Haven't been able to find enough documentation on the game engine to figure out this problem- How long does the object hang around after being scrapped/store in workshop mode? I've wrote a script that takes the base object as property in order to scan for instances of it exist on the filed. The script creates an array of the the type to register all refs found. The placed instance is then scraped with R or stored with "tab". I scan the field again and result shows the ref still there although not drawn. In the code I severed all pointers to the object and run Delete() in OnWorkshopObjectDestroyed event. The object hangs around with the delete flag and won't go away. Fast travel to opposite corner of map and come back to unload them doesn't do it. It seems like something is still holding on to it. Tested it with a door object without script running on it with a similar scanner script results the same lingering refs. While I am able to delete another type of object which is spawned by placeatme. So is there a requirement to delete workshop mode hand placed objects or the game sweep them up much later? Or is this something else, anyone know?