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Nexus Mods Profile

About Thorham

  1. Goto? Papyrus doesn't have goto.
  2. Hi, Does anyone know why the following code crashes the game if I run it in an OnPlayerLoadGame event? If I add Utility.Wait(10) it works, but unreliably. When I have this code run by, for example, equipping an item (OnObjectEquipped event) it works fine. Anyone any ideas? Game.UpdateHairColor() Game.UpdateTintMaskColors() NiOverride.ApplyOverrides(thPlayer) NiOverride.ApplyNodeOverrides(thPlayer)
  3. Hi, I'm having a problem with a script I wrote that replaces the players armor models during the game. To do this I use ArmorAddon.SetModelPath (the script un-equips an armor, changes the model and then re-equips it). Works fine except when changing armor models that are made of multiple parts (as in multiple selectable parts in NIFSkope, such as the stalhrim gauntlets). Anyone know how to solve this, or is it an SKSE problem?
  4. What on earth does 'race' have to do with voice acting?
  5. After finding out about the amazing Vegetable Soup item, I was wondering if anyone knows of any other seemingly useless items that turn out the be awesome. Vegetable Soup: Restore Health, 1 point for 720 secs. Restore Stamina, 1 point for 720 secs. Ingredients: Potato Cabbage Leek Tomato With this you can do power attacks and shield bashes continuously, because you can't run out of stamina while the soup's effect is active. Does not work for sprinting, though.
  6. I have three characters: First one was played briefly to get a feel for the game. Second one was serious, but I've remade that one into the character I play now: Syra, female Imperial warrior. Uses sword, shield and heavy armor. All items are legendary dragon bone items with two enchantments each, and some enchanted jewelry (no glitches and exploits used). Uses healing spells. Has crafted thief gear for sneaking and pickpocketing. Has lock picking/carry weight jewelry. Has Augmented Flames for increasing damage of enchanted swords. Uses the Steed standing stone for the carry weight and weightless armor. Follower used is Serana who has a full Dragon Scale armor set with a Dragon Sword, all enchanted, except the sword. The game has become very easy with this character, so, for my next game I'm going to use Requiem for vastly increased difficulty.
  7. Yeah, that's certainly possible, and because the content of a cell isn't static, that reference can change when the script takes to long. However, it doesn't matter anymore! I've come up with a way to change what the player character looks like without having to update other characters. Simply change the nifs of the equipped armor pieces, update the player character, and then change the armors back to the way they were. NPCs are updated when a cell is loaded, but because the armors are restored after the player character is updated, they'll look the way they're supposed to, while the player character doesn't seem to be updated when a cell is loaded, and will therefore still look like what you want them to look like. I have it running right now, and it seems to work like a charm :) No more messing around with cloning armors :)
  8. No one has any ideas as to why npc changes in the inner loop while it clearly shouldn't?
  9. Yes, I used 43 before, but tried type 62 (character). When I changed it back, I made a typo, and posted the code with the typo.
  10. Hi, The script below is supposed to loop through a cell's list of NPCs. For each NPC that isn't the player, a second loop is executed. The problem is that the loop is also executed when the NPC is the player. Anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening? event OnLocationChange(Location akOldLoc, Location akNewLoc) area=Game.GetPlayer().GetParentCell() player=Game.GetPlayer() as Actor bla=area.GetNumRefs(43) loopy=0 while loopy < bla npc = area.GetNthRef(loopy, 43) as Actor if (npc!=Game.GetPlayer()) loopx=0 while loopx < 3 Utility.Wait(1) if (npc==Game.GetPlayer()) Debug.Notification("1234567890") endif loopx+=1 endwhile endif loopy+=1 endwhile endevent
  11. Finally got the NPCs to update by unequipping, updating and reequipping the item. Someone on another forum suggested it. All I had to add to that were some waits :) if (npc!=Game.GetPlayer()) item = npc.GetWornForm(4) as Armor Utility.Wait(0.01) npc.UnequipItem(item, false, false) npc.QueueNiNodeUpdate() Utility.Wait(0.01) npc.EquipItem(item, false, false) endif
  12. If it's possible to get the 1st camera to behave like the 3rd person camera, then it might be simple, but there's of course the fact that there's only on 1st person skeleton... Another thing, I tried Actor.QueueNiNodeUpdate() on NPCs, but it doesn't work, only the players nifs are updated (this works fine). If it did, this would most likely be a done deal :(
  13. Thanks IsharaMeradin for giving this serious thought, but I've found a way to change 3rd and 1st person view models while in game! There's an ArmorAddon script, and it's not in the CS documentation. Check out ArmorAddon.psc in scripts\source. Combined with actor.QueueNiNodeUpdate(), you can change the look of an armor on the fly (tested, armor changes looks immediately). If it's possible to make the 1st person view behave like the 3rd person view, all this can be done simply by changing the 1st person nifs. What I'm doing now is something else: Change 3rd person nif, update player. When player changes locations, restore original nifs, update all actors, change nif again, update player. If this works, it'll work for any item.
  14. That's what I'm trying to avoid. Yeah, thought of that, except the CS only allows duplicating one item at a time :wallbash: Also has the disadvantage of conflicting or not working with armor and clothing mods. Interesting. So if I understood this right, you're basically saying that the way the player character looks can be changed from within a script? If that's the case, then all that's needed is for certain equipped items to be invisible on the player character. Except that I'm trying to copy something digitally. It would be very odd if a digital copy would be different. Yep, seen it, but I sadly couldn't find anything to actually set keywords. Thanks for the replies, guys :thumbsup: I think it's time for a different approach. As long as it's impossible to duplicate an item in the way it's duplicated in the CS, and then change the nif files, I don't think this is ever going to work very well, because there's just too many possible loose ends. Time to look at writing an SKSE plugin :) Perhaps that will allow me to simply change player character apparel more directly.
  15. Not a bad idea, however I just discovered that armors have other properties that can't be copied, such as the improvements from tempering. Probably uses a keyword for this, so who knows how many templates are ultimately needed. Well, that's probably the end of my mod :(
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