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  1. Yeah I was thinking more along the lines of G0-T0 from KotOR http://lparchive.org/LetsPlay/KOTOR%202/Update%2035/img-63.JPG just in a Dwemer style, as for the refined version it is Voidsteel. :)
  2. Just found out about this project, I love all things dwemer and this looks awesome. As for the legendary workers, is it Voidstone? And for the set name, Void -, - of the Void, Abyssal -, Tamed Void set? Also just as a personal request I always wanted to have a dwemer floating sphere companion, just putting the idea out there. :)
  3. Come on help a dude out. :) I just reinstalled Skyrim and I am in a mood for a new game should I start one with SkyRe or wait for PerMa? Any info on the release date? Or should I just install SkyRe?
  4. SkyRe all the way, the freedom, the gameplay, you can become what ever you want, a sinister Necromancer, an Assassing that is interested and uses Dwemer technology, ANYTHING! :) Just try it.
  5. Aaaaaaaaah another Necromancer lover, here let me suggest the ones I have found. 1. SkyRe has made a specific Necromancy skill tree in the Conjuration skill tree that enables you to build your own skeleton, dress it and equip it with weapon, talk to your minions, etc, etc... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9286//? Also you will need this also: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36052/? 2. Fire and Ice Overhaul, is a great mod if you decide to specialise in Fire or Ice magic, you can now freeze and burn everything, people, villages, EVERYTHING!!! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/43241/? 3. As gulogulo said, Undeath is an awesome quest mod that will give you new powers and if you play your cards right you will be able to turn in too a Lich! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/40607/? 4. Corpse Preparation - True Necromancy, nuff said, makes you feel like a true NECROMANCER MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35378/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D35378%26preview%3D&pUp=1 So enjoy, if you find any other good ones please do tell me. :)
  6. Yes, basically YES!!! :) Just instead of pick I would write "harvest" personal preference I guess. ;) And you can also have an alchemy lab to infuse your minions with mutagens. And SkyRe has an perk that lets you equip your humanoid minions with armor and weapons so a combination would be awesome. I really do hope to all the daedra that someone will make this mod.
  7. Yes but that mod adds loads of useless perks IMHO and it is not even similar to what I have suggested is it?
  8. Well it's an idea meant to inspire so I guessed because there are similar threads here that it can be put in this sub forum.
  9. Just hear me out. I had this idea for some time and the base of it is some features of SkyRe and the Atronach Forge. The theory is sound but I lack modding skills. The basic idea is to have a Necromantic Laboratory where you can make your own undead minions. In Skyrim Redone mod you can harvest freshly killed humanoid corpses for bones and organs and than summon a skeleton warrior when you have all the parts. What I propose is to remodel the Atronach Forge a bit so that it looks like a Necromantic Laboratory and than harvest limbs, fleash, skin, bones and organs form your victims than combine them in the forge\lab to make flesh atronachs, zombies, combine different animals and make your own abominations of bone and flesh imagination is the limit. You can even have stability as a factor for example if you combine a zombie with a werewolf heart it can be stronger but unstable and decompose after some time. That is the base of it but it can be further expanded like making alchemical concoctions that will make your minions more stable or stronger or even mutate. I hope I have inspired someone to make this as a mod.
  10. Project ENB with Climates of Tamriel with Real lightning overhaul. :)
  11. Would be great if those where guard replacement uniforms. Will you be making a SkyRe compatibility patch when you release your mod? :)
  12. What? :D SkyRe maker actually recommends using your mod and of course some perks don't work like the one that let's you equip your minion, it would be impossible to code that it works on every spell mod. If you want it to work, make a compatibility patch clear and simple. ;)
  13. Not to be rude but at what difficulty are you playing? Crossbows are one hit weapons and you don't get a second chance, they do more damage than bows but they are slooooooooooooooow to reload, slow enough that any enemy will kill you if you don't switch weapons.
  14. I disagree with all who say that you can be OP with SkyRe. First of all you could be OP in vanilla every time, SkyRe (if you use the full experience all esps) gives you a challenge every time. I am a thief/assassin lvl 18 and I am having problems with that rat man in the thieves guild quest. I play on Expert by the way and would recommend that difficulty if you choose SkyRe for the challenging gameplay. Also SkyRe gives you a great feel, you want to be a Necromancer? You have perks that let you harvest the bones and organs form slain enemies and make skeleton minions that follow you permanently and when you upgrade Tongues of Old perk to the fullest you can equip your minions with equipment of choice. It is just very cool especially if you install the race specific skeleton mod which is a must have. You want to be an assassin? There are perks that let you make small explosive concoctions and smoke bombs that you can throw or you can sneak/give them to foes so that they explode in their pockets and do additional damage. You can craft spike traps and with the right perks poison them to and lure your enemies in them. You can craft and upgrade crossbows with different upgrades which is just cool, a scope, a silencer literally anything that comes to mind. There are to many specific perks to tell you all about them but really if you have any type of character and you don't want to be a spell slinging, maser archer, grand healer, two and one handed weapon specialist all at once you must get this mod. As for the mod that compliment them, SkyRe has a special addition for those that love total immersion, it adds a special survival perk tree for people that also install Frostfall. I also use Immersion Armors with it and yes you need a compatibility patch with that, but not because the mod won't work without it the armors would just be op without the compatibility patch,and that goes with all the armor and weapon mods. The core mod IS compatible with all the other mods that don't change the perk trees, I just recommend that you experience the SkyRe to the fullest, and than the only BIG mod that I know is not compatible with it and has no compatibility patch is the Skyrim Monster Mod because one of the additional SkyRe esps edits the leveled lists. Also no bugs in the mod and I don't see the fuss in using compatibility patches they are all linked on the mod page. ;)
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