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About Kallisto07

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  1. [EDIT] Whoops, sorry for the title - Hippogriff.. not griffin, that's different >.>; I had no idea this game was going to be this good and sadly totally missed out on the Onyx hippogriff preorder bonus. Yes yes, I snoozed and I... loosed.. lost.. w/e! However, I'm not asking to steal a preorder onyx hippogriff, but perhaps you incredible modders would be so kind to those of us that really slept on that preorder and instead gave us a tint that was slightly less Onyx or Mottled.. or.. Onyx >.>; Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you consider taking your time to unlock this for us! ^^b
  2. Hello! I understand when you receive the spell to summon Arvak your main horse is replaced. At least this was the case with my game. My personal horse stopped showing up once I was taught the summon spell for Arvak. So my question, is there anyway I can have my regular horse and have Arvak at the same time? I really don't want to give up Shadowmere, but I'd also enjoy having the option to summon Arvak. Thanks!
  3. I figured I'd give a little update to this topic. There was a refurbished Volkihar mod in the works, but sadly the modder has discontinued his / her work due to game breaking glitches with the soul cairn portal. Currently there is a mod that at least cleans up the castle; http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22254 There is a Dawnguard Fort mod available I haven't check out in game yet. Here is a link to the mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22263 Should any modder find these suggestions relevant, and possible; please refurbish Castle Volkihar to the splendid vampire playerbase it was intended! Thank you!
  4. *EDIT* The website settled down, and I was able to safely edit my main post. I apologize for this unused post.
  5. Hello! I apologize if this request was already received by the modding community. Unfortunately I was only able to hit page 3 before I was given a 502 error, and the website subsequently crashed. I really love it when modders spruce up existing player bases. So I felt compelled to put in a request for the modding community to really clean up Castle Volkihar as well as the Dawnguard fort. I'll list a few personal points below. Castle Volkihar: -Clean up all the cobwebs -Clean up all the body parts -Remove the feeding from the front room -Have a separate feeding / messy bloody room off to the side -Clean up all the rubble / closed off doors by adding more rooms / new initiate's chambers -Clean up the Castle Ruins after completion of the quest -Beautify the garden (have sections for the dead looking plants, but clean up the rubble / dead shrubbery; replace with nicer looking plant life. Possibly even the glowing tube-plants, and other glowing plants found in the Darkfall Cave system. Beef up Valerica(sp)'s garden!) -Add an optional thrall (male / female) to be placed inside the cage within Harkon's chamber (yours). -Add a Death hound pit! -Spread out the coffins / add rooms for the vampires to sleep -Add passageways / secret entrances to the Castle's undercroft accessible from the main part of the Castle -Cleanup the side port with lights, and a working crew of vampire guards (and/or) thralls (and/or) hired humans -Add living Human Cattle (and/or) Vampire Initiate's (and/or) Patrolling Skeletal guards in the Ruins / Undercroft -Clean up the Mara Statue / Shrine -Add a Torture Room with Dawnguard members in cages / shackled to the wall (Just a quick explanation as to why I'd like the vampire castle cleaned. I understand these vampires are gruesome, and ruthless monsters. However, I'm really fond of the old school fake elegance on the front with an atrocious dirty closet vampire facade. Just like Bram Stoker's Dracula having this beautiful foreboding castle, yet pits of pure despair underneath the surface. I love all the carnage in the castle, but would prefer it hidden / a surprise for passerby guests.) Fort Dawnguard: -Clean up those ugly cobwebs! -Straighten up the furniture -Add more lights / torches on the walls -Add a torture room with vampires -Clean up the messy dishes on the table / straighten them up / add a feast -Spread out those cots / add proper rooms for Dawnguard members to sleep -Add a chapel of some kind! Perhaps to Akatosh, or even Talos -Clean up / spread out the crafting and armory section. (This is a vampire hunting mini-army after all! The more displayed weapons / trophies the better!) That's all I can think of at the moment. I've finished the Dawnguard main questline twice, but didn't play much after finishing those characters. So I apologize if any of these changes are implemented after a period of time by the vanilla expansion. Would you also like to see these player bases' cleaned up? Please add your lists below!
  6. Thanks so much for the suggestion! I actually never experienced this part of the game. This sounds like a fun fix for what I'm looking for, but really I want to play in depth songs from a file. Just like the Lotro's .abc's. Maybe this is a mechanic to look at for developing a more sophisticated mod?
  7. @JanusForbeare Right, I figured this would be a very difficult mod to make. I certainly wouldn't want to cause anyone a headache, but I figure just a mod that could read .abc's instead of simply playing an entire song through the game. I hope a modder is up for the challenge, but if it's too difficult I wouldn't want anyone banging their head over this. :)
  8. I did find a playable instrument mod, but I notice this plays the song directly loaded into the game. I'm really looking for something that can be freely played (like pressing a,s,d,f etc), and some sort of program that converts a song into something more along the lines of the instrument (like a midi). Here's another LotRO example: (The timing is sort of off, but just using this as an example.)
  9. (I just posted a thread, but maybe someone here may know of this mod.) Playable in game instruments similar to Lord of the Rings online system. Lute, flutes, clarinets, etc, and I could load .abc files to play through the game. It would be fantastic to see something like this :)
  10. So first of all, I'm not a modder. So I apologize for my ignorance in the process of modding. I'm not even for sure if this is remotely possible, but I would like to throw in a request for a mod that adds playable instruments in the game. As similar to the system Lord of the Rings online has would be ideal. Currently the instruments I'm thinking of are; lute, clarinet, flute, harp, drum, theorbo, and anything else fun! If it's at all possible to also add commands to load .abc files to play automatically, this would be fantastic. (maybe, ~ play (insert .abc file name), then the character would automatically start playing the song). Here is an explanation of the system LotRO uses: http://lorebook.lotro.com/wiki/Mechanics:Player_Music_System If there are any mods similar to this, please post a link! Thanks for reading, and thanks modding community for keeping Elder Scrolls alive through your wonderful creations! :)
  11. Yikes, less than a day and my thread is buried! Perhaps if anyone could simply give me a list of commands I could use to help the disposition of my follower, or maybe a way to reset his disposition? Anything at all, I'm sure, would help!
  12. I just tested my transformation with Lydia - everything went fine and no bounty! Seems to happen randomly with Vilkas - not for sure what's causing it : /
  13. So... My super cute hubby, Vilkas, wouldn't attack me when I turned into a werewolf. I transform with him following me as my companion, then I suddenly get a 1000g bounty and he begins to smash my face with his sword. This happens every so often, and loading up a previous save doesn't ensure the glitch is fixed. Is there a console command to reset his disposition so I can do no wrong in front of him, or some other way to fix this? Thanks for reading!
  14. I have a phobia of whales.. (silly I know..) so I'll stay away from this one! Hehe!
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