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About dawn13245

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  1. My biggest gripe with the perks are like you said in the first paragraph, maybe not necessarily the perk system in of itself. A lot of perks aren't worth a glance, and there are a lot that are still broken. Like for example, two handed and polearm have perks that effect knock down chance... Yet there's no weapons with knock down flags... lol I'd like to see a total perk overhaul that changes the effects of perks we can choose from. Skyrim's Ordinator or Vokrii overhauls are popular for a reason. Changing the perks can make a huge impact on gameplay. I'm surprised there are no mods for perks in Bannerlord after 3 years of modding.
  2. One of the biggest issues with Bannerlord modding I see right now are the frequent patches pushed out by the devs. As we all know these patches break mods and not all mod authors keep their creations alive. So why don't we as a community pick a prior stable version of the game to mod? The current version of the game seems to be more buggy than old versions anyways.
  3. The biggest thing that drives me absolutely nuts in the late game is the AI of my own Clan Party Leaders. Let me elaborate. When starting my own kingdom, I try to create as many parties as I can. In doing so I face the following problems: 1. Party Leaders automatically donate/withdraw troops for/from garrisons when visiting towns. This is incredibly frustrating for a person who is trying to manage each individual party AND fief garrison. 2. Party Leaders promote troops randomly. So if I want more infantry, or ranged, or cavalry troops, I have no control over how my designated Party Leaders promote. 3. Disbanding Parties does not work as intended. According to the TaleWorlds description, parties are supposed to drop the troops into the nearest clan/kingdom's garrison. NO. It DOES NOT do that. On many occasions I have LITERALLY watched my Party Leader's recruit troops from villages, pull troops from my garrisons, and linger around for WEEKS after my disband order because some random Lord in my Kingdom ordered them to an Army. Yup, a random Lord in a Kingdom can call your "Disbanded" Party to an Army and it will stay a party until the actual Army is disbanded. These three things absolutely drive me nuts in the late game, as I'm sure it drives other people absolutely nuts. I have no idea how to create a mod to fix this. But I can 100% guarantee whoever does will have tons of endorsements. PLEASE, somebody with adequate knowledge, look into this. I'm one stupid Party Leader Away from throwing my monitor across my own backyard.
  4. I'm looking for a mod that fixes the infamous loss of Troop XP when the enemy retreats from battle. I think this bug started happening in 1.8.0 but I haven't seen a lot of chatter about this. Has anyone tackled this issue?
  5. I would love to see a mod add a firing pin to the hammer of the .44 pistol in-game. It bugs the crap out of me because it wouldn't be able to fire without the pin being able to strike the primer of the bullet. You can literally see the primer of the bullet in the cylinder where the pin should strike it. The .44 is my favorite hand gun but because of this small detail it makes me not want to use it. You can literally see the primer of the bullet in the cylinder.
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