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Posts posted by TheFuzzler

  1. \

    Well it loos a little bit like a candle (the texture and color are ok) but it behaves like a firball (burning furious) and not like a candle. Also the textures are deformed? when you look at the original candleflame texturs (gimp) they are somewhat square but ingame they get stretched to a long candleflame?


    Thanks anyway ill fiddel around with this some more (slthough i would rather like to get the AddOnNode working-.-). This looks like a possible way of doing it but i guess youl need to put a lot of time in to get the look right


    oh and btw a pointemitter would be just a NipSysBoxEmitter (i think there are no real point emitters) with w/h/d 0/0/0 right? thats how its dont in the cnadleflame mps i think


    and the problem is there are some (a lot) Unknown int/unknow shorts etc and one of them i cant even set to the same state it ha in the mps etc... i think i just have to try and error these?



    I'm really just going off my knowledge of other game engines I've worked with. Like I said I'm not fully familiar with bethesdas system, so i'm not sure about a lot, but I'll help you where I can.

    As for the deformed textures, the images are being stretched. This is done to save resources on the alpha. When setting the scale there should be individual axis you can set.

    By Burning furious it depends what you mean:

    If you mean it's distorting a lot try deleteing that billboard I spoke of, or remove the texture.

    If you mean it's moving around a lot it'll likely be something to do with some velocity modifier I haven't seen.


    As for working with nifs *shrugs*. Anyone who understands how they work is a freaking wizard in my eyes.

  2. Couple ways you can do this using scripts, easiest way i think is to Bind it to a keypress.

    Create an ArmorAddon to the pervy model.

    Create an armor in the creationkit adding that armor, Pickup and utdown sounds set to XXXPlaceholderSilenceDesc. Give it an Id everything else should be 0 or None.

    The armor is now no longer seen as an armor.

    Script it to an Undress hotkey.

    	Add the item
    end event
    Event onKeyDown(Int KeyCode)
    	If Keycode == your keycode
    		If the player is wearing the pervy body (use the isequipped function)
    			Unequip it
    		ElseIf the player is not wearing any armor (Use the getwornform function)
    			Equip nudeybody

    Something like that.

  3. It's more than likely possible, I'm not sure what you mean by normal effects don't use dds textures.

    Forgive me if you already understand but I think it best we go over it:


    Open up \meshes\magic\Fireball01handeffects.nif

    You'll notice there are billboards and there are emitters(sprites).

    A billboard is simply a plane that always faces a particular direction, these are used extensively in game engines like cryengine for the trees. When you look into the distance and see the forest you're actually just seeing a bunch of flat planes with tree textures on them.

    There is a billboard in that effect it's used as a refraction effect. Basically it's a transparent texture that distorts the image behind it. It's actually cheaper to put this effect directly into the FX shader itself but that was likely too time consuming and expensive for bethesda so they put a billboard with a panning nomal map to cause the waviness you see on flames. I tell you this because you may wish to keep it for your candle effect.

    An emitter on the otherhand is not just 1 flat plane, but rather it is a point where numerous planes (sprites) are placed.

    so let's take a look this:


    The image has 4 subimages 2 in the U and 2 in V directions. It also has an alpha channel specifying its opacity. When a particle system calls on this texture it splits the image into those 4 subimages, it then calls on them randomly or in order. It will then place sprites at that point. Giving these sprites velocity will make them move in a certain direction. We specify things like which way the sprites face.. eg always facing the camera, we specify when they die, their size and shape etc etc. Click BSeffectShaderProperty you'll see the FXFireAtlas04.dds, I'm assuming this is where we specify the particle texture.

    Start off by replacing this with something else like the frost effect and see if it changes in game.

    The emitter can be various shapes, this particular emitter is a sphere emitter and as such articles will be emitted at any point in that sphere.

    Click the emitter:

    You'll see things like radius, initial radius, radius variation (the shape doesn't always need to be the same shapes), life span(how long the sprites last). For yours I would use a single point emitter, but I don't know if the engine will like that so you could just set the variation to 0 the radiuseseruses to a very small value. Spawn Modifier tells you how many particles will spawn. for a candle you won't need that many. So i'd turn down the percentage until the effect is broken to save on resources. Your rotation modifier should be disabled(everything set to 0), leave the colour the same. Scale you'll need to play around with. gravity set active to no.


