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  1. it's always the simple request, that are left ignored :sad:
  2. I don't remember creating any sort of script when I made this mode (and that's probably the issue). The youtube video I linked in the 1st page of this thread is the main thing that helped me create the mod. I remember it having something to do with using the existing files from the vanilla game. Messing around with the "Quests" tab in the Creation Kit. You may have seen the priests in the temple in Whiterun occasionally healing the wounded. I think I found that pre-exising "Quest" in the CK and modified it from there. I might be wrong though, but again I'm sure I didn't create any scripts from scratch.
  3. Truly sad how know one has made this mod yet
  4. Hi, After coming across a mod called Dead is Dead - Death Lasts Forever by Sagittarius22 @ https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60179/? I thought this was probably THE most challenging/hardcore mod out there. I could see the potential of fun and excitement actually having to care more about dying in the game almost to the point where you would in real life. Opening more subtle and less combat heavy play style viability, like a farmer living the simple life or just a stealth and/or ranged based character. Playing as a summoner/Necromancer now becomes more viable, as well as the need to hire followers or bodyguards (if you yourself are a wimp). Only problem is that the mod makes any actual legitimate progression in the game pretty much impossible unless you are some sort of cyborg-expert hardcore gamer. A small fix I thought of to make it more possible in terms of actually progressing in the game, would be to make a checkpoint system. With the mod installed, some mechanic activates when you die so that you save file can't be reloaded afterwards. With this checkpoint system, the mod would make it so your save file WILL NOT be locked out from being reloaded depending on a factor. For example: Every 10 hours playtime, will be your checkpoint that you may reload from. Every 10 hours of playtime will "BUMP" your reload state. Maybe even 5 hours playtime. (If lasting 10 hours before you meet your demise proves to be too hard) You more than likely have said to yourself at least at some point during your play-though of Skyrim, "Hmmm, this is easy" or "that was too easy", but did you ever think about the total amount of times you have died prior to that specific point in game? Something to think about. This is just a start, just had to get my thoughts out there. Is this mod even a possibility?
  5. If playing Skyrim on PC, and proceed to save your progress, ALWAYS CREATE A NEW SAVE
  6. sure wish some would a have looked in to making this. Would have loved it.
  7. I am having the exact same problem, no solutions, besides using console commands to "kill" Alduin, which is what i am planning on doing.
  8. I recently had a major problem when my character spontaneously stopped receiving experience points towards whichever skill he was using to train, I've looked for multiple answers on google but couldn't find any solutions. Until i deiced to try simply validating the files VIA steam client and i have not had the problem since. I just wanted to share my solution and possible solution to anyone else who may have this problem as well, in the future. The possible culprit for this issue may have been from a mod i was using called Sleep To Gain Experience, which was uninstalled before validating the files.
  9. I managed to find a solution, a mod called Realistic Regeneration found here on nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55507/? on the Sleeping & Waiting tab in the MCM menu you can adjust the amount of healing from sleeping as you see fit
  10. Hi everyone, pretty much what the title says, I would like to know how i can use the CK to cause sleeping to NOT reset the players health anymore. I am playing a hardcore play through and currently have no means of natural health regeneration over time, meaning i have to use potions spells or healers throughout Skyrim. During times where i start to actually struggle in the game and am about to die, I always have an easy way by just pulling out my bed roll and sleeping for 1 hour to restore all HP no matter the magnitude of the injury, which just makes me feel OP. Thanks in advance.
  11. To solve this issue (For PC Players) use console command to kill Roggvir and then resurrect him. The scene should play out after that
  12. HI, is there a mod out there that makes it so that your weapons will always do their max possible damage, regardless of what level your skill is?
  13. Here's what worked for me: Add what everyone above has told you to add, bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 and Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, Heartfires.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa in their respective spots. BUT DO THIS FOR Skyrim.ini (located in your documents/my games folder) Skyrim.ini AND SkyrimEditor.ini (located in your steamapps/common/skyrim folder). Notes: Keep in mind that is HearthFires and not HearthFire.bsa SkyrimEditor.ini's Archive section is more towards the bottom keep looking till you find it
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