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About agmoyer955

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  1. The biggest obstacle right now is figuring out if the .dds even works. If I can figure that out I then need find out how to use outfitstudio to add it to the obj file and then export for nifskope to see if it works and finally go to FO4Edit to try and create an esp.
  2. Thanks, from what I found is FO4Edit is used to create the esp and I found there is a section controlling rotation and zoom section giving min and max rotation and zoom numbers. I Imagine if set them to zero it wouldn't rotate or zoom in and out. taking a png and making into a nif from what I've been reading isn't direct, you have to convert it to a couple others files before it can become a nif. After checking couple others mods and comparing to the default records it's really simple. I just need to figure out what option I select when right clicking the default record "loading screen" Deep copy as override into....Deep copy as override (with overwriting) into....Copy as new record into...Copy Idle Animation into...I have no idea what to choose with this first step. After getting past that it's simply change the default options to yours from what I can see.
  3. All I want to do is draw images that can be selected randomly (if not too difficult) to replace the default loading screen art for the base game and DLCs. There are mods out there that do similar to this but it's best if I do it myself. I just need to know how. I tried looking up guides but I only found 3 videos from 2015 but they are only to replace one image and one was for NV using geck. The tools I have so far are gimp, nifskope, creation kit and fo4edit. If there are anymore I'd need then let me know. If anyone can explain the steps or an actual up to date guide for this that would be great. Thanks.
  4. I been watching video guides on copying body physics to an outfit (way easier than I thought). I am using outfit studio 4.9.1 because 5+ was having issues. I got it working just multiple tiny clipping issues with the breast physics. I doubt it's hard to fix I just don't know how to go about it. Hopefully someone can help me, thanks
  5. I've taken a look at it, a bit much to actually find what I need. Manage to find for bodypaint and luckily I have a program to help with that but hair seems will be more difficult than I thought it would
  6. Alright I have a preset in Racemenu that I want to use and I am using CK. When I did the spf "character name" it created a .npc file with my character's name. I imported it in "character gen parts". Looks like it did change the body weight and added the war paint. It didn't change anything else. The character is using modded hair and bodypaint. I don't know how to add those to the follower in CK or if that is even possible. I can ignore the body shape because it looks like it is using the body mod I'm using (it definitely isn't the vanilla one). I just need to figure out how to use modded hair and bodypaint with the follower in CK.
  7. EDIT: Tried reading some guides and I can't find my exact situation or what exactly I want to do. I don't think creating a follower mod is possible for me at the moment. Trying to make a follower mod (nothing fancy right now just a working follower) to experiment with some stuff and I am following a guide that said in-game use "spf" and name of your character to export their face. Alright that only exported the war paint it seems. What I am trying to figure out is how do I use the entire appearance? Hair, makeup, body paint, face and body shape. This is for personal use because I just want to mess around with this to see If I can do it or not. I am using several mods for appearances on my game so I have no idea how to do this and everything I've searched so far is either from years ago or not my exact situation. If anyone can help me with this step that would be great, thanks.
  8. At that point it would be easier to wipe everything and start over. I have 241 mods still active going one by one is not feasible. Like I said everything was fine nothing asked to override another file and had no conflicts. The only thing I can think of is one of the three changed something even after I uninstalled them. Sadly I have no idea which of three might have done that so I can't even try to manually fix what ever got changed. EDIT: May have fixed it. Just for the hell of it I ran it again through Vortex and it worked. Reinstalling Immersive Interactions because I know that mod worked for me before this happened. Don't know if I want to add moreHUD and JS Lockpicking UI SE just incase there was a conflict Vortex didn't mention to me... EDIT2: Alright yeah so I'm going to avoid anymore ui mods and just stick to the ones I have because I don't want to deal with this again anytime soon because everything is working again. EDIT3: Nvm still crashes no idea how to actually fix this without starting over now.
  9. Already did, yesterday worked fine, today I only installed 2 mods, updated a third. Now I have crashes, removed them still have crashing before menu.