    By playing with these you should be able to change the effect of the flames spell i your hand to a candle flame. Once you've done that Create your own spell and use your new file.


    Let me know how you go.

  4. I'm honestly not completely familiar at all with the particle systems in any of bethesdas games, anyways did a bit of nosing about and this is what I found:

    I'd guess the candle flame particle system is a flipbook texture and could be found somewhere in the textures.

    Your art object contains an emitter(for the particle system) and a bunch of particle modifiers. You could try to find an existing spell and copy your particle system to override that spells particle system and hopefully everything works out fine. But probably you'll just CTD or something. Chances are you'll need to switch out the existing texture for something else and you'll just have to turn off modifiers such as gravity and what not so it matches the candle emitter.

    Then you make an art object and set it to magic casting.

    Then you make a magic effect and your art goes into your effect

    and your effect into your spell.


    Hopefully this gives you some direction, if not a solution.


  5. To change your character in-game press ` on your keyboard, which is under Esc. then type "showracemenu" without the quotations.

    Seraphine Armor, from the description states; "It is craftable at any forge" so you'll need to make this yourself, rather than find it.


    Install: RaceMenu to create your character the way you want. Its probably best to choose your race at the start of the game, than afterwards.



    Using showracemenu straight off the bat can reset your current skills. Best to use Player.Setrace <insert desired race>. and then use Showracemenu to tweak your character.

  6. A quick google search of your GPU shows it has 2GB of VRAM. This is your biggest contributor (and current bottleneck) if you intend on using higher resolution textures and an ENB. I have a Radeon HD 7970 with 3GB of VRAM and I am barely under cap using STEP mod suggestions.


    It is by no means a bad card, but I do believe you will bottleneck there.


    bottlenecking... Please watch this. Please.



    @ OP

    Domas is however on the right track. For most games (like 9 times out of 10) you won't need more than 2GB of Vram at 1080p. When you increase the texture resolution from 1024 to 2048px by using the HD textures DLC the size doesn't double it quadriples. PC cards can handle this but the old systems couldn't and you'll be able to use these at 1080p. When you increase every rabbit, bush, rock and eyeball to have 4096px textures you need a hullavalot more VRAM..., and that's when you're going to need to start considering going for an R9 280x or a GTX 780.


    So in short; your 770 will be fine as long as you're smart about what High-res textures you download.


    Unless of course... you decide you want to play at 1440p. In which case the answer will be flatly no.

  7. Just to extend bit off what mindwork was saying. "copy those files to some other folder. Any time you need this exact mod setup, you can copy them in Local/Skyrim folder. You can create any amount of mod variances such way"


    There's a cleaner way to do this.

    Download all the mods you want (this won't work for replacers unless they're packed and have an esp). Enable the mods you want for a particular save and the same for another. When you need to load up your other save go to the saves tab in wrye smash right click -> load masters. The requirements for that save file have now been loaded and non-requirements unloaded.

  8. Hello,


    Parent Script:


    This script returns "This slot = Iron Sword"

    Weapon[] Property CurWpn Auto
    Event OnKeyDown(Int KeyCode)
        If KeyCode == 48
            Notification("This slot = " + CurWpn[0].GetName())

    Child Script


    This script returns "This slot = "

    (extends above script)
    Event OnKeyDown(Int KeyCode)
    	If KeyCode == 02	
    		Notification("This slot = " + CurWpn[0].GetName())

    When I use a none-array property they return the same thing.. (as in pressing b does the same thing as pressing 1)


    I've tried putting this into a function within the parent script. the function calls correctly but CurWpn[0] is still = 0

    This makes no sense to me.


    Any explanations?







    Thought it might have been because my parent script couldn't read information from the child script or something, but that was wrong. Had a choice of merging the scripts or creating another 7 preoprties and then setting them based on the array or something.

    Ended up merging scripts.

  9. "as it returns as not a function." This occurs when you don't call something on the correct type.

    The function must be called on an object reference.


    Set up a property for the book and in the creation kit set the property to point at the book.

    Then set up a location property for the original cell.


