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Everything posted by AtlasGraham

  1. So, to answer my own question--since I was finally able to get on and check for myself-- yes! If you change the color from White to whatever color in the dds file, than in game when you set the color to White it will, in fact, be whatever color you made it instead. You'd need to change a lot more than that, due to the fact that there is more in the HUD than the pipboy icons... Anyway, thanks for all th--- Oh, I was about to say "thanks for all the help". You know, because it was a simple question, that literally could have been answered with one word if anyone had been bothered. But hey, I get it. That one dude needed someone to find a mod for him, and that other guy--you know, the one who wanted to use assets from NV for 4--needed to be told what he wanted was considered piracy a few times. I guess my question just didn't make the cut in such a competitive environment. Just... god damn.
  2. So, I recently discovered a mod I've been looking for in the NV nexus for months--turns out it was in the Fallout 3 Nexus. Who knew?--and while its everything I wanted, there's a bit of a snag that I'd rather not get used too if I can help it. You see, the mod in question is a HUD mod, and while that shouldn't be an issue... well... it only works if you set the HUD color to White. Change it to green, to amber, and it changes the entire color scheme to match, which for this particular mod takes away the appeal. My question is this; if I open up the interfaceshared0.dds file and change the color of the pip-boy mascot from white to green, will that change the in game color to green? I'm operating under the potentially very flawed belief that setting the HUD color to white is more a less removing the color filter entirely, and with that train of thought changing the white to green at the source seems like it will leave me with the original, classic-looking HUD while also giving me the default green color I usually play with. I'm not really at a place where I can test this out myself, unfortunately, so I thought it best to see if someone here could give me an answer before I'm able to test it out myself. Anyone know?
  3. So, this is just a rant topic but I think its one every modder--regardless of scope--can relate too. For the last few hours I've been sifting through TES5edit and changing the dialogue of one of my mods to match the Khajiit speak mod, ya know since there was no patch for it? Anyway, editing Dialoge, while probably one of the easiest things to do, is incredibly tedious. Line after line I clicked, altered, changed, rinsed and repeated until I got tired. Because, you know, people need to sleep and its late. i think I was working on a Master file the entire time instead of the ESP, so when I clicked exit and save... Error message, midde finger, closed without so much as an option to go back. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view1/3129429/computer-smash-o.gif So tonight I got to bed in a rage at having literally wasted 3 hours of my life. And tomorrow, when I wake up, I'll probably do it all over again. Mini-Rant over.
  4. Now, as we all know the ED-E from Lonesome Road is practically bursting with personality. From his sneaky beeping, creepy tendency to record everything, and even his offer to play you human mating sounds there isn't much about this little guy that isn't, in a weird way, adorable. In fact I've seen lots of people comment on how great they think he is! And then we have the Vanilla ED-E... Who flies, plays a little tune before battle, and... that's pretty much it. To say he's bland is an understatement, and when compared to his vastly superior clone he ends up leaving everything to be desired. In short, I'm wondering is anyone could make a mod to make the vanilla ED-E a floating ball of personality like he was in Lonesome Road. Do mod requests usually work? Probably not, but I thought it worth asking regardless.
  5. Hey everyone, I have and issue that I haven't seemed to be able to fix too. Whenever I go into the character creation and try to change my hair, I... well, can't. This isn't a "changes don't save" issue, I literally can't change my hair. You know how the hair styles are labeled 1 2 3 4 5 etc? Well, mine has that, and then it keeps going.... and going.... and going... basically, where normally the game registers 5 or 6 hairs, mine says I have thousands upon thousands of them, and if you go far enough you reach 0, and it repeats until the slider reaches the end. None of these thousands of selections actually have any selections to them; my hair remains the exact same as it was when I first made my character--and I don't have this problem when I start a new game! It's only when I try to change it mid play through that it craps out on me. Does this have to do with RaceMenu? This isn't a problem unique to this play through, so any help on resolving it would be appreciated.
