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About Puerkl8r

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  1. For some reason, all of the sudden the changes I make to DefaultGameCore.ini are not saving, i want my soldiers to have the normal level of health on classic, but it wont apply the change, it saves it in the file but the game does not reflect the change. Characters should have 6 bars with default armor if you have HP set to 0, however they still have the 5 that comes from having it set to -1. The path to the file is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\XComGame\Config\DefaultGameCore.ini and the change looks like this: BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_None, iDamage=0,iCritHit=0, iAim=0, iDefense=0,iHP=0, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_Civilian, iDamage=0,iCritHit=0, iAim=0, iDefense=0,iHP=0, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_Soldier, iDamage=0,iCritHit=0, iAim=0, iDefense=0,iHP=0,iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_Tank, iDamage=0,iCritHit=0, iAim=0, iDefense=0,iHP=0, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_Sectoid, iDamage=0,iCritHit=10, iAim=0, iDefense=0,iHP=0, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_Floater, iDamage=0,iCritHit=10, iAim=10,iDefense=0,iHP=0, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_Thinman, iDamage=0,iCritHit=10, iAim=10,iDefense=0,iHP=0, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_Muton, iDamage=0,iCritHit=10, iAim=10,iDefense=0,iHP=2, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_Cyberdisc, iDamage=0,iCritHit=10, iAim=10,iDefense=0,iHP=4, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_SectoidCommander, iDamage=0,iCritHit=10, iAim=10,iDefense=0,iHP=4, iMobility=0,iWill=25)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_FloaterHeavy, iDamage=0,iCritHit=10, iAim=10,iDefense=0,iHP=2, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_MutonElite, iDamage=0,iCritHit=10, iAim=10,iDefense=10,iHP=4,iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_Ethereal, iDamage=0,iCritHit=10, iAim=10,iDefense=0,iHP=0, iMobility=0,iWill=25)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_Chryssalid, iDamage=2,iCritHit=10, iAim=0, iDefense=0,iHP=0, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_Zombie, iDamage=2,iCritHit=10, iAim=0, iDefense=0,iHP=0, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_MutonBerserker, iDamage=1,iCritHit=10, iAim=0, iDefense=0,iHP=0, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_Sectopod, iDamage=0,iCritHit=10, iAim=10,iDefense=0,iHP=0, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_Drone, iDamage=0,iCritHit=10, iAim=10,iDefense=0,iHP=2, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_Outsider, iDamage=0,iCritHit=10, iAim=10,iDefense=10,iHP=2,iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_EtherealUber, iDamage=0,iCritHit=10, iAim=10,iDefense=0,iHP=0, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_BattleScanner, iDamage=0,iCritHit=0, iAim=0, iDefense=0, iHP=0,iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_Mechtoid, iDamage=2, iCritHit=15,iAim=10,iDefense=0,iHP=2, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_Seeker, iDamage=0, iCritHit=10,iAim=0,iDefense=10,iHP=0, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_ExaltOperative, iDamage=0, iCritHit=0,iAim=0,iDefense=0,iHP=1, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_ExaltSniper, iDamage=0, iCritHit=0,iAim=0,iDefense=0,iHP=0, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_ExaltHeavy, iDamage=0, iCritHit=0,iAim=0,iDefense=0,iHP=1, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_ExaltMedic, iDamage=0, iCritHit=0,iAim=0,iDefense=0,iHP=0, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_ExaltEliteOperative, iDamage=0, iCritHit=0,iAim=0,iDefense=0,iHP=1, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_ExaltEliteSniper, iDamage=0, iCritHit=0,iAim=0,iDefense=0,iHP=0, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_ExaltEliteHeavy, iDamage=0, iCritHit=0,iAim=0,iDefense=0,iHP=1, iMobility=0,iWill=0)BalanceMods_Hard=(eType=eChar_ExaltEliteMedic, iDamage=0, iCritHit=0,iAim=0,iDefense=0,iHP=1, iMobility=0,iWill=0)
  2. I'm not trying to be elitist or condescending or belittling when I say this, but I really never had any trouble on Master difficulty but I also always have a companion with me. It's difficult early on but once you start getting into the high 20s+ it starts to get pretty easy. For me, when I stop being challenged, it stops being fun. If I never have to worry much about dying than it gets boring.
  3. Anybody else find werewolf form useless on legendary difficulty? Seems that werewolf damage doesn't scale well with the difficulty, considering you die in very few hits and have no regen aside from feeding. I do use SkyRe so that might also have something to do with it, which is why I'd like to know if other people have the same experience.
  4. yes. When i restore the old files that error still pops up but the game launches rather than crashes. EDIT: figured it out, you cant leave the decompressed folder laying around in your cookedPCConsole folder
  5. Idk if its the new patch/DLC but trying to use xshape with selective recruitment crashes my game with this message: Ambiguous package name: Using 'C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\Xcom-Enemy-Unknown\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\unpacked\XComGame.upk', not 'C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\XComGame.upk' Edit, i restored my backup and put the uncompressed back in and it still does this. I'm in the process of varifying steam cache to fix and try again, no idea what went wrong though. Edit2: ok that didn't even work, now i have to reinstall.
  6. If you do make a mod that does just those things, please release it, Those are the exact changes I want as well.
  7. I hope somebody at some point makes a GUI editor with all the tweaks in it, I'd love to change some things, like this for instance, but I'd rather not go poking around large complex config files to do it, that the lightest mistake could totally screw up the game.
  8. When a squad member goes down in a mission but gets stabilized, they get a bunch of penalties, including a will deduction. The problem is this never goes back to normal when they are fully healed. An example is i had a soldier go down in a mission and get stabilized. Before the mission she had 75 will, after she went down while healing she had 60 and after she was fully healed she still had 60. I would like it to go back up to 75 when she was fully healed.
  9. I'd like one for editing individual soldiers in my game. Gender, nationality, psi positive or not, that sort of thing.
  10. A mod that just removes the health penalty to your starting squad in classic and impossible. There is a balance mod that does it but it also does a bunch of other things, I just want the health fix.
  11. 2nd this request, that or a way to change a characters gender in game or through an editor possibly.
  12. I'm sure i'm not the only one who has thought that the music of the Rat Pack would fit perfectly into the game.
  13. I'd like to see this mod converted: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4247 It has several options for eyepatches, mainly one over the left eye, that way i can still aim down a gun barrel.
  14. Ah thank you very much that's exactly what i was looking for. And as for the forts thing, it was a tweak that made forts viewable from any distance, the same way that towns are. maybe it was a mod, i don't remember, ill go look.
  15. I just installed oblivion again and it's been quite awhile since i played it last. I installed all the mods i want and I'm just tweaking everything to be how i want it. My problem is that i got illumination within and when i tried it out the light from windows and lamps disappears when i get just a little ways away from it. I remember there was a tweak that increased the distance of lighting effects but i don't remember what it was and cant seem to find it anywhere. Does anybody know the tweak that I'm talking about? There was also one for forts, does anybody know that one also?
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