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Everything posted by ryanshowseason2

  1. Quite honestly I don't see the point in any follower mod if it isn't going to do any better than Lydia. If it does better than Serana then I''ll probly start a new playthrough to experience it. But all these follower mods that just add someone to fight with you and say nothing? Why? I can already make everyone already in skyrim look like supermodels adding a specific new supermodel doesn't seem worth the load order space. Makes me think I am somehow wired differently than others, I love the skimpy stuff as much as the next perv but pretty follower mods don't seem to have a point? Throwing a skimpy outfit on cerwiden though, now we're talking! Form and function!
  2. Start hard and you'll become too frustrated to continue is more like it. Skyrim modding is a test of patience beyond olympic levels. I would suggest starting out creating mods with less difficulty than recreating cyrodil single handedly. The beyond skyrim: Cyrodil team has been working at it for nearly 2 years, and they are a team of already skilled modders. Suffice to say I have doubts a one man show will fare better. I program for a living. I would not even compare modding in skyrim to learning a new programming language, it is even more difficult than that. If you limited your scope to working within skyrims borders you might actually stand a chance at finishing something. Further releasing the mod one quest at a time would make it easier to have regular releases and get it tested by the nexus community. Waiting to release it in entirety will A. Take forever B. end with a larger amount of interconnected bugs. Releasing new software often even if it isn't finished is a practice many software companies are employing to get constant feedback about direction and iron out bugs earlier that may lead to larger coneptual problems down the line.
  3. Question, will you release the scripts in their source form? Or might there be an asy way to activate the effect from 3rd party mods that use this as a master? I'd love to utilize this as a feature some mods of my own. Will it be modder friendly enough that I would be able to do that? For instance before you are married I'd love to make this activate when you ask someone to be their partner and say yes. But the restrictions you've placed wouldn't allow that.
  4. Sex or race doesnt' matter I believe it can work even with animals (Rabbits, Cows, Dragons, lol :D), but I haven't test it. Will it stop the villagers from judging me and my chicken companion?
  5. So if a mod adds some dialog conversations with conditions, and I then make that mod a master, add new info's to the same topic and new conditions to existing topics what happens if the master changes? Will things go wonky if updates to the master? Will I be able to easily update my modification or is it back to square one? Do it all over again? I saw an option for exporting dialog is it very effective?
  6. So I've added a bunch of linked topics within the same branch to a topic info... My problem is only a few of them show up. Each of them has at least one response that has no conditions so it will show no matter what... I've checked my scripts, they all compile and have their properties set. I've used TES5Edit to generate an SEQ file for my mod. I went in game quick saved and then quick loaded to make sure dialog appears at all. (I think this is still a general bug right?) Still only 4 out of my 7 player responses show up. I've seen this issue before 3 out of 4 responses appearing and cut the size of responses to 65 characters max and then they all appeared... I'm at a loss for what is wrong... Does this ring any bells?
  7. The real question is what is calling the functions? Could two or more things be calling it at once? As in if it was a function being called by a spell any number of npcs could cast it at once, this could be a problem since they might be acting on the same data. I am also not well versed in papyrus though.
  8. It is absolutely not like that! The comments section is not only for praise and congradulations but also for.... CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM Authors cannot improve mods if they do not know what is lacking in them. Its is the exactly right place to voice opinions of quality over aspects of a mod. That's not to say its a place to say "This sucks" but to say "Hey you've got a big patch of empty flat space over here kinda looks artificial..." I reject the notion that comments sections are not a place for opinions sir. It is more akin to going to the star trek convention and saying the tribbles were not as great a concept as they could have been.
  9. The authors of interesting npcs. Whoever they are. It is really an excellent framework of quests. And script wizard EnaiSiaon. She's/He's overhauled a few different game systems and added flavor to them and also done his/her best to balance them. He/She shows some real dedication and isn't paid in anything but feature requests, claims of bugs and sometimes endorsements.
  10. I am giddy with anticipation, two areas that need more mods with unique effects are enchantments and poisons.
  11. This thread is two years old, anyone who started it has long since moved on.
  12. This opinion about sums it up. I make small mods for my own personal use sometimes. I'm a programmer by proffesion, let me make that clear I program for a living. The CK isn't easy. It isn't the worst piece of software I've dealt with but you cannot go from 0 experience to creating massive expansions within the space of a few weeks. This is coming from someone who programs every day in and out of work. I wouldn't give a second thought to devoting time to a project led by a person with no experience in the CK or knowledge of its limitations. I doubt modders *more* experienced than me would either. That said if you'd like to progress I have a recommendation: Make an intro project to this idea. From the title it sounds like through some manner of events the dragonborn must flee to Hammerfell. Perhaps you could make a smaller quest mod detailing those events within skyrim. Get it up to the point that the character has to leave and then create this idea as the continuation of the story. If you made the intro mod you could say "Hey look at this, I'm serious about this idea, and I know what can be done now. I have the experience" There would be no question as to your conviction or skill then, and you wouldn't be going from 0 to 60 which will be easier on your sanity as well. Because as I've said the CK is not to be trifled with.
  13. a spell that shoots a naked manequin at people and embeds in them like an arrow. It then causes the target to ragdoll and enacts random upward forces on them so it looks like they are getting it on with their new favorite wooden blow up doll. It should also strip the target. Call it: Estrus 2000 Manequin's Revengeance
  14. I think I read that before in its manual, but after looking at the heap of other changes to the game I shied away... Actually more like ran away. It looked like far too much difficulty for how I like to play. Getting disarmed and insta gibbed by arrows especially doesn't sound like leisure for me. I wonder if you're thinking of doing this in modules or a single mod workspace...
  15. I like what sky-re did in some arenas of blocking... Timed blocking was a great mechanic that kept you engaged and watching enemies intently. One thing I feel we haven't seen explored greatly in any overhaul is meaningful enemy resistance. Sky re touches on it by making some enemies 10-~30% resistant to some forms of damage, even then though it just feels as if a bow user is just mildly inconvenienced to beat down that dwemer centurion, he'll still get the job done in 3-4 more hits than the mace wielder. I for one would like to have to vary my tactics widely based upon the foe I'm up against. Non magical arrows should do nothing more than "chip away" at a frost atronach. Iron daggers should do next to nothing against a mammoth regardless of skill. But that cold enchanted mace should be reasonably effective against that steam powered automaton! Not pokemon level super effective damage but perhaps giving it "deblitations" like less melee damage or make it stagger. Being able to "main" something like daggers to kill even centurions has felt idiotic, and I'm surprised not to see any overhauls adressing it.
  16. Is update.esm just not on your list and you have it on your computer? If someone checks off that file as a master when they make their mod you WILL need it. And sometimes it is just checked off as a matter of habit even if the content isn't really needed.
  17. suggestions? Sure! Centurion dynamo core: Stick it on a stave and have it stagger dwarven constructs of all types Or make it equippable and have it make constructs either friendly towards you or less likely to notice you through sneak buffs? Goat horns/ antlers etc: Have them be equippable and have them stagger anything that attacks you in melee range. Ancient traveler's skull: Its some unique item you can find in a pass. Have it summon the ghost of the ancient traveler as your ally. Bellows: call them "magical" and make them a staff, have them either stagger or blow targets away fus ro dah style. Quill: The pen is mightier enchantment, have it cast a run directly underneath the target or wherever you point it. staff form obviously Shovel: staff form, magical have it kick up dirt and knockdown anyone near