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About psib3r

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Is it posssible to highlight the ammo loot for the weapons you are carrying, so for those that are using ammo weight we can make sure we only pick up what we're using?
  2. So, one thing I would have really likes to see was maybe a classic 80's Death Rock style, I have absolute zero modding capabilities or I would have been all over this, is anyone able to create hair/make-up/clothing like this kind of stuff? I noticed there is slightly better eye make-up now to get a similar look and and Rogues 2023 hair style is close, but yeah if anyone does have a go that would be cool.
  3. So not sure if anyone has seen this, I'm am not a modder and I have 0 3d skills, but this youtube channel of a car designer who has designed many well known cars has created a car for a fictional GTA6 but he has made the model freely available to use.
  4. Hi Does anyone know if a mod exists, or maybe someone is working on one, that would remove all mutated creatures from the game, maybe just replace them with humans. So things like bears and dogs etc... would still be there, but everything else that is "fantastical" would be replaced/removed. Simply to make the game feel more about human survival.
  5. So I'm really bad at looks menu stuff when it comes to getting them to look like someone else, has anyone attempted or can they have a go at the new V for the cyberpunk 2077? https://twitter.com/CyberpunkGame/status/1236607862983602179/photo/1 Also this guy here https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/43793 made a really cool fast helm with NV module, I'm sure they'd really like if someone could have it flip up when not in use?
  6. I was hoping for something like this http://www.thomasinegloves.com/images/collaborations/cinema/zone/02-zone.jpg
  7. Hi, does anyone know if any modder has created a poncho, I was looking for something like the character in the Black Spot (Zone Blanche) TV series wears?
  8. Hi I seem to be having an issue with mods, for instance I have tried to install via NMM the Dread Cait Mod, it seems to install fine, it did not ask me to overwrite any files, the esp is in the data folder, I have all the prerequisite mods, but it just does not apply. I tried others too to change my companions and they do not work either. I did have UniqueFollowers mod installed and wondered if that had left something behind after I uninstalled it? Anyway, any help appreciated.
  9. Sorry can you delete this, I can't see how to delete it
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