  10. Sorry, I'll try make it clearer. In Vortex I check to see if Immersive Interactions had an update. It did. Download Immersive Interaction Update Clicked Update Current Profile (I am using Default Profile). I normally click "Update all Profiles" but I clicked the wrong one. No idea if this would cause a problem. Went to remove one of the older version of Immersive Interaction and only removed it without removing the achieve. I normally do. Downloaded and installed MoreHUD and JS Lockpicking UI SE Run Nemesis (in the Dashboard section) Click "Launch Nemesis Behavior Engine" Wait till it is finished without saying any warnings. Click the run button for Skyrim in top left corner Bethesda Logo shows up Skyrim Logo shows up Crash before menu shows up. I uninstall and remove MoreHUD and JS Lockpicking UI Run Nemsis and click "Launch Nemesis Behavior Engine" After I launch game and still crashes I remove Immersive Interactions as well and go through Nemsis again Still Crashes.Just for the hell of it I tried launching through Steam instead of Vortex and it works (obviously with multiple mods no longer running...) Also I mean works as in I can actually create a character and play the game. But with multiple errors because I should be using SKSE through Vortex.
  11. Alright so everything was working yesterday and this what I did leading up to the crash... Today I updated Immersive Interactions, click update current profile by accident (I normally click update all profiles) Went to remove an older version of it and didn't click remove achieve with it (I normally do) clicked dismiss on the notifications top right of Vortex. After I installed MoreHUD and JS Lockpicking UI SE. I ran Nemsis like I always do and soon as the menu was about to load after the Bethesda Logo it crashes. I removed MoreHUD and JS Lockpicking and still crashes. I reinstalled Immersive Interactions and it crashed again. I removed Immersive Interactions and still crashes. So the only three changes I made to the game today I removed them and it still crashes. I'm guessing something went wrong but I don't know how to fix this without completely removing everything and reinstalling the game. EDIT: Alright this is the strangest issue I've had with this game sometimes it crashes before the menu and sometimes it doesn't and everything works fine. I have no idea how to figure out what is causing this randomness.
  12. Alright got it to start loading, got a Warning saying "MASTERFILE: Potentially duplicate Land (000028df) encountered in file Dawnguard.esm. 'Yes to all' will disable all Warnings for this context". Should I ignore this one and any possible ones while it is loading the files? EDIT : If I do Yes to all. I get the Warnings box with 719 Total Warnings. Apparently the mod author for the race mod has a guide but is lacking information, mentions conversion but not want and says click "use info" of original armour addon after you already duplicated and changed the default race to race mod. Then click click the bottom center where is shows 3d model. There is nothing that hints to that and now I'm starting to think this may be impossible without a proper up to date guide or if anyone from those forums (Well the mod is on Nexus as well) will actually help. Thanks for getting me this far but I don't see this working without the information the mod author left out.
  13. Okay with creation kit I get this error "Invalid file Selection" "Multiple master files selected for load. Load operation aborted." you can only click X or Ok. Then empy box opens saying "Total Warnings: 1" it has X and Clear and Clear does nothing. Close that window and in the Object Window every category is empty. I only selected the race and armour mod and the race selected Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, Dawnguard.esm and RaceCompatibility.esm I get the first error even if I choose to "Set as Active File" or not.
  14. Alright now I figured just incase I should try couple race mods to see if the problem I am having continues and it does. Tried Lykaios and Half Dragon Race (half dragon race is here on nexus) neither show up in drop down menu. I am able to add the extra space for an additional race just the names wont show up. After selecting "Copy as override into..." I tried every option it presented (closed and reopened it each time to start over) and the race name still won't show. I have no idea what is wrong.
  15. Okay I didn't know there was an ARMA or ARMO but apparently what I am doing (based on what I've read so far) I'm suppose to copy the armor addon files (each say ARMA) and then go to RNAM to change the default race to the race mods name. The problems so far is... The race mods name doesn't show in that drop down menu.Additional races has no space for me to add another (I have no idea how either).Changing any one of them gives the message "Load order FileID [xx] can not be mapped for the file 'Name_of_Patch.esp' "I don't know if I should choose "Copy as override into..." or "Copy as new record into..." when I copy the armour pieces from the armour addon section. Both options lead me to creating the .esp patch.
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