    ObjectReference Property OrgBook Auto

    Location Property OrgCell Auto


    Bool Function IsBookInOrginalCell()

    If OrgBook.GetParentCell() == OrgCell

    Return True


    Return False




    Would it not be easier to just check if the player has the book?

  10. To me hearthfire is basically "lets play mums and dads". I didn't want to play it when I was 9 and I don't want to play it now, so if I didn't get GOTY in a summer sale there's no way i'd pay for it now. I know others have no intention of buying the other DLC. Furthermore I definitely wouldn't be just handing over my money to bethesda so I could use a mod which fixes things that are broken in the game, which they themselves show no intention of fixing.

    I see a number of people saying "The DLC is cheap enough to get..." umm. No it's not. Currently DB and DG are $25 each on steam. That's not "cheap", if you don't have any DLC and you wanted them, it's literally cheaper to buy GOTY edition. Realistically people aren't going to spend $50 for the patch, so they'll be stuck.


    So this is how I see it:

    Worst cases for each of the groups:

    For those that have the DLC: you need to manage a few more patches.

    For those that don't: You need to either spend $50 to buy the game again or go without the updates.


    Personally I don't think that's fair.

  11. I don't know how stuff in-game works but this I would probably do it in 3ds max:



    1) Find suitable middle portion to delete

    2) Delete middle portion of mountain

    3) Move the upper part up along the z-axis

    4) Copy and paste the existing steps to make a way from the lower part to the upper part

    5) Bridge all the polygons together

    6) Apply a noise displacement map

    7) Apply another noise map to populate mountain with trees and grass


    = steeper mountain with more steps?


    The landscape in games is generally created via a heightmap. If You wanted to change the heightMap of the world I'd recommend MudBox with a Z axis contraint. There you can make the mountain higher then rebuild everything in the creation Kit. Likely though this will lead to some nasty streching.


    You see it in many games to some degree: guild wars 2 for instance... hell have you seen scarlet blade. Honestly though I kinda agree, I don't mind playing female characters and some of the nude mods were fun at first but now it's just plain creepy seeing unrealistic rendered women in these frankly rediculous 'armors'. This site is bordering on a porn site, and if you find that last statement offensive ask yourself: would you show this stuff to your mother? like I told my girlfriend "It's like, Did the internet suddenly run out of porn?". I've been hoping since 2012 that nexus would make an effort to seperate the mods into 2 categories Pervy and not-pervy. Not "adult and non-Adult" but "pervy and Not-Pervy". I also think one of the reasons that it's so rampant is because there's very strict rules on what you can actually say on nexus if you have anything nasty to say about some of these images you just have to suck it up and let it go.


    I don't think anything is going to change you don't have to agree with it just accept that this is what nexus is and if you want mods this where they get posted and that's it.


    It's called "Adult" and "Non-Adult" to separate the X-Rated content from the PG; which is more commonly known as "Adult" content. They're just calling a spade, a spade here.


    To want it classified as "pervy" is kind of immature, in my opinion. You either like it, or you don't. Either way, the mature reaction would be to simply ignore it if it's not your cup of tea; not get the community to change their outlook on it because you think it's weird.


    I think it's a good thing to have mods of all varieties. I would rather a site have everything for everybody, rather than demanding it to be tailored to my needs.


    To be honest, if we were going to get into the whole immersion sharpshooter thing here; wouldn't all characters be naked underneath their clothes? If it wasn't such a taboo subject, and given the blackball AO rating by the ESRB; Bethesda more than likely would have implemented nude bodies whenever clothes are removed in the vanilla release.



    "I would rather a site have everything for everybody, rather than demanding it to be tailored to my needs."

    "Either way, the mature reaction would be to simply ignore it if it's not your cup of tea; not get the community to change their outlook on it because you think it's weird."


    At no point did I mention anything along the lines "let's stop these people". My Position is very simple; the skimy content checkbox which is nice when searching for mods is cool I love it. Let's just make that checkbox appear on my Profile preferences instead and make it apply to ALL images and mods on the sites. It makes me feel uncomfortable, and I don't want to see it and I know a lot of other people don't want to see it, yet currently it is everywhere. I don't think the request to be able to block something is immature in any way.


    "It's called "Adult" and "Non-Adult" to separate the X-Rated content from the PG; which is more commonly known as "Adult" content."

    the problem here is I want to see the "adult" content like the gore mods. I just don't want to search for them amongst all the skimpy outfits.


