So I created some dices, and would love to do crazier stuff. The idea is to make it so when the game is showing a dice face, instead of using a "still" image, it plays an animation, like it does when rolling and when a face number appears. How it could be done would be something like using the "dice face" animation, instead of a zone of the D20, explained with images (I'll be using my dice pngs as I have them at hand): Now, when showing a face, it does this, both when you first see the dice and if a number 20 appears after the roll and after the bounce animations: And from this image called d20.DDS, picks and stays with that section of this image. What could be doing instead is taking the d20_20.DDS, that contains a sprite sheet animation of the dice bouncing and play it in a loop (video that is a sequence of images in a single file): That would be incredible as it would allow for, electric, magic, fire, smoke, watery etc etc etc... dices with animations! Sure the "bounce" would disappear, but it would be a small price to pay for the luxury of it! If instead of using the d20_20 or d20_19 or whatever bounce animation, it used a different new folder/file would also be nice (or nicer), but would be more complicated for dice modders to "correctly" animate both sprite sheets differently. Here's a 2min tuto on how to animate dice rolls, that if you don't know how that works it will clarify things. Anyhow, thanks for reading! Hope someone can do this :D