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About Alutes56

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  1. I just went through my file order and such and realized that I had installed SKSE incorrectly. Thanks for your suggestions, though! :)
  2. Hey, all I'm using the latest version of SkyUI (v3), which includes the Mod Configuration Menu. Unfortunately, this menu wont appear when I launch the game. An ingame message keeps coming up saying "SkyUI could not detect Skyrim Script Extender" I've got the latest version of SKSE and i'm pretty sure it's in the right place (Progam Files (X86)/ Steam/ steamapps/ common/ Skyrim). Any ideas?
  3. Hi there Nexus community! Ok, so I recently installed immersive Armors for NPC's v2 and it;s, well...not working. I started a new game with it enabled and Raloph is supposed to be wearing the Stormcloak commander armor or something like that from Immersive Armors 6 and he's not. Same with the Imperial Generals, who are also supposed to be wearing an imperial-styled armor from Immersive Armors. This mod is fairly high on my load order (5th to be exact) and I've used BOSS to place it, but it still doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?
  4. I tried that last night and found out there were two or three mods that were either too hard on my CPU or in a weird load order, so I deleted those mods and it runs absoloutley great! I have about forty mods running now and the game is perfect, thanks!
  5. Works like a charm, I can run it on high with absoloutley no fps loss or crashing.
  6. I don't know why this is, but no matter how many or how few mods I have installed or downloaded, my game crashes at startup when they are enabled. The only official DLC I have is Hearthfire and I use BOSS and compatibility patches, and My computer is fairly good CPU and GPU wise. Any advice?
  7. Hello, Nexus users, I am having SERIOUS issues with large follower parties. Currently, I have the following mods installed that may alter follower behavior; UFO, Followers Keep Up, Followers Can Relax, Dark Brotherhood Reborn Part 1, Companions Arise, and Interesting NPC's. The two biggest issues are that recruited guards will start walking back home even though they are apart of my party, and that at certain points in quests (most notably during the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller) I cannot recruit new followers and those followers that are in my party behave as if they are well... not. Can anyone help or diagnose these bugs?
  8. Hello, nexus users! Among the plethora of mods I have installed for Skyrim, I have the UFO (Ultimate Follower Overhaul) (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14037) and the Herman the mad (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11473) follower addition. However, this has its share of difficulties. Presently, I only have Lydia and Herman joining me on my quests-these two do not get along. Herman and Lydia will often attack each other, Herman winning because he's immortal. would someone please help me resolve this?
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