  6. Hello everyone! One of the things I've been looking for for NV are mods that make it feel more like the original; I've seen a screenshot of a Classic Fallout like Hud(Anyone know that mod?), there are a few that change items to their original appearance(Rad-Away, Super Sledge, etc.) and with Fallout: The Frontier, we'll be getting a brand spanking new Pipboy-2000 in all its beautiful glory! :dance: But are there any more IN DEPTH mods? Enemy reskins to more easily fit the original? (Molerats, Mr. Gutsys, Super Mutants, etc. again) Stat changes? Perks? Basically, if it existed in the Classics, and could/should be found in the Mojave, I'm interested in it. If anyone has a list of mods like this, I'd really appreciate it.
  7. Bleh, was worried about that. Too far into my game to restart now. Oh well,. I'll keep that in mind for my next playthrough, than. Thank you.
  8. Okay so, I recently downloaded the Monster Mod and while I'm enjoying the new variety, there's a bit... too much variety. I'm sure some of you who have downloaded it yourselves know what I mean when I say that. So, my question is; if I loaded the mod up in the GECK and started deleting the non lore-friendly beasts, would that have any serious repercussions to my game? Instability, corruption, that sort of thing?
  9. Many of us have played Skyrim without doing the main quest. We Role Play that we AREN'T the dragonborn, and that we're just some wandering swordsman, or the Arch Mage, or whatever it is you fancy. Let’s face it, the Main storyline isn't the greatest aspect of the game, and for many of us it can ruin our character's story if we let it. What I'm here to suggest, is a mod that adds a Dovahkiin NPC to the game. One that will absorb nearby Dragon Souls, levels with the player, and unlocks different shouts as the storyline progresses. Now, being the Dragonborn I wouldn't expect him to be a constant follower. I'd imagine he'd be too busy killing dragons and Saving the world to travel around with you constantly. But having him hanging around Main Quest related places where you could help him out would be a nice way to show that, while he'd like the help, he has his own life that he needs to live without you. Or maybe just have some random Dragonborn NPC added to the game that you occasionally run into, disable the main quest, and pretend that he's off saving the world. It's not as glamorous as the other idea, but given how little people seem to notice or care about you during the Main Quest it's not too far fetched. I know there's a mod out there that makes you a regular joe, but the Dragon Threat is still there. And without a Dovahkiin around to thwart it nothing is really stopping Alduin from swooping down and resuming his tyrannical rule of Tamriel. I know this mod idea has been suggested before, but it's never really been given much attention. I'm just hoping that, in the off chance there's a bored Modder scrolling through the request section for something to work on, maybe this mod will finally see the light of day. What do you guys think about this? I know I can't be the only one who hasn't thought of this lately.
  10. Wait... Yeah, you're right Alduin was a Tyrant, not a Omicidal Maniac. Kinda sounds like another ES character wanted to act against his chosen role... That's why it would be a mod. No mod is Canon to the series, and even using your argument I can counter with the fact that Fallout had multiple endings as well, but even though you could join The Master as a Super Mutant in the first game, or taint the water with the FEV virus in the third, the Canon ending is still always the heroic one. Master dies, Project Purity goes off without a hitch, and I honestly have no idea which ending is Canon in New Vegas, but I imagine it's NCR. Those like me who would like to ruin everything would love this mod, and those who want to follow the original storyline could ignore it, no harm done. Two sides to every coin and what not. I don't even think alduin knew about the dragonborn's return until a few of his comrades actually met the dragonborn. Its really impossible to tell that alduin knew all along the identity of the dragonborn because even the dragonborn didnt know he was a dragonborn. Alduin may claim he is a son of akatosh but that does not make him anymore close to be a god-like being(omniscient). If and IF, alduin knew the dragonborn.. he wouldnt have attacked helgen.. he couldv let the executioner cut off the head of the dragonborn because by attacking helgen and interrupting the execution, he only digged up his own grave, now.. i wouldnt think that alduin is stupid to do such thing, considering he is of immense age... he existed long time ago,, i think he even co existed with lord harkon from thousands of years ago or even older. Exactly. I'm in the group that believes that, with Alduin being awakened close to Helgen and Helgen being fairly active at the time, he attacked it in a fit of rage. He would