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Posts posted by lPriime

  1. So, I have decided to make a mod. A quest mod, in fact. One that will be more serious in tone compared to some other large quest mods out there. I've already outlined a lot of stuff for it. Even a name of the mod:


    Prime Initiative: A Fallout Story (no, I didn't name it after me. I just like the word Prime as a title)


    A quick rundown of what it will be about:

    The mod will focus on a test subject from a post-war super soldier program who travels from out West to the Commonwealth to hunt down members of program who experimented on him and others for 10 years. The Prime Initiative's purpose was to create super soldiers and research potential psychic abilities in humans. The subjects of the projects would be required to be "pure" or mostly pure, free of the contaminants of the Wasteland.


    I intend to have a fully voiced cast while having the Sole Survivor be silent. Having the player talk with only the in-game voice lines feels too restrictive.


    Also, I want to try and allow this mod to be compatible with other quest mods out there such as Depravity or even Start Me Up meaning having actual dialogue choices for the player to reflect on whether you started as a doctor with Start Me Up, choices you chose with Depravity, etc. Not sure if this will be possible. If not, I will at least be adding some choices for the player to add to the roleplay experience.


    As for content outside of quests, multiple new locations are already in mind (including some possible new small world spaces) and maybe some new weapons and armor. Who knows :smile:


    To be honest though, it's just gonna be me working on this.... so far. If anyone with experience in any field of Fallout 4 modding wishes to help with the project, I welcome you. I'm still learning how to mod myself, and I have no idea how long it would take me to actually put this mod out. I'll also be linking the Twitter account for the mod here if you want to follow it and possibly contact me regarding helping work on the mod




    I'm also working on setting up a discord. Once that is set up, I will be tweeting it out on the mod Twitter



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