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About fissqui

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  1. Thanks dude ; I did it and I'm more fluid now :p
  2. Hi ! :tongue: So, I decided to play skyrim again (after one year without touching it ; shame.. shame..), so I had to re-mod it, because every mod I had was out of date, etc. When I finally finished the installation of every mods (graphics, gameplay mods, etc. ), I started to play but... Well I'm having freezes everywhere :c I mean sometimes it's okay (inside a dungeon or little areas) but in 90% of skyrim's locations it freezes. I don't understand why because one year ago I had another heavy-modded skyrim and everything was okay ; the only thing I changed between one year and now is I upgraded my windows 7 to windows 10 but I don't think that's the problem ... So If you had an idea of "why" it freezes so much ; I would be so thankful :D (And sorry for the english btw :tongue:) Here are the informations I can give: My configuration: Windows 10 Professional 16 Go Ram Video Card: Nvidia GTX 780 ti (http://www.geforce.com/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-gtx-780-ti/specifications) Processor: IntelĀ® Core i5-4570 3,20 Ghz. Skyrim is on a 232 Go SSD. My load order: I use Wrye Bash, Loot and TESV Editor to clean everything. And there's also a screenshot of skyrim performance Monitor (tested while I was walking in Whiterun) as attached file. Thanks guys ! :p (I hope I respected the forum's rules )
  3. Hello guys ! I wanted to know if there was somebody able to add on skyrim the "famous" armor coming from the loading screen (attached file)... I mean adding this one as a complete "new armor" not a simple retexture :tongue: and also a MALE version...It would be realy nice and" simple" (even if it's simple I'm too crap 4 this :D )... Is there a volunteer ? :smile: (there's already something similar on the nexus but that's just for female and this is a retexture...) Thanks guys !
  4. So; I tried your idea and..The problem still there :p any difference :(
  5. I'll try your idea asap :p nope human are also touched by this problem..The only one character who's not getting the problem is... MINE character x) (and she's a women)
  6. Hello guys :tongue: I have a little disturbing problem in my game. Every FEMALE character are having a..Red nose; I never see a bug like that before, I uninstalled every mods about ENBs or characters modifications but the problem still there.. It's like there was a "spectral" nose ON the real one, a "red" shadow.. I took 2 photos; that's better than explain :tongue: So if you could look at the attached files .. Does someone have an idea ? I can give every informations you need :tongue: Thank you guys :) (and sorry I'm not native english :( )
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