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About ReverseStateMonad

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  1. Something like that? Short Answer: you can't move it. Long answer: as far as I (and anyone I've seen comment on it) can tell, there's no entry in the files for the position of that particular button; it seems to be hardcoded. However, it is possible to do what I did to get the above screenshot (and yes, that is in-game and working); you can leave the button in place and move EVERYTHING ELSE around it. It's pretty involved, though; I had to edit the following files to make it all work (this is post-CoM): panels/panel_inventory.pngpanels/panel_inventory_wave.pngpanels/panel_map.pngscripts/layout/panel.map.darkestscripts/layout/panel.tab.darkestscripts/layout/pannel.inventory.darkest (that pannel is the devs' typo, not mine)scripts/layout/screen.raid.darkestI don't really feel justified in uploading it as a mod since I was really just updating a mod someone else made, but if you feel going through the headache of fixing it yourself is still worth it I can give you instructions on what to change in each of those files.
  2. This isn't really accurate; If you look here you can find instructions for how to make mods usable with the GoG version of the game without having to overwrite the game's files (note that at least some of the mods on the Nexus already have this done; Marvin Seo's class mods and Clair's Collection of Curiosities for example already have an appropriate project.xml file, so they can just be dropped into the mods folder and activated in-game).
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