...and that's exactly the way it works -F2B only works out of dialogue (since the whole gameworld gets set to "pause" during dialog). So after the PC made his choice through the last dialogue option I end the conversation. In the result(end) window I place all the things I want e.g. Nova to do after the dialogue (remove her outfit, F2B effect, new AI Package for her to go to the bed, deduction of caps, etc...). ...now e.g. in the new ai-package I gave her you can also define a "do on end" script -there I tell Nova what to do after she got on the bed (stand up and go back to the xmarker. After she reaches the xmarker she forces the PC into conversation and thats the post-sex feedback). You can do a lot of those things through scripts and sequences of Ai-Packages... Edit: I also don't use the lovers resource file since working with the vanilla code gives me a more direct control over things. The lovers resource file basically doesn't add anything new, but ties already existing script functions to items and while this may be easier to work with for some with little scripting knowledge it's also a rather...limited approach and might lead to complications with vanilla FO3. (If your wasteland gigolo mod really conflicts with the "seducing moira" mod than the fault most probably lies with the way the lovers resource file handels things -the author of "seducing moira", as well as myself, didn't use it.) Perhaps you should consider dumping the lovers resource file...e.g. the fadeToBlack effect is rather easy to achieve. Instead of doing this via "addItem" (as per Lovers Resource) you just can call it directly through the "imod" (+the corresponding imagespacemodifier) function. Since you can manually alter imagespacemodifiers, you now have full control over the f2b effect (length etc...or perhaps you prefer a fade to white, blood, a drunkish effect, etc...)