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  1. Sure, I know that it could be break the history, but I was thinking of a mod for peoples who don't like the principal quest, or simply peoples who have already finished Skyrim, why not add a new quest where you would have to choice between be for or against the genocide ? It makes me thinking about some mods that adds optionnal starts, with an other quest etc... However, what you proposed is really interesting, in fact I didn't though about it ! I could create the mod, but I don't know how to create... Do you have some written tutorials to make it ? Then this should be hard to do or not ?
  2. Hello, First, I'm not english, so perhaps my text will not be perfect, and I apologize. I was thinking of two ideas of mods that should interest lots of players. For the second, maybe it's already exists, but I didn't find it. But for the first, I'm pretty sure it doesn't exists. I will start by the second : it simply adds more NPCs and little events, not necessarily attacks, but like drunks who are fighting, hobos who steal on the market and run away, nomad merchants, thugs who are hunting you if you're wanted... Then, it comes the most interesting mod in my opinion. In Skyrim, there is a huge racial tension, amplified by the civil war, the Thalmor's decrees... Then lots of nordic nationalists are changing for hating other races, mainly elvens. But others races are not better. Everybody is hating everybody. So here is what I propose for this mod. To add more or less hate between NPCs of each races. For example, a nordic would hate elvens, so they would kill them if they see them, Altmers would be hated by everybody, but not attacked by others races that nordics, or only attacked when at least a nordic else would attack them, Khaijits would be neutral... But some NPCs would not havethis racism rate, like campanions, who are "good"... To add refugiee camps with lots and lots of poor refugiees, and the population of these camps would be different in each province. For example, in Solitude, it could be a Imperial or Elven refugiee camp protected by the legion, into Whiterun, a cosmopolitan camp, but clear of elvens, protected by whiterun guards, when into the east there would be refugiee camps only for nordics, protected by Stormcloaks and Milicians ( armed peasants ). The refugiees would wear poor's clothes, but would have some jewellery from their homes. The global economy would explode for classic products like food and weapons, but the price of things, not essential, but that would be expensive normally like silver or ivory would fall. After that, to make rare food and High Range Weapons and Armors like ebony or elven, and to add some basic needs.. To add some random events, I think it's the important point of the mod. In these events, we could find : - Huge refugiee groups of 20 or 30 persons escorted by milicians on the ways, and, sometimes, a death squad would attack them and decimate them. - Death squad of 25 nordics milicians, imperial or elvens which would patrolling into or without roads and which would attack every refugiee convoy. - Lots of mass grave and piles of bodies ( different in each regions ) with or without millicians next to it. ( We should use the mod "dead body collision fix" for a best effect ) - Plunderers who would steal everybody. Etc..For sure, all of these NPCs would spawn randomly and always, then disappear and respawn, etc, etc... I'm sorry if everything is not always comprehensible, if you have questions, I'm here. Thank you for reading.
  3. Ok, it's good, but now, whien i want to get in a car, there is a text, I click on "Enable and quit", the game crash and thare is any changements.
  4. I replaced all the files, but it doesn't fixes it. And what is a mesh folder ?
  5. Hello, I recently installed the mod "XRE CARS" that can drive cars, http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/49042 but I installed the mod, but when I run the game well at the normal location of the cars, there is a red arrow, a kind of beacon, not cars. http://www.noelshack.com/2013-05-1359479850-screenshot1.png Do you know how to fix it? Thank you.
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