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  1. today : My download historyPlease allow 10 minutes for new downloads to appear in this list. We are building your download history... If this takes longer than expected, please ensure Javascript is enabled.
  2. bumb up! i really REALLY need this!!!!! PLEASE!! exactly like chbarc1 sayed! i kill every enemy in milliseconds with a new found white gun, no matter what type or damage... on VERY HARD! ... It's funny that the opinions differ so far ... I get angry every time I see these f*#@ing crybugs who complain that they have to empty their entire magazine for an opponent and ask for "realistic damage" .... and s#*! like that... holy s#*! .... maybe you should stop shooting everything in the sky and aim at the enemy !! another idea is a "damage done - multiplier slider" - goes from 0,01 to 10(for the crybugs)... a levelscale... a enemy armor mod.... anything!!
  3. I kill everyone with a shot in the head if I sneak around - the locational damage is good ... too good - too easy ... and they'll stagger (or die) when they see you and you hit their heads ... maybe you should aim better? or is something wrong in your game? maybe turn off ingame - aimbot?
  4. yeah i already found them... but the options are very limited by now.. hopefully more will come soon... we need a real modding tool - like TES5Edit for example...
  5. wait?! official modding tools? where can i find them? i will go to work as soon as i find them! :)
  6. No More Cops at Cyberpunk 2077 Nexus - Mods and community
  7. Level scaling enemies!! pls!! this is sooooo much important for me.. and a health buff for my enemies would also be great!
  8. iam absolutely with you! i requested such a thing here by myself! but as for me, level scaling enemies would do it for me very well! :) besides... isnt level 50 the max anyway? ;)
  9. wait : the overwatch sniperrifle fires trough walls? but about the silencer on this weapon - it does no good job... i headshotted one enemy out of the dark, and still gets located all the time.. ;) very different than with my soundproofed assault rifle ... with that they never know what hit them.. ;)
  10. i dont know what you are doing wrong.. but in my game after reaching higher levels(lvl 30+) a headshot is ALLWAYS a kill!! even on "very hard" difficulty. and... i fully disagree... this world is in a stage where almost everyone have implants and titan skull bones and such a thing... ......just because the opponent is not wearing an obvious helmet does not mean that his head is not heavily armored!!
  11. Hi Liolande here. Today my V is now level 37 and... i simply oneshoot almost everything with my rifle in this game? even on difficulty "very hard". Isnt fun, i like more longer fights, where fully upgraded weapons etc. takes count. And i am not CHEATING btw! dont know why so many need cheats to get stronger.. (maybe i should - to get weaker.. ;) ... but i am not a fan of self-castration) Any ideas /possibilities? - more health or level scaling for my opponents?
  12. you were right! toolboks 1.5.2 works fine!! your downgrade patch is awesome ... now.. Long War...
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