Dunno how to port mods to Skyrim SE, there's a lack of Bascinet helmets & chainmail on the neck side of plate armor, wanted some flavour ingame; wondered if anyone would give it a try? if it's even possible and there's no Mod author issue or whatnot caveats... Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22602/?tab=description
In response to post #63210111. #63212446 is also a reply to the same post. Fallout 76 will become a commercial failure due to market society's interest focused on the shareholders of Zenimax & Bethesda.
Cannot access the chat since the update on the website a few months ago... EDIT: I'm not banned, i've checked with one of the site moderators; yet since the update at the start of the year i cannot access the Chat... same error as usual. Too bad... i had a one or two things to add to the table.
Valtordu.... hmmm Est-ce que ce serait une référence au Donjon de Naheulbeuk ? By the way Great MEGAMOD you're pulling off, keep being awesome! Allez les Bleus!!!!
In response to post #9303351. #9305785, #9308431, #9316037, #9334326, #9390925, #9391537, #9418201 are all replies on the same post.
WRONG! Again: WRONG! All those games are copied from Soldier Of Fortune! hahahahahahahahaha
There's this unfinished mod that requires Dawnguard: Otherwise search for mods with keywords like "Orc" "LOTR" etc. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29090//?
That would be pretty sweet! ps: the Nilfgaard bodyguards/Soldiers Armors can actually be seen since chapter 3 when you get to discuss with Shilard (if you chose Vernon Roche's Path).
Hi all, newbie around here... I just had this good mod idea, and even a title: Hero Academy! training kids adopted from Hearthfire into Mighty Warriors/mages/burglars and then with practice they finally change into followers! the idea came to me when watching this episode of Walkenthrough: