Something like that? Short Answer: you can't move it. Long answer: as far as I (and anyone I've seen comment on it) can tell, there's no entry in the files for the position of that particular button; it seems to be hardcoded. However, it is possible to do what I did to get the above screenshot (and yes, that is in-game and working); you can leave the button in place and move EVERYTHING ELSE around it. It's pretty involved, though; I had to edit the following files to make it all work (this is post-CoM): panels/panel_inventory.pngpanels/panel_inventory_wave.pngpanels/panel_map.pngscripts/layout/ (that pannel is the devs' typo, not mine)scripts/layout/ don't really feel justified in uploading it as a mod since I was really just updating a mod someone else made, but if you feel going through the headache of fixing it yourself is still worth it I can give you instructions on what to change in each of those files.