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Posts posted by AielloA

  1. Similar to the weapon from New Vegas, I'd love to have a Ballistic Fist weapon in FO4 - a First-type weapon when a shotgun barrel, that fires when you punch people. Possibly even just a mod for the powerfist (especially if the pneumatic on the powerfist racks the pump on the shotgun barrels).


    Bonus points if you add in Yang's outfit from RWBY >_>

  2. Ever since I found out that there was the Ballistic Fist (and the Two-Step Goodbye) I've been wanting a mod or series of mods to let you play as Yang Xiao Long from RWBY - her leather outfit (http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130602225337/rwby/images/8/86/Yang_by_montyoum-d67l7j3.gif) and weapon (http://orig10.deviantart.net/ecd2/f/2014/210/a/c/rwby_yang_s_ember_celica_complete_re_textured__by_legenddragon-d7svu53.png) specifically would be amazing. And, with a bit of weathering, they'd even fit pretty well in the Fallout aesthetic!

  3. I've looked at them myself, honestly, and the problem is that even a small shield is a shield nonetheless. What I'm looking for, quite frankly, is a shield that is either completely invisible, or an enlarged bracer, such that my character will APPEAR to be fighting one-handed with a free off-hand, but will still benefit from the defensive bonuses of a shield.

  4. You want to have two characters in Skyrim? Make your first character. Run around. Do quests. Get bored. Open the console, type "showracemenu" minus the quotes, remake and rename your character. Reset skills and perks with the console (not gonna give you a step-by-step, cause I'd be older than Arngeir by the time I finished it). Voila, "new" character in Skyrim.

  5. Dude. Staves of Skyrim (second post) fits your needs and goes even further. Don't like the vanilla Staff of Fireballs? Imbue your own staff (ANY staff, from the humble Wooden Defender to the awe-inspiring Dragonbone Battlestaff) with the power of fire, recharge it with your magicka, and enjoy!


    Don't need to shoot fireballs at everything that moves? Uninstall Skyrim. But when you re-install it, discharge your staff, illuminate it and you've got a sexy-looking Shield/Torch combo.


    Honestly, I used Staves of Skyrim purely as a way to choose what my Destruction staves looked like, and if you hate the normal staffs so much, you can too.

  6. I think my favorite moment in Skyrim was when a dead Mercenary hired a bunch of Thugs to come after me. I can just imagine the hapless Apprentice Necromancer raising the guy as a zombie, only for him to walk away, ignoring the commands and binding-spells, go to the nearest Thug's Guild outpost, and pay a bunch of Hired Thugs for a hit on the Dragonborn.

  7. There's this thing called the "Journal." It holds a list of your currently active quests, and has this really neat little functionality: when you select a quest in the "Journal," the "Journal" will automatically place a directional quest marker on the top bar of the HUD.


    Also, if you're lost in a cave, Skyrim has this other neat feature called the "Map," which shows you the layout of the area you're in. If you have an active quest objective in the area, it'll even place a quest marker on the "Map!"

  8. It does indeed, which is awesome. I had the same problem as you, SKSE was required for all the awesome mods but I had no clue how to work it... Not a problem anymore, so I've got a bunch of SKSE mods and it's all awesome ^_^

  9. SKSE has a one-click installer now. Much easier and user-friendly. But, in all seriousness (probably cause I've never modded before and don't know about the specifics of what I'm suggesting), how hard would it be to import, say, the Mask of the Gray Fox from Oblivion into Skyrim?

  10. To the question of "but how is this mod useful for people who aren't Gabriel (http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2011/11/14)" I have an answer for you: how much faster do you think Skyrim would run if it didn't have to worry about rendering dozens of Tankards, Wooden Plates, Goblets, Buckets, and assorted rubbish each time you load a dungeon? Not to mention having to deal with shading them and lighting them, then relighting them when you Shout them out of your way as you reach for that Bauble of Peerless Shininess stuck behind them where you can't quite get the cursor to select it?

  11. Check out "Hmm What to Wear" (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22168/?), it adds several pairs of pants that you can equip in alternate slots. Also Ashara's "Princess of the Woods" armor (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18008/?) has pants that are equipped in a custom slot.


    Pretty much any of Brokefoot's Mashups (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20415/?) would work, too, although those are more short shorts than actual pants, and I'm pretty sure that you could figure something out with the West Wind Misfit Mage mashup too (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36780/?).


    All of the links here are for UNP (which I use) but I know for a fact that there's at least a CBBE PotW mod out there, if you don't like Dimonized chicks.

  12. It would be awesome, and not too hard I don't think. RNG codes are pretty easy, apply one of the Thuum Words to each number and stick two or three of them together for the name. Not sure how feasible it would be to apply that name to a pre-generated Dragon, though.


    Also, you could end up with the terrible and fearsome DragonWyrm, a monstruous Ancient Dragon named, in the ancient and powerful Draconic Tongue, "DiivDov".

  13. I agree... More to the point, I don't really like Ulfric at all, and feel that an assassin's (or, if you've gotta be a REAL Nord, a challenger's) blade is the best possible answer to him. After all, he's (a) a murderous idiot (if he had ASKED King Thorygg to work with him, dude would've agreed!) (b) a racist douchebag (what if the Dragonborn is a Dark Elf? Huh? What then, Ulfric, what then!?) and © a deep cover Thalmor agent.


    That would actually be a great add-on to the DB questline, now that I think about it. I mean, you've just killed the Emperor, so what would the Council want next? An end to this pesky little internal conflict brewing in one of the Empire's most important (I think?) regions.

  14. For all the people who like the idea of not using a shield, but want the defense that comes with strapping a hunk of wood/metal/crystal/bone/solidified Evil to your arm, this mod would let you craft "shields" that take the appearance of a slightly larger version of the vanilla gauntlet for that arm (or, to prevent the fingers clipping through the gauntlet fingers, an enlarged version of the forearm section).


    If you're interested in making this mod, or like the idea and want to give my idea support (or think it's stupid and want me to hate you for the rest of your natural lives ;D), go ahead and post to let me and everyone else know!

  15. I'm sure this sort of idea has been posted before, but I really feel that a set like the Tier 3 Norn Medium (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/2/2f/Wolf_armor_medium_norn_female_front.jpg) would fit incredibly well in Skyrim, and it's an incredibly shame that this hasn't been done yet.


    If I had the skill, I would do this myself, but since I haven't gotten around to learning how to mod (yet!), I'm gonna simply put the idea out there for other people to look at.

  16. He wants a mod that turns Skyrim into "Ranger's Apprentice: the Video Game." Which is stupid amounts of work for very little reward. Download a mod that lets you block while dual-wielding, download one of the numerous versions of Ranger Armour, and enjoy.

  17. Adal Matar has three sequels too, all of which star the Thalmor in an antagonistic role (i.e. you get to kill high-leveled High Elf douchebags. It's pretty awesome. Also, the Frontier to Cyrodiil one is a great way to get a free set of Glass Armor at the beginning of the game, if you can manage to kill one of them with a Hunting Bow and Iron Arrows *hint hint*)

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