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About Solian

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  1. A guy in a blue shirt and pants with an amulet hanging from his neck and a belt, a scabbard hanging from it, an iron saber's handle protruding from it with engravings of wild beasts on it. He has 2 chatin gauntlets on each hand with the signs of battle on them. He pulls up a stool and sits next to the bar, bringing out a bag of gold and asking for some grief from raven, the bartender.
  2. Introducing Solian name-solian pronunciation-so-li-an age-21 sex-male race-bretonian height-5'5 weapon of chice-iron broadsword. appearence-dark brown hair which flows back from his head to his shoulders in a middle parting. Romanesque nose and bright eyes, with hazel in the centre and green on the outside.slim but not unmuscley. personality-a playful calm person with a love for his fiends and family.He is helpful and an honorable person. He defends himself well and his friends, he will always keep his friends close.He is good at alchamy and makes potions for his friends when they need them, he also sells his potions as a travelling merchent when he is in need of gold.
  3. meh, maybe, but i think they have other powers aswell as just being able to tell events.
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