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Everything posted by ProbablySolus

  1. I'm aware the team has made several responses saying that they are simply refusing to add the mere option to have people prefer the old/legacy UI and I genuinely think this is a mistake. I understand that this feedback section is for 'genuine' feedback and that's what I'm looking to state. The new style/UI feels clunky, spaced apart, and genuinely difficult to look at and focus. As someone with imperfection vision, these 'features' in the new style make it difficult to easily browse for mods and can give me a headache at times. I had read and can understand that the changes were made initially to better the code and experience for new users, however as someone in their 20s that needs glasses, this only affects me negatively. I'm not suggesting a complete reversal to the legacy style/UI, however, a plan to give users the option or even an new style/UI that is more in line with how compact things were would be greatly appreciated to the members of the community who use the website who do not have 20/20 vision or who do not have compatible vision with the intent of the new style/UI. I, also, understand that some people feel a need for change and some don't like the new UI while others like it. However, I believe simply alienating people who are not comfortable/do not like the new changes is not a productive method going forward. So, please, consider a future optional layout that individual users can enable that resemble the legacy style/UI so that people with imperfect vision can, at the very least, use the website without struggle. --- This is a post I had made to the Feedback Discussions sub-page of Nexus several days ago, it had amassed around 100 upvotes and had several dozen comments stating how people agreed with my sentiment. It has since been deleted with no notification, resulting action, nor was it flagged for any violation. Why is it that hundreds, if not thousand, of people are rightfully upset with the changes made, as well as people like myself who are rightfully complaining that the visual changes is actually harmful to our eyes, that our opinions and complaints are being disregarded and cast aside? For every twenty posts, comments, and discussions complaining that the new visuals and interface look bad, are poorly designed, and are harmful to the user, there is maybe one or two statement in support of the change. My original post was not advocating for the complete reversal of the interface back to the old/legacy version, simply an option that it may be applied visually or a less-updated-version available. Many websites, application, and brands provide this as to satisfy/accommodate as many users as possible. I, for one, get consistent headaches while trying to use the new interface and I know I am not the only one. That's not to say the the new UI Interface is.. Almost disgraceful of what truly popularized Nexus Mods; Skyrim. The removal of the background images of from the home page and subsequent mod pages is a direct disrespectful action to the game that solely made Nexus Mods the main place to go for game modding. Speaking aesthetically, Nexus Mods is now bland, lifeless, and can cause actual pain to use. I am, again, not saying to simply revert all changes. I can understand that the website might function better than before as well as there are some, if small amounts, of people who enjoy the changes. However, it is abundantly clear that is not the case for the majority of users. I ask that a option be added to apply a sort of.. Overlay in the aesthetic of the Legacy/Old interface, or a less-updated version that more aligns with what the users of this website have been using for literal decades. And please, do not remove this post like my last one. It is incredibly disrespectful and.. Childish to simply delete structured criticism when faced with it.
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