This new UI has broken so many things. I don't usually comment, i find what mods i want download them and use em. But god damn this is horrible. The option to list mods by small tiles, big tiles, or a list is completely broken by the new UI and the only place where that option appears is in profile settings. So theres that, The whole list 20, 40, 60, 80 mods thing is also whack as again and I'm parroting a whole lot of people but there is so much wasted space and heck if they wanted to have a proper update to looking though mods, they should just remove it all together and do dynamic mod loading. you can fit 4 more whole mods into the bottom of the page with the filters hidden. This wasn't an issue with the old UI. If this was just to bring the rest of the site in line with the UI that the collections page had congrats you did it and somehow made it worse. The games tab is just the epitome of wasted space tiny pictures and the name beside them somehow takes up no space and all the space plus even with all that new space you can only favorite 24 games even though there is so much more space you can fill.
Why constrain the page to the middle 3rd of the screen, theres not even banners to flank each side. I looked at the scores you aggregated and when you have 60+ million users and can only get a fraction of a fraction of the userbase to respond to the changes via "pop-up's" there's a massive issue. Oh the "surprise" button does not even generate a new batch of mods when you click off of it then back on to it... so what's its use?
This feels poorly thought out and rushed out while using data from a fraction of a fraction of the userbase.