Hi guys. I tried to have move the NPC: I create the NPC(No problem with creating):
//In end of Function 'OnGameStarted'
SecondPlayer = theGame.CreateEntity((CEntityTemplate)LoadResource('cirilla'), randomPos, thePlayer.GetWorldRotation());
And add the following AI:
//In function 'OnTick', check game load is finished
var l_actor : CActor;
var l_aiTree : CAIMoveToPoint;
l_actor = ((CActor)SecondPlayer);
l_aiTree = new CAIMoveToPoint in l_actor;
l_aiTree.enterExplorationOnStart = false;
l_aiTree.params.moveSpeed = 1.f;
l_aiTree.params.destinationHeading = VecHeading(thePlayer.GetHeadingVector());
l_aiTree.params.destinationPosition = thePlayer.GetWorldPosition();
l_aiTree.params.maxIterationsNumber = 1;
l_aiTree.params.moveType = MT_Sprint;
l_actor.ForceAIBehavior( l_aiTree, 0);
but this has no results, my npc is still a stay on the place. I dont want a 'Following', i want a move to custom position What is problem? P.S. Steam License, Last Version, All DLC