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About Xyroxis

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  1. I would love it if someone could figure out how to replace the wooden fist texture with gauntlets. My prefered gauntlets would be the Kobo Daishi sleevlets. If it is possible could you remove the white gloves on it and possible change the beads to red? If not it's fine. I mainly just want the fists to be replaced with the gauntlets.
  2. There was a cool mod that added a bunch of movesets to boss weapons that made you feel like the boss that used the weapon. There was the Abyss Watchers, Sister Friede, and Knight Artorias, but now it is gone. A couple days ago there was a reupload of the mod, I was planning to install it eventually, but today I found it was deleted with no reason why. I don't think it was the original author of the mod, but it wasn't doing any harm to the original author. I kinda miss the mod, and if possible see it return. Right now there is only the Abyss Watcher Revamped. The mod seems cool, but I would rather have the Original Boss Weapons mod, because it was more than just the Abyss Watchers. TheFirstHunterApprentice if you are reading this I hope you can consider bringing the mod back or if you are tired of it pass the torch along to some one else. I wish you best of luck.
  3. I either want a Purple Dark Hand to match the weapon art of the Frayed Blade. Or a Frayed Blade with a red weapon art to match the Dark Hand.
  4. Update: I figured out how to use Cheat Engine to temporarily change the Drain Life into a Parry, but when I exit game and load back in my changes don't save. So I have to repeat the process again. If someone can show me how to permanently change the Life Drain into a Parry that would be great. Either that or someone whips up a simple edit to the Dark Hand to parry in the game's code
  5. I would like a simple mod that replaces the Dark Hands crappy weapon art with a buckler parry. Also I f you can make it compatible with Cinders that would be a nice bonus. You can do it through cheat engine I know, but honestly I don't know where to look in there for the buckler's parry weapon art and how to make it replace the crappy life drain that Dark Hand has.
  6. Verge of Madness is a good mace, but I want it to look like the Sickening Skull.
  7. Mine doesn't work and I installed it like it says, yet I still get LED glow in the dark robes!
  8. I would like to see someone make a recolor of the Grand Champion armor, so the metal armor matches the Gatekeeper helmet. Also I don't like how shiny it was in the first place. Maybe dull the red a little and get rid of the Dragon on the front if you want to.
  9. I'm not capable of modding, but I had a funny idea. What if the player did jazz hands when they absorbed a dragon soul. Currently I am playing a bard that uses shouts and a lute, It would be pretty funny if he kills a dragon with his lute then suddenly pulls out the jazz hands.
  10. I would like a black version of the waistguard so I can match it with the grave set for my mage pawn. If anyone is willing to do this I would be most appreciative.
  11. If someone can make a re-texture of the round shield to the Sunlight Shield that would be great. It would be great to use considering that my torso armor also has the crest of sunlight.
  12. Can someone make a remesh of the orilux shield to be solaire's shield. or if thats to hard just make a retexture of one of the more rounder shields and put the sun covenant logo on it.
  13. Fow some odd reason the painted horses have no texture and are invisible.I don't know what caused this, but I am getting really tired of seeing these abominations. Also on a side note other creatures have been turning invisible as well, The deer, minotaur, ghosts, and the painted troll
  14. The Hair in dragons dogma can be a little underwhelming in options for female and male chharacters alike. It would be nice to have even more variety when choosing a hair style for my pawn.
  15. Can Somemone make a mod that speeds up the Mystic Knight Skills like Great Cannon, and Stone Forrest. I know this would be a little overpowered, but It takes too long sometimes to cast, and when I do get ready to cast something I get hit by an enemy and have to start casting again... Ugh.
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