After the previous update, I had problems with CTD because of a mod (turned out to be Show Health), I updated that mod and I can play fine. But now I have a new problem. My atom shop textures won't load. My pipboy (blue skin) is a bright pink missing texture, and if I wear any of the atom shop clothes, my body is just gone. Here's my .ini file. Everything looks right to me, but maybe something changed? [Archive]sResourceArchive2List = SeventySix - ATX_Main.ba2, SeventySix - ATX_Textures.ba2, BagGlow.ba2, BetterInventory.ba2, BobbleGlow.ba2, CapsTin.ba2, Diranars_PALight_Up.ba2, Glow.ba2, Glowing Aid.ba2, Glowing Ballistic Fiber.ba2, Glowing Canned Dog Food.ba2, Glowing Scorched.ba2, Glowing Water.ba2, GlowingMeatPileBaka - Main.ba2, GlowingMeatPileBaka - Textures.ba2, LockpickingBar.ba2, ModBoxGlow.ba2, ore_glow.ba2, pahudfix.ba2, plant_glow.ba2, UHDmap.ba2, WhiteNoGarter.ba2 sResourceIndexFileList = SeventySix - Textures01.ba2, SeventySix - Textures02.ba2, SeventySix - Textures03.ba2, SeventySix - Textures04.ba2, SeventySix - Textures05.ba2, SeventySix - Textures06.ba2 sResourceStartUpArchiveList = SeventySix - Interface.ba2, SeventySix - Localization.ba2, SeventySix - Shaders.ba2, SeventySix - Startup.ba2, BakaFile - Main.ba2[Controls]bMouseAcceleration=0[General]sIntroSequence=0uMainMenuDelayBeforeAllowSkip=0 Any help would be appreciated.