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  1. Yeah sure...that's how I coded it in my (unreleased) mod. E.g. Nova would undress after the PC is done with his pre-sex-talk. (So if you got a nude mod installed she'd be naked for the actual sex/fade to black). She puts her clothes back on at the end of the post-sex-dialogue, shortly before she leaves the room and heads back downstairs. ...this effect is rather easy to implement, too (simply call the "unequip WornItem 1 1" function during the appropriate time while in dialog -or you could attach it to an ai-package or whatever.
  2. Hmm you have to be careful with the sequence of ai packages you use. I, at first, encountered similar problems (F2B was still effective when the NPC force-talked me into a conversation, leaving the screen black for the whole post-sex-dialogue). What I did was code the image-space-modifier that is responsible for the f2b effect in a way that it instantly turns the screen black (so it's not actually a fade but an instant effect -look at my cloned "FadeToBlackISFXCOPY0000" file for details) and when e.g. Nova initializes her post-sex-talk I remove the image-space-modifier-effect at once (by calling "RemoveImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlackISFXCOPY0000" just one line before I call "StartConversation, player, MegNovaXYZTopic") so the post-sex-conversation happens with full visuals. So, schematically, I use this kind of sequence: Pre-Sex-Talk -> Ai Package 1 (go to bed; f2b; show msg) -> Ai Package 2 (go back to the xmarker; remove f2b; force talk PC) -> post-sex-talk
  3. ...and that's exactly the way it works -F2B only works out of dialogue (since the whole gameworld gets set to "pause" during dialog). So after the PC made his choice through the last dialogue option I end the conversation. In the result(end) window I place all the things I want e.g. Nova to do after the dialogue (remove her outfit, F2B effect, new AI Package for her to go to the bed, deduction of caps, etc...). ...now e.g. in the new ai-package I gave her you can also define a "do on end" script -there I tell Nova what to do after she got on the bed (stand up and go back to the xmarker. After she reaches the xmarker she forces the PC into conversation and thats the post-sex feedback). You can do a lot of those things through scripts and sequences of Ai-Packages... Edit: I also don't use the lovers resource file since working with the vanilla code gives me a more direct control over things. The lovers resource file basically doesn't add anything new, but ties already existing script functions to items and while this may be easier to work with for some with little scripting knowledge it's also a rather...limited approach and might lead to complications with vanilla FO3. (If your wasteland gigolo mod really conflicts with the "seducing moira" mod than the fault most probably lies with the way the lovers resource file handels things -the author of "seducing moira", as well as myself, didn't use it.) Perhaps you should consider dumping the lovers resource file...e.g. the fadeToBlack effect is rather easy to achieve. Instead of doing this via "addItem" (as per Lovers Resource) you just can call it directly through the "imod" (+the corresponding imagespacemodifier) function. Since you can manually alter imagespacemodifiers, you now have full control over the f2b effect (length etc...or perhaps you prefer a fade to white, blood, a drunkish effect, etc...)
  4. Somewhat doubtful as this would mean creating new custom animations (*the* most difficult thing to do with the TECS/GECK -i think back in the Oblivion days there were only 3-4 modders who actually could do that) -not impossible, mind you (I think there was such a mod for Morrowind) but I'd be more than surprised to see such a mod, like...ever. ...besides (not that it would bother me that much, but) this would be rather explicit content you couldn't host on F3nexus. FO2 like situations are basically enough for me. I'm a little ticked off that Bethesda simply choose to ignore this aspect of Fallout almost completely. At some places in the game it looks like they tried (they even included a brothel -though you only realize that when you look through stuff with the GECK), but in the end didn't care enough to really implement it. Besides, it makes no friggin' sense that everything is doom and gloom but post-apocalyptic whores, for some inconceivable reason now suddenly have high moral standards, refusing to sleep with you because "you are too young" (Nova after you used you Ladykiller Perk; ignoring the fact that the PC might already have bought her services before).
  5. Well, I could see that happening with her kind of personality (also would be a great chance to implement some funny reactions from Stifler...ahem Butch) -but there really is no feasible situation where that could actually happen. After all the PC only meets her that one time when he/she is supposed to be in a hurry to get out of the Vault (afaik she isn't there anymore when you return to vault 101 for the Amata quest). Edit: Wait, I just checked it with the GECK -She actually *is* there when you return. Hmm so I guess that could actually work.
  6. Already did... though I'm not done with it yet. Originally the plan was to alter all female NPCs with whom it seemed reasonable to actually have sex if the dev. of F3 had been Black Isle and not Bethesda: -Nova and that girl in the Tenpenny Tower (the only two members of the "Prostitute"-class) -Silver (Ex-angel and above all a junkie now; seemed reasonable) -Trinnie (the drunk in Rivet City) -Bittercup -Maybe Red (already prostituted herself to keep the slavers (or was it raiders) from raiding Big Town) -Clover -That one girl in "the family" -Perhaps one of Dukovs girls (or maybe not as Cherry already stated she can't stand doing what she does anymore and Fantasia seems pretty fixated on Dukov) ...and maybe add one or two prostitutes to the game (at least one to Rivet City. It's the biggest settlement in the game, after all). I also planned on making stat-specific dialogue (m/f, speech and Black Widow/Ladykiller perk, Strength, Charisma, Endurance) and maybe add some possibilities for female PCs to... ehem earn some caps (just as in FO2). ...well, that was my plan but somehow I'm not sure I'll get it done. Modding itself is not the problem -if that's all I had to do I'd probably be done by now. It's the English language. I'm no native speaker but this mod needs tons of text. It takes me far too much time to type it up and when I'm finally done with a character I wonder if the dialogue really "sounds right"... sigh. So far I got Nova & Silver more or less done (they lack m/f distinction and special text for the perks/stats, though... but that would be rather easy to fix) and got started on Trinnie. If you're interested I can send you the .esp and you can ask me things you don't know. Hmm never thought Moira would be a... valid option, but the way werewolf2000ad implemented this is quite interesting (and certainly in-character for Moira). I guess Amata might be another possible option -at least I could see it happen near the end of that one quest where you return to Vault 101. Some good ideas in the moira-mod: -lip-synching (easy to implement, but sure as hell looks a lot better than having the NPCs "talk" with a closed mouth) -"after the deed" dialogues that are dependent on your stats. ...however I think it would be more immersive if the PC had to follow Moira to her bed before the sex-dialogues start and not "do it" right where they stand. (would also help with the problem of various NPC walking in on them during the fade to black effect).
  7. Well... is there anything specific you want to achieve ? I already used the GECK to kind of FO2-lize Nova. (and Silver and Trinnie (don't ask) -Instead of just sleeping in the bed you paid for, she now waits for the PC in the rented room, asks him(or her) to close the door (if it's left open) and then offers a more detailed list of "services" (some things now cost extra). After the PC made up his mind Nova undresses and lies down on the bed -> black screen -> message box with a short descriptive text -> when the screen turns back to normal you see Nova standing up; moments later she forces the PC into a conversation. If everything is said and done she puts her clothes on and heads back downstairs.) ...so if you can get a bit more specific on what effects you want to implement I might be of some help.
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