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Everything posted by ihateaccountrequirements

  1. I have a question/suggestion that I searched for and was...surprised I didn't get any results for other people already having asked. (Relatedly, the forums have what I'm asking about, just not the mods.) Why isn't there a keyword search for mods? I don't know the name of the mods I'm looking for, just the feature or effect I'm looking for, and many/most don't have the particular feature I'm looking for in their name...but the search ONLY checks the name of the mods.
  2. Being a sneak & snipe, I routinely have a problem with my character getting bored and idling their weapon while I'm actively watching targets, and should NOT have to move my feet (since looking around doesn't register with or deactivate idling) to make it stop...and not just because it might blow my cover. Every mod I've seen adds MORE idling options, but none remove them.
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