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  1. Hi there. I'm Ressing and I'm primarily an XB1 player, mainly because my computer is so terrible at running games minecraft crashes. Well, I was psyched about mods coming to the xbox, so much so that when I was told mod support was released I literally walked home in the pouring rain just to check it out. First off, thank you to every modder who has made ports to the consoles, your the real mvps here. Secondly, I LOVE settlements. I love being able to build and decorate them for my settlers. Thats where my problem comes in. Settlers knock stuff over like crazy, I knock stuff over, companions knock things over. Junk is hard to place. So many things. So I wanna try and mod, specifically a settlement crafting/decoration mod. Thats where problem number 2/3 comes in. I can't test on my pc since it can't run Fallout 4, and I'm not even sure what to use to mod (which is easily fixable since I'm actively reading tuts and watching videos on it) But the main part of the mod would be adding a category in the decorations menu that has craftable/placeable junk. The recipes for them would be what you'd get if you scrapped the junk item. So say you scrapped a plate and got 1 ceramic, the plate would also cost 1 ceramic to make. More things: better looking merchant stalls, more modern looking?tables with snap nodes so the junk items can be snapped down in different spotsmannequins and weapon displays?other items like food, drinks, stimpaks (other medical items?), like anything that could be picked up and movedTHOSE DANG PLANTERS WHY ARENT THEY CRAFTABLE BASE GAME???more stuff as i think of it? So basically I'm just kinda looking for some support, maybe tips and such or a tester? (since I cant test on my pc) Anyway, thanks for reading!
  2. the ability to side with mercer instead of karliah
  3. Is there a mod that would let you adopt more then two children? I found one that was used before Hearthfires but it's not what I'm looking for.
  4. Could someone make a companion mod for me? ... I simply adore Mercer Frey, and in the quest line I would have killed Karliah right off the bat and been on Mercer's side. So. I really want a companion mod, that after the quest line, you get a letter requesting a meet up from someone and you find out it's Mercer and you can go and either choose to kill him or work with him. Probably with marriage later on. If anyone can do that, that would be amazing. But, since you really wouldn't be able to get his voice actor to do lines for him, his voice could either be preset with another voice or voiceless.
  5. Could you make a companion mod for me? ... I simply adore Mercer Frey, and in the quest line I would have killed Karliah right off the bat and been on Mercer's side. So. I really want a companion mod, that after the quest line, you get a letter requesting a meet up from someone and you find out it's Mercer and you can go and either choose to kill him or work with him. Probably with marriage later on. If you can do that, that would be amazing. But, since you really wouldn't be able to get his voice actor to do lines for him, his voice could either be preset with another voice or voiceless.
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