have had no knowledge of you yet. That theory makes much more sense than "Alduin being tossed to different era and instantly goes for the Dragonborn without any knowledge of his existence." Not to mention the fact that you were basically ignored while escaping. It just doesn't add up. And what of the Dragon Priests? The Dragon Cult? Even while Alduin ruled he let a select few Mortals rule over the others to a degree. Theoretically, so long as the Dragonborn swore allegiance and made no acts of ill will against him, the player could fill the same role as the Dragon Priests before them and be given power over the mortal residents of Nirn. The scripting to do this would be massive, but I've seen these sorts of mods made before. I see where you're coming from when you say you kill him because he poses a threat to you, but regardless of your motivation it ends the same. You kill him, nobody cares, you're still treated like a nuisance, and life goes on like it always has. Hell, I'd rather let Alduin kill me than THAT! Well, technically you just block it for a day but this is still a good point. The closest you can get to being a big bad in this game is after Dawnguard, which while fun it's it's own right doesn't compare to joining the supposed Galactus of the Elder Scrolls universe. Whether you're just helping Alduin hit the Reset Button, or forcing all other beings to bow or die, both scenario's are far more ideal to those who want to be an actual villain then what we have now. I have no doubt that if a mod that let you join Alduin was made that it would easily become one of the higher downloaded mods out there right now. Great House Dagoth and The Sixth House were some of the more popular mods for Morrowind, if I recall. People LOVE to play the role of the bad guy! And to my knowledge there's no mod that actually lets you do that as of yet. Fair enough, but like I said before Alduin most likely JUST came from his Time travel, and Helgen is literally right next to the throat of the World. There was no way he could have known the Dragonborn was there. And your second point is fair enough, but the Gray Beards take notice of the Dragonborn as soon as they kill the Dragon, I don't see why Alduin wouldn't have figured it out then as well.
  11. The one thing I've always hated about Skyrim is the fact that you HAVE to be a hero. You can be a prick, murder everybody in the game(With the help of mods, of course.) and be the perfect definition of a villain, yet in the end the only two choices are "Ignore the questline" and "Stop the world from ending" I personally hate the citizens of Skyrim. You could shatter every bone in your body, tear all tyour muscles to hamburger meat, and yet still manage to save the day. And they still treat you like trash. Oblivion suffered a similar problem, in that you couldn't join the Mythic Dawn, though you do get some respect for everything you accomplish. And Morrowind? Morrowind had two mods that let you join Dagoth Ur, though understandably the lack of extensive voice acting in that game made it a hellav a lot easier. What I want for Skyrim is the choice to assist Alduin devour the world! As far as voices go, very few of us actually learn Dragon Tongue, so it wouldn't be widely opposed if someone just made Dragons be the quest givers and just use the different dialogues for them with new subtitles. It would have to end in a Non-standard Game over, and people wouldn't be able to keep playing after completion what with the world being reset and all, but for those of use who play as destructive, violent, and hated characters this would be a perfect mod. I'm honestly surprised there isn't even an abandoned version of this floating around. I know mod requests don't normally get made, but I thought I would throw this thought out there anyway. There's always a small chance someone would be motivated, so where's the harm?
  12. Basically, my favorite RP for these types of games is the PC starting to lose touch with their minds, typically though prolonged use of a "cursed item" or just some horrifying event, and eventually falling into the "Tragic Monster" Trope. My idea for this mod is having the Dragonborn be prone to hallucinations, whether it be temporarily replacing an NPC with a monster (Like the Oblivion Hist Sap quest) or just making them randomly appear during travels. For those who like RPing the same way I do it could be a great addition, and for better effect there could be an ability to configure the settings for frequency of the hallucinations, what shape they take form in, whether they affect NPCs or not. Replicate the "steady decline" effect if you will. Also, it'd be a pretty good addition for any horror related mods, or simply if you want a bit more tension while delving into ruins by adding enemies that aren't really there to throw you off. I think it'd be a really fun mod to use! What do you guys think?
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