I'm making a mod for ME2 which allows you to play as other characters in game. So, I'm making a playable krogan. I already made mods which allow you to play as Garrus and Illusive Man (the Garrus one is posted on ME2 Nexus, playable Illusive Man will be posted in near future), and for playable Krogan all I need is head morph code. I know how to make every single krogan armor playable, I tested all of them. I only need to apply head morph to make mod complete. Opening "CookedPC" folder of Mass Effect (.../Mass Effect2/BioGame/CookedPC), I extracted the file called BioP_KroHub.pcc and inside of it are both armor and head mesh, the files I need to implement in my mod ( KRO_ARM_HVYa_MDL.psk and KRO_HED_PROBase_MDL.psk ). Armor is implemented this way:
+TorsoAppearances=(Id=99,Type=CustomizableType_Torso,Mesh=(Male="BIOG_KRO_ARM_HVY_R.HVYa.KRO_ARM_HVYa_MDL",Female="BIOG_KRO_ARM_HVY_R.HVYa.KRO_ARM_HVYa_MDL"),PlotFlag=-1)So, full implementation armor "code" is: "BIOG_KRO_ARM_HVY_R.HVYa.KRO_ARM_HVYa_MDL" ***MY QUESTION IS: How to implement krogan head morph ? To put it this way: "BIOG_?????????????????.KRO_HED_PROBase_MDL" ? Most logical thing to do, for me was to do it this way: "BIOG_KRO_HED_PROMorph_R.PROBase.KRO_HED_PROBase_MDL", but it doesn't work that way. If anyone knows what to put in first part of the code, sentence, or whatever it's called, please tell me, I'm desperate to find out http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dodgy.gif Big cheers to all community members http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png Thanks in advance EDIT: I found a way to do it. Now I can play with any character. Check out screenshots below: