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Everything posted by wildespace

  1. I saw a few people ask for this on Reddit, and I agree with them - Gwent is too sluggish with its animations and notifications. Is there any way to speed the animations up, and get rid of the "opponent's turn" and "your turn" anouncements? Thanks.
  2. I'm a space hamster with aspirations for world domination.
  3. Hi, all. I'm annoyed that, in the 1st person view, the weapon takes up almost a quarter of the screen. Is there a mod that places weapons lower in the screen? Here's a couple of screenshots to demonstrate what I mean. Original position: http://www.pictureshack.us/images/43679_ScreenShot0.jpg http://www.pictureshack.us/images/81917_ScreenShot2.jpg And with a bit of photoshopping, here's approximately what I'd like it to look like: http://www.pictureshack.us/images/37674_ScreenShot1a.jpg Is there any particular mod that does it? If not, perhaps someone would be kind enough to create one? Thanks.
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