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  1. I've found not infrequently with anniversary edition that it will hang if you leave it in the menu (which you get after pressing escape, so current quest, or system menu, etc), and the only way you can get out is ctrl-alt-del, use the cursor keys to start task manager, move done to skyrim and alt-e it, because the mouse is invisible. I use SKYUI so I don't know if this is related. Has anyone else had this problem?
  2. That's normal, unless the save is gaining a lot on size with each script cycle (installed scripted mods will update their script at preset intervals or upon triggering activation), there is nothing wrong with it. All the items you gather, quests you finish, places you visit adds new data. Properly tweaked SKSE will remove orphaned scripts as you play the game. Just make sure you have USLEEP (previously known as USKP) installed. There were few vanilla bugs causing save bloating and this patch gets rid of them. I'm not complaining about the save file growing. It's not racing up hugely (and I do have usleep), and sometimes it even shrinks a bit. What I am commenting about the amount of time it takes to write the skse save file, which you can watch being written a piece at time in Windows Explorer.
  3. I've run into this recently too. I'm not sure what's happening but if you watch your save directory in windows the skse save file increases in size quite slowly. You can watch the kb being added. My final sizes are like 20M for the ess and 1.5M for the skse save file and my save time is something like 30s, most of which appears to be writing the skse file.
  4. A quick fix for capped frame rates on skyrimpref.ini under [interface] put this line uTicksToWait=64 it will half the loading screen fps (to about 15fps) but you will get your load times back Doesn't seem to do much for me. Currently I have my fps set to 30 for skyrim and the load times are much much better (~15s compared to over a minute at 20fps). I've tried the 'no smoke' mod from nexus but that seems to have no effect.
  5. I;ve found this seems to work, though I suspect I'm going to be a trifle upset when I get to 20 travel saves and it wraps.
  6. Well, I found this thread and have got much better response so far by disabling my fps limit when transitioning between areas. But it totally sucks when you have to do this because if I leave it disabled my graphics card gets very noisy. And as I can't tell the difference between 20fps and 60fps (especially not in the loading screens and definitely not in the blank ones when you enter a house...) I'd rather my graphics card was understressed.
  7. The code is used for endorsing mods, checking if there are updates to mods and downloading mods. I was trying to simplify it a little and make sure it didn't query addresses that weren't likely to go out of service or something.
  8. I'm looking at the source of a mod manager and found it has two different ways of accessing the site: Using www.nexusmods.com/<modname> Using nmm.nexusmods.com/<modname>It seems a little arbitrary and putting both URLS into the browser seems to result in the same page. Is there a preferred way of talking to the site? In passing, I also found it using this: nmm.nexusmods.com/<modname>//Core/Libs/Flamework/Entities/User?GetCredentials&game_id=<modname> which seems overkill. Is there some documentation on how to talk nice? Thanks
  9. I added this line to a script I'm writing: BYOHRelationshipAdoptionScript property BYOHRelationshipAdoption Auto and tried to compile it with papyrus. No luck: Heartfhire_Menu.psc(26,40): unknown type byohrelationshipadoptionscript after a flash of inspiration, i realised i had to add the hearthfire scripts subdirectory to the papyrus imports section of compile papyrus.bat. This sort of worked. My error is now: Hearthfire\BYOHRelationshipAdoptableScript.psc(130,69)UpdateSpouseHouseInt is not a function or does not exist Hearthfire\BYOHRelationshipAdoptionScript.psc(380,69):MoveSpouseAdoption is not a function or does not exist Hearthfire\BYOHRelationshipAdoptionScript.psc(610,69): MoveSpouseAdoption is not a function or does not exist I'm now a bit stuck as to what to do.
  10. For instance, I'm playing with a mod that shows me what achievements I have earned as a specific character (cos Steam only shows you per user). It's easy enough for the quest based ones. But when I was trying to get the number of werewolf or vampire perks, there's these: DLC1WerewolfTotalPerksEarnedDLC1WerewolfMaxPerksDLC1VampireTotalPerksEarnedDLC1VampireMaxPerks which are global variables you can show from the console and show the expect things. I tried to access them from my script like this GlobalVariable Property DLC1WerewolfTotalPerksEarned Auto GlobalVariable Property DLC1WerewolfMaxPerks Auto GlobalVariable Property DLC1VampireTotalPerksEarned Auto GlobalVariable Property DLC1VampireMaxPerks Auto Function DawnguardThing() .... Debug.Trace("ww perks " + DLC1WerewolfTotalPerksEarned.getValue()) Debug.Trace("ww max perks " + DLC1WerewolfMaxPerks.getValue()) .... EndFunction and I keep getting errors about accessing a 'None' object at those lines. What am I missing? And also, I'd like this mod to work irrespective of whether you have dawnguard installed if possible. I've managed to find out how to do that check and dawnguard specific information isn't given if it's not necessary.
  11. Bump. I've just got this too. It doesn't seem to cause problems for me but it worries me a lot.
  12. Apologies in advance if this is the wrong forum, but it's about modding. I downloaded the skyrim construction set today, and immediately ran into the problem that you needed to add things to skyrimeditor.ini or the world crashes. The fact this is in a directory that you shouldn't really be writing as it's under program files, rather than in a user directory somewhere, to does nothing to improve my confidence. so I got a little less adventurous, and tried setting my data master to just skyrim: MASTERFILE: NavmeshInfo 00028347 has no parent space, ignoring disable all warnings and it seems to carry on If I instead select both Heartfires and Skyrim, I get QUESTS: Could not find previous info (01003ED1) for TopicInfo (01003ED2) in Topic "RelationshipAdoption_SharedInfos" (01003d00) MASTERFILE; missing sibling 01062A0 found in story manager node 'WIChangeLocationNode' 000A39C6 under parent node 'Change location Event' (0001320E) but not (oddly) the first one. Is this normal? And is it safe to carry on and create a mod?
  13. Thank you. I got back to my house and found a couple of items with completely blank names and ridiculous IDs (when very very low (01f7 or thereabouts), one very very high (30000dec ish)) and did player.removeitem and the strangeness at the enchanting table went away. Is it in any way possible to display information about the items before I delete them in case they might have been important? Or are they both likely to be objects left lying around from a mod which I deactivated (I have a few) I notice looking back through my saves that an object having a bad editor ID seems to be a fairly common occurrence. Even for rings and stuff. But I see you have it in your screenshot so I suppose it's not un-normal. Certainly the equipping overhaul mod generates plenty of bad IDs when you switch on the 'show favourites as equipped' option.
  14. I'd been doing a quest and ended up with a lot of stuff in my inventory. I went to see what enchantments I could learn or apply to my upgraded armour and selecting the list of items to enchant - I got one of the above named in the list. There's nothing in my inventory called anything remotely like that, and I even tried removing all my clothing and weapons and I still had it. How can I get rid of it? And what might have caused it? Many thinks
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