RuneScape - I might take breaks. Sometimes longer ones. But as sure as the dawn, I will always find my way back eventually. Say what you want about the grind, but noone will ever take away the fact that this game knows how to make quests. Whereas most other games will be all "Go kill 675489 something", RS has a skill based around that concept, called Slayer. If you want to do that, and get rewards for it, you can. Quests, on the other hand, are like their own little point-and-click adventures. I quite like that, being a fan of series such as Monkey Island. (RuneScape's pirate questline/series is a pretty big homage to the whole silly likeable pirate trope too. I like.) And, even when on my breaks, RS soundtrack is so extensive it's got plenty of tracks I like to listen to when just going about my daily business. The playtime logged on this over all the years makes it my most-played game period. Binding of Isaac - This game is like some sort of weird abusive partner to me. I manage to break free, only to return once for fun, having a run that seems to suggest "I've changed, please come back, I promise I won't hurt you ever again", getting hooked, and having all my confidence in my skills slowly drained away until I feel like all I do is wasting my time with nothing to show for it. (It is currently my second-most played game according to play time logged on Steam. I might speak harshly of the game at times, but it is awesome, will run on a potato, and if you haven't tried it, I think you should. Yup. Suffer like I do.) Pokémon - One of the first games I ever played, back in the days of Gen1. I like to play around with the older games from time to time, and in Gen6-7, I find shiny hunting to be a fun pasttime. It all goes in episodes tho. I can have weeks or months where I'll obsessively hunt for shinies, followed by weeks or months where I barely touch the games at all. The older ones, Gen5 and earlier, are fun, because it's possible to glean so much of what went through my kiddo/teen head at the times, looking at the nicknames and choices of Pokémon for my teams and so on. The recent announcement of Gen8 has me pretty excited too, so the shiny hunts are on again. I even had some luck with it yesterday, and hatched a shiny Rowlet! Seeing those sparkles will never grow old. The Mystery Dungeon spinoff series is an underrated gem too, and I have a second copy of Explorers of Sky specifically for replaying it. They really should make more of those... For as long as they're more like Sky and nothing like Gates to Infinity. >->' Elder Scrolls - Skyrim is my most played game according to Steam, and with mods, I believe there'll always be ways to switch things up and keep it interesting for more or less forever, even if I take breaks at time. The earlier games are awesome and fun to revisit from time to time too. Minecraft - Another game that I play sporadically. It's naturally most fun with friends, but occasionally, splatting together a pile of mods and playing on your own is fun too. I've been on such a spree lately, with all kinds of fun stuff added. Like with other moddable games, I enjoy how I can tinker with and tweak the experience to be just perfect for my tastes. RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 - The bestest park building sim ever. Overcharging for umbrellas has never been more entertaining. Thanks to that games community, it has been brought up to a state where it's possible to run it on newer systems without any issues whatsoever, and I can easily re-live my childhood whenever I wish. The Sims - I love Sims 2, and thinks that was the best entry in the series. I wish I could get it work on windows 10, but last I checked, people had yet to figure out how to do that. Could never get into Sims 3, but Sims 4 has struck me as a good compromise between 2 and 3, so I enjoy playing that from time to time. I wish I could say I liked it more, but given some... say, questionable decisions... made by the company owning it, it's really hard to truly allow myself to grow attached or get too into it. Like I could with 2. The Nine knows I'd play the heck out of 2 if given the chance... >-> Legend of Zelda - Especially Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess. One save is dedicated to replaying on each.