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Everything posted by 1017rg

  1. I have zero complaints about this new theme and UI look. I don't mind the more simplistic looks of what the classic theme offers, but this is right up a lot of people's alley. It's still simple but offers a cool "nexus" type look with the blurry multi-colored background; the new font is nice (I think it's new, I can't tell now, it's been 10 minutes with the new theme), the colors chosen for the download page are immaculate as well, that nice darker midnight blue. I might just be having a moment but I genuinely enjoy new UI updates to websites or apps I frequently use, especially when they have a fresh, clean feel to it and utilize the entire screen!
  2. still need help with this by chance?? lol two years later. I found a simple way to port animation mods only, check it out https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2970
  3. Good evening guys. Basically, I tried porting this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2692/ from Skyrim 32bit to Skyrim Special Edition 64bit and it didn't work out. I got into the game but I noticed my fire spells would barely let any flames. Here's a video: https://streamable.com/palkd Dragon's did not breath fire either nor make the sounds. SO I removed all files from the mod linked above, and the effects are still missing in-game!! Small flames and no fire-breathing dragons.. :sad: It's like the mods are still there. Only non-combat related flames work. I messed it up I don't know what to do :sleep: :sleep: & I can't count how many times I've deleted and reinstalled Skyrim and it's mods just so get a clean start. There has to be a way. I would appreciate ANY help. Please and thank you all!!
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