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Everything posted by al9984

  1. Well it disappears as intended, and nothing seems to be broken... so I'm assuming/hoping it's all good and gotten to work on the inside of the skyscraper.
  2. I want to add a door and stairs to a skyscraper near Trinity Tower but there's a tree in the way... If I set it to "initially disabled" could it mess with the previs/precombined in this area? https://imgur.com/a/aBxx7Ch these pics show the tree in question and the area with the door added. Sorry if this is a stupid question but I don't fully understand the previs/precombined thing.
  3. Quick test run of house 2... still a couple of holes to patch up and I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do about the circular window at the front on the first floor. but I've dealt with the bay window on the side.
  4. when you say "theres a way to set the ambient color to brown" do you mean in the "cell" dialogue box on the lighting tab ( https://imgur.com/rJItMSx ) and/or the "Directional ambient lighting" tab ( https://imgur.com/cHhXwdQ) ?
  5. surely it's better not to have any gaps in the first place? but if you could point me in the direction of tutorials that'll teach me how to do that I'd be most grateful.
  6. good point, seeing void is an instant immersion killer. I do try to do extensive test runs at each stage to check for things like that.
  7. I've done a quick build (see here - https://imgur.com/a/9U1z6Ht ) I've kept the windows in the right positions (not sure how I'm going to tackle the "bay window" though)
  8. I managed to match the size with clipping the walls, floors and ceiling like this https://imgur.com/onPZaCF and over lapping walls (and offseting the one behind by .1 so the textures don't glitch) I've managed to squeeze a bathroom in this "one roomed" house ( https://imgur.com/PLhpYJu) as for the windows and doors I'll keep in mind they're number and keep then true to their outside locations.
  9. I'm finally in a position to resume work on my mod idea "Boston Unsealed & More" or *B.U.M." (Because I'm a mature 36 year old that still finds rude/childish acronyms hilarious) which will be opening up the boarded up buildings around the commonwealth without breaking precombineds etc. anyway my main question here is... How strict should I be to keeping to the size of the outside parameters? the first house I've chosen to unboard (example here ) I've stayed within the size of the outside building. but while this is ok for some of the building it'll seriously limit me in the long run. So will people really notice if I expland a little bit? say 25-50%? would it ruin your immersion? (it's not as Bethesda stuck to this rule either!) the main building I want to expand are ones with stairs because as soon as a staircase goes in you lose all space. this house is my first idea... https://imgur.com/kiuKP8b So what are people's thoughts?
  10. House 1 completed (at least for now... I'll probably come back to it and tweak it a little later) ( )
  11. I think I'm trying to be too "arty farty" with the shadows, I didn't think about low spec machines and of course the consoles fall into the mid spec range so I'll tone down the shadows and have another play round with the lights without shadows. That's exactly what I wanted to hear regarding DLC... I'd forgotten about Automatron (despite having completed it's main quest again last week) I might try to keep a "lite" version or put off using DLC assets for a couple of updates so at least there's something everyone can use but we'll see as the project goes on. (after thought - What about expansion packs for the mod... main file = base game, then a DLC dependant optional file with extras for those with the DLC... would probably be the only file that got updated but would at least keep it accessible. Something similar could be done with anything not compatible with consoles) I'm about to embark on the task of cluttering the first house... I never know when to stop, I have trouble getting the balance between lived-in/realistic/overcrowded. wish me luck
  12. I'm having a problem with the lights... or rather the shadows. There's a seam in the middle of the ceiling fans (I've tried quite a few) that I can't seem to get rid of despite fiddling with the light settings. see examples and light settings here - (https://imgur.com/a/QChJiOg) Can anyone offer assistance? Or will I have to switch back to the non-shadow version?
  13. I've begun work on what I'm provisionally calling "Boston Unsealed & More" or *B.U.M." (Because I'm a mature 35 year old that still finds rude/childish acronyms hilarious) ( ) There's still some tweaks to do and then some cluttering but everything is coming back to me. I realised that by using the prebuild boarded up houses (this one is Bld01FreesidingARes01) I can created a template of the inside walls, floors, and ceilings and then just material swap and fill with different clutter etc. for the 20 or so scattered around the commonwealth... there's a dozen similar buildings of various sizes so should be able to have a variety while still producing in bulk and saving time. One question that has arisen is the use of DLC assets... Do most people have all the DLC by now (or at least FH and NW) or is there still a large portion of users running only the base game? It would be nice to have the DLC content to pull from but if I'm going to get loads of requests for a non-DLC version then I'll just leave them out of it.
  14. Thanks RedRocketTV, I actually watched that video (and a couple of others of your's) earlier today. It was watching this one ( https://youtu.be/hPENZq2ub1c ) last week that inspired me in the first place...and made me revisit my most recent mod to check I hadn't broken any in that, then I realised that I could release it on PS4 and well the rest is history... I might try to slip an elevator transition in somewhere as I watched a tutorial video on that earlier too I've just been scouting areas in the game with boarded up building that have also not already been heavily covered by over similar mods (or at least not the ones I've played) and I think I'll be starting in the areas around Fort Hagen and the Collegiate Administration Building. Hopefully after a couple of houses I'll be back in practice with the CK and be able to finish off my last project (Super Duper Mart Expanded). Possibly even combine it with this one.
  15. I'd like to better understand the PS4 limitations imposed by Sony. In my searches on various forums I've ascertained that you can't have "external assets" - *insert big list of things here* but the one was this does effect my plans is "No New Precombined Environment data " My mod idea is to open up the boarded up buildings all over the commonwealth but unlike the dozen or so mods that do this already I plan to.. 1.Not break precombined data (or rebuild it using the tutorial videos we didn't have available when a lot of the other mods came out) 2.Maintains a balanced loot ratio... no locations with 50 bottles of Nuka cola etc. 3.Release it on the consoles (or at least a "lite" version if the PS4 limitation prove too much) 4.Not be too ambitious - no new NPCs, no new perk mags, no gnomes, just empty, abandoned buildings... possibly the odd molerat or ghoul... and maybe a HHGTTG reference here and there If I can't make new precombined data for the PS4 then does that mean I can't edit the external world spaces? will I be limited to adding a door in front of the boarded up doorway and creating internal spaces using vanilla/DLC assets? I've already created one mod that's done this and as far as I can tell (in FOedit) it doesn't break precombined. Sorry I've waffled on a bit but basically what I'm asking is... am I right? Will I be limited to internal cells? Is adding a door to an external cells an ok thing to do without breaking precombined data? And of course the most important question... would anyone be remotely interesting in this sort of mod or would I be wasting my time creating something that others have already done in different ways?
  16. Thanks, I'd better go back and add it to the interior I've already done.
  17. I've just started creating interiors and I'd like to know what the "Location" of a cell does - i.e. the LCTN form type, under WorldData/Location. The CK wiki (https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Location) doesn't really help, could anyone point me towards a better explaination?
  18. Just tested the mod so far ingame and the weird shadows seem to disappear... https://imgur.com/TxswINY
  19. I'm working on my first Interior cell mod and while putting in the lighting I've encountered some weird shadows when I link one light to lightbox... see screenshots (one's with and one's without the lightbox) The lightbox limits is just outside the walls of the room as there are rooms directly next to it (which will also have lightboxes) the light itself is "shadow omnidirectional" Is there a setting I've overlooked? I realize that lightboxes are one of the last steps but I watched a tutorial vid on them and wanted to get a feel for them and now I'm glad I did as I've run into this little issue. Also while I'm asking questions... is there anyway of doing a tube light source? i.e. like a fluorescent light? Thanks in advance for your help
  20. Of course! Thank you! I've never really had much use for storing so it never really occurred to me as an option (and now I feel a right muppet) I shall apply the egg to my face once I finish storing.
  21. Is there a mod that allows you to scrap corn, carrots, melons etc? Is there a reason why Scrap everything and similar mods don't allow you do this? I know using the "scrapall" console command works but I'd rather not have to rebuild my settlement from the start
  22. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10075/? this mod has the Vault plans for vault 75, 81, 95 and 114 Hope this helps http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/Images/65678/?
  23. Rattling my brain on how to word this... some items (i.e. Combat rifle) when added to a container will have random mods attached (also applied to armor types being sturdy/heavy) is there a way (ideally a form ID as I'm working on some batch file mods) that will ensure that the item has "x" mods? example of what I want is a cheat chest outside Vault 111 with a fully modded combat rifle and a set of sturdy leather armor in it without having to place a large number in the hope that one of them is the right one. I'm also working on a batch file that'll equip settlers with a standard uniform set of clothes and weapons
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