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Posts posted by Gahlar

  1. I look forward to seeing how you request a file deletion without violating the unlimited storage and distribution license you would be agreeing to.



    The ToS with a "license" like that, isnt valid, if it goes to court, they will say, that it isnt valid, there are enough examples. The ToS has a lot of problems... (unnoticed changes etc, you have to agree to changes, if u dont want to agree, u can delete ur account, with all your stuff)

  2. im just a bit disappointed, that nexus values "curators" more than MAs, because a good Modlist, is a modlist, which is always uptodate, but nexus wants to support lazy ppl, who just do a "collection" and never bother about it again?


    But i have a other possibility in mind.


    The assets of nexus are the mods, when the mods cant be deleted anymore, the value is set and cant rly decrease... i hope that im wrong, but we will see.


    I think i will delete "my" files too, but im not sure yet... i dont rly like the way, nexus is handling MAs rn.

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