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Everything posted by Acinonyk

  1. Peregrine's got a point there. heres a few tips 1. be at FULL fatigue, it helps 2. turn crosshairs on 3. Make sure your in 1st person view 4. if using chitin arrows, aim straight at the target, maybe a little above where you want to hit. 5. if using other types of arrows(and you probably are) then aim so that the bottom "leg" of the crosshair is touching the target. 6. pull back the bow and hold for a few seconds after you hear the stretching sound of the string. 7. fire, u have to aim a little above target 'cause arrows fly with a slight dip. Hope that helps, make sure your bow skill is around 25-35 and up, or u wont hit much, if it isnt, then switch to a crossbow, they dont require as much skill as a bow, but be sure to aim straight at the target if using a crossbow since they fire in a straight line. Hope that helps, and happy sniping. :ph34r: :ph34r:
  2. it doesent thats the point, the odai runs south, not north, it does not go to ghostgate something else i d like to add on other boards i ve been on, only a select few MODERATORS could actually post new stories and roleplaying threads, this kept the number of fizzled out stories to a minimum and forced ppl to make do and create with what they've got. i know alot of ppl would rise up in arms against this, but it may be worth considering
  3. those rules and tips seem pretty sound, but i have something to add, which may already be up there because i didnt take the time to read it :lol: THINK when you type, when the dark blight story was going on, someone typed " he fell into the odai river and the current carried him north to ghostgate" north? how the hell does the odai run north THINK! ppl thank you
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