    "wouldn't all characters be naked underneath their clothes?" erm.. What does this have to do with anything? If you look up the question isn't about being naked, it's about dressing up really skimpy.


    I think the thing that really creeps me out more than anything. Is every now and then when i'm downloading an innocent mod and you got to images and click the 'from users' tab and off of a sudden there's this thing wearing an elven micro bikini or something and has a caption that says "Vikki thanks you".


    "Bethesda more than likely would have implemented nude bodies whenever clothes are removed in the vanilla release." this statement is based on what exactly? O.o

  13. You see it in many games to some degree: guild wars 2 for instance... hell have you seen scarlet blade. Honestly though I kinda agree, I don't mind playing female characters and some of the nude mods were fun at first but now it's just plain creepy seeing unrealistic rendered women in these frankly rediculous 'armors'. This site is bordering on a porn site, and if you find that last statement offensive ask yourself: would you show this stuff to your mother? like I told my girlfriend "It's like, Did the internet suddenly run out of porn?". I've been hoping since 2012 that nexus would make an effort to seperate the mods into 2 categories Pervy and not-pervy. Not "adult and non-Adult" but "pervy and Not-Pervy". I also think one of the reasons that it's so rampant is because there's very strict rules on what you can actually say on nexus if you have anything nasty to say about some of these images you just have to suck it up and let it go.


    I don't think anything is going to change you don't have to agree with it just accept that this is what nexus is and if you want mods this where they get posted and that's it.


  14. As title states I'm looking for a function or way to add an item to favourites. I've done a pretty extensive search and closest i've come up with is SetFavorState. Sadly however this has nothing to do with item favourites.


    Does anyone have a clue or is it simply not possible using papyrus alone? Can I reference SkyUI actionscript to favourite an item?



  15. Okay I found the solution after actually sleeping on it. I was right that it was something to do with property references.

    So since i'm using ' GetWeaponType' the reference needed to be cast as a weapon as it falls in the weapon script. if i'm using it as a form you won't find the function.

    Furthermore I needed a variable which is not really a variable but a property which is pretty much just a variable that stores data as a weapon type, which is where the property comes in.


    The script becomes:



    ScriptName HCRP_ItemManagement extends ReferenceAlias

    Form VarNewItem
    Int VarWeapType
    Weapon Property kNewWeapon auto

    Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)

    VarNewItem = akBaseItem

    ;; Check if the new item is a weapon and armour or something else.
    if VarNewItem as Weapon
    debug.Notification("a Weapon!")

    kNewWeapon = VarNewItem as weapon
    VarWeapType = kNewWeapon.GetWeaponType()

    debug.Notification("The weapon type is " + VarWeapType as string + "!")

    elseif VarNewItem as Armor
    debug.Notification("an armor!")

    debug.Notification("I don't know what this is!")



  16. Hi, I'm migrating from the GECK to the creation kit.

    How do I call a function on a reference? The wiki page is useless at explaining it.

    The Wiki states that a function is location.function ( params)
    Where exactly do I state what i'm running the function on?
    I assumed it may be ref.function (params) but that gives me the error <function> is not a function or does not exist.

    Here's exactly what I'm trying to do:



    ScriptName HCRP_ItemManagement extends ReferenceAlias

    Form VarNewItem
    int VarWeapType = 0

    Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)

    VarNewItem = akBaseItem

    ;; Check if the new item is a weapon and armour or something else.
    if VarNewItem as Weapon
    debug.Notification("a Weapon!")
    ;; Check what type of weapon was picked up.
    VarWeapType = akItemReference.GetWeaponType()

    elseif VarNewItem as armor
    debug.Notification("an armor!")
    debug.Notification("I don't know what this is!")




    So basically when I pick up an item I want to know what it is.


    Here's what I've tried:

    • Reinstalling SKSE
    • Using other SKSE functions Which worked so it's unlikely to be SKSE
    • Copying Examples (i can't find them) from the wiki which gave the same error which probably means I'm missing something
    • import Weapon
    • Import form
    • Using IsDagger or IsWarAxe functions

    I think it's something to do with Property references but i'm still not sure how it all ties in.


    Does anyone have any idea? Any help would be appreciated.


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