmanaged: NightmareFiends"
"0002","+","DLC: TribalPack"
"0003","+","DLC: OldWorldBlues"
"0004","+","DLC: MercenaryPack"
"0005","+","DLC: LonesomeRoad"
"0006","+","DLC: HonestHearts"
"0007","+","DLC: GunRunnersArsenal"
"0008","+","DLC: DeadMoney"
"0009","+","DLC: ClassicPack"
"0010","+","DLC: CaravanPack"
"0011","+","NVTF - New Vegas Tick Fix"
"0012","+","Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP"
"0013","+","JIP LN NVSE Plugin"
"0014","+","lStewieAl's Tweaks and Engine Fixes"
"0015","+","lStewieAl's Engine Optimizations"
"0016","+","ActorCause Save Bloat Fix"
"0017","+","Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus"
"0018","+","JohnnyGuitar NVSE"
"0019","+","UIO - User Interface Organizer"
"0020","+","NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash"
"0022","+","OJO BUENO Texture Pack"
"0023","+","Desert Landscapes"
"0024","+","High Resolution Water Fog - Water Aliasing Fix"
"0026","+","TCM's LOD Overhaul"
"0027","+","LOD additions and improvements"
"0028","+","LOD Fixes and Improvements - NVSE"
"0029","+","Impostors and LOD Flicker Fix"
"0030","+","More LODs Additions and fixes"
"0031","+","NMC's Pre-Generated LOD Updated"
"0032","+","Different LOD mods little tweaks and additions"
"0033","+","FNV LOD Supplementation"
"0034","+","FNV LOD Texture Patches"
"0035","+","Nut Vegas - Landscapes"
"0036","+","Much Needed LOD Ojo"
"0037","+","Much Needed LOD NMC"
"0038","+","Much Needed LOD"
"0039","+","The Mod Configuration Menu"
"0040","+","DYNAVISION 3 - Total Visual Enhancement"
"0041","+","Vanilla UI Plus (New Vegas)"
"0042","+","NVTF - INI Presets"
"0043","+","Yvile's Crash Logger"
"0044","+","FNV Mod Limit Fix"
"0045","+","kNVSE Animation Plugin"
"0046","+","ShowOff xNVSE Plugin"
"0047","+","PipBoyOn Node Fixes"
"0048","+","Improved Lighting Shaders"
"0049","+","Climate Control NVSE"
"0050","+","Misc Audio Tweaks and Fixes"
"0051","+","Elijah Audio Tweaks and Fixes"
"0053","+","Pip-Boy Shading Fix NVSE"
"0054","+","Fog-based Object Culling"
"0055","+","Fallout Alpha Rendering Tweaks - NVSE"
"0056","+","External Emittance Fix - NVSE"
"0057","+","Depth of Field Fix - NVSE"
"0058","+","Muzzle Flash Light Fix - NVSE"
"0059","+","Strip Street Light Corrections"
"0060","+","Crafting Consistency Fix"
"0061","+","ExRB - Extended Roombounds"
"0062","+","Ammo Script Fixes"
"0063","+","Swimming Creatures Fix - ESPless"
"0064","+","Strip Lights Region Fix"
"0065","+","High Res Local Maps"
"0066","+","Faster Main Menu"
"0067","+","JLM Grab Tweak"
"0068","+","JAM - Just Assorted Mods"
"0069","+","Just Sprint Plus - Expansion for JAM and JVS"
"0070","+","Immersive Recoil 2.0"
"0071","+","Follower Tweaks"
"0072","+","Delay DLC Redux"
"0073","+","Cookable Grenades"
"0074","+","Faster Sleep-Wait"
"0075","+","Bad Touch NVSE"
"0077","+","SUP NVSE"
"0078","+","Vigor - A Vanilla JSawyer Fork"
"0079","+","Vish's Patch Hub (YUP)"
"0080","+","Essential Vanilla Enhancements Merged"
"0081","+","EVEM (YUP)"
"0082","+","EVEM SMIM"
"0083","+","EVEM CRAFTCONS"
"0084","+","Vigor patch (YUP)"
"0085","+","Better Brotherhood"
"0086","+","Better Brotherhood YUP"
"0087","+","Viva New Vegas Resources"
"0088","+","FPS Weapon Lowering"
"0089","+","Uncut EVEM (YUP)"
"0090","+","Uncut Vigor (YUP)"
"0091","+","Misc Content Restoration"
"0092","+","FOV Slider"
"0093","+","Misc Content Restoration (YUP)"
"0094","+","Meshes and Collision - Totally Enhanced Nifs (MAC-TEN)"
"0095","+","skinned mesh improvement mod - redone redux remake retry revengeance retopology refridgerator"
"0096","+","Essential DLC Enhancements Merged"
"0098","+","No Muzzle Flash Lights"
"0099","+","Iron Sights Aligned"
"0100","+","Anniversary Anim Pack"
"0101","+","WAP Year One and Bonus"
"0102","+","WAP Year One and Bonus Lever"
"0103","+","FNV Clean Animations"
"0104","+","B42 Optics - ESPless"
"0105","+","B42 Optics NV Patches"
"0107","+","EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements"
"0108","+","Improved Console (NVSE)"
"0109","+","Improved LOD Noise Texture"
"0110","+","Landscape Texture Improvements"
"0111","+","Consistent Spread - Firearms Accuracy and Wobble Fix"
"0112","+","Wasted Rocks Normals"
"0113","+","Smooth True Iron Sights Camera"
"0114","+","B42 Weapon Inertia"
"0115","+","No PipBoy in Power Armor"
"0116","+","Hit - B42 Inject Animation Pack - Season 1"
"0117","+","B42 Inject - Animated Item Use - ESPless"
"0118","+","Hit - B42 Inject - Sunset Sarsaparilla Animations"
"0119","+","Hit - B42 Inject - Water Animations"
"0120","+","Hit - B42 Interact Animation Pack"
"0121","+","B42 Interact - Animated Items and Interactions Framework - ESPless"
"0122","+","B42 Inspect - aka Animated Ammo and Weapon Condition Checking"
"0123","+","Hit - B42 Inject Animation Pack - Season 1JSAW PATCH"
"0124","+","ISControl Enabler and Ironsights adjuster (now ESPless)"
"0125","+","Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision"
"0126","+","Helmet Overlay"
"0127","+","3rd Person Camera Overhaul"
"0128","+","Better Stand Up Animation"
"0129","+","Dynamic Pipboy Light"
"0130","+","Heat Haze"
"0131","+","Aim Transition Patch (NVSE)"
"0132","+","Iron Sight Inertia - espless"
"0133","+","Walking Inertia"
"0134","+","Vanilla Animations Weapon Scale Fix"
"0135","+","Frozen Hit Rockomotion"
"0137","+","Iron Sights Recoil Animations kNVSE"
"0138","+","Desert Natural Realism - Redux"
"0139","+","High Resolution Bloom NVSE"
"0140","+","All Weapon Sounds Overhaul"
"0141","+","NVR3R - New Vegas Redesigned 3 Revised"
"0142","+","Fallout Character Overhaul"
"0143","+","Character Kit Remake - Hair"
"0144","+","Character Kit Remake - Teeth"
"0145","+","Character Kit Remake - Hands"
"0146","+","Brave New World"
"0147","+","Brave New World JustVoice"
"0148","+","Micro Clutter"
"0149","+","CR-HD Combat Ranger Armor Retexture V3"
"0150","+","Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul"
"0151","+","Micro Clutter Update"
"0152","+","Caesars New Regime - Legion Overhaul"
"0153","+","NCR Trooper Overhaul_beta"
"0154","+","NCR Trooper Overhaul_beta Sapper"
"0155","+","NCR Trooper Overhaul - Distributed"
"0156","+","Canvas Backpacks - FNV - TTW"
"0157","+","Soledad - Unique Lever Action Shotgun"
"0158","+","Soledad - Unique Lever Action Shotgun ISCont"
"0159","+","Soledad - Unique Lever Action Shotgun ImRec"
"0160","+","Soledad - Unique Lever Action Shotgun Retex"
"0161","+","Better Balanced Backpacks"
"0162","+","Better Balanced Backpacks Icons"
"0163","+","Legion Quests Expanded"
"0164","+","Combat Lag Fix (NVSE)"
"0165","+","Mojave NPCs"
"0166","+","Dismemberment Tweaks"
"0167","+","NPCs use Aid items"
"0168","+","Roleplayers Alternative Start Fallout New Vegas"
"0169","+","Prodlimen Creature Integration Pack"
"0170","+","Climate Control - Rain"
"0171","+","Climate Control - Rain 3D"
"0172","+","Faster Start Menu (Skip Splash Screens)"
"0173","+","Pimp-Boy 3 Billion Female"
"0174","+","The Living Desert - Travelers Patrols Consequences Increased Population and more"
"0175","+","Another Ghoul Variant Mod"
"0176","+","ETJ Realistic Enhanced Blood Textures"
"0177","+","Cloud Upgrade NVSE"
"0178","+","Nights are Darker"
"0179","+","Interior Rain"
"0180","+","3D Rain"
"0181","+","Better Casinos"
"0182","+","Pimp-Boy retexture"
"0183","+","Fallout New Vegas ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated"
"0184","+","JAM or Just Sprint animation replacers"
"0185","+","Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks (Interior Lighting for FNV and TTW)"
"0186","+","Lumen - Ambient LightingLanterns"
"0187","+","Lumen - Ambient Lighting"
"0188","+","Lighting twk patch (YUP)"
"0189","+","The Someguy Series"
"0190","+","Butcher Pete Complete - A Melee Animation Overhaul"
"0191","+","Classic Super Mutant Style Armor"
"0192","+","VATS Lag Fix"
"0193","+","Disarm The Trap"
"0194","+","New Vegas Bounties II"
"0195","+","New Vegas Bounties I"
"0196","+","Cowboy Perk Complete - New Vegas Bounties"
"0197","+","Menace of The New West"
"0198","+","Diagonal movement"
"0199","+","360 Movement"
"0200","+","NV Compatibility Skeleton"
"0202","+","Titans of The New West"
"0203","+","Desert Natural Sandstorms - NV - TTW"
"0204","+","Desert Natural Weathers - NV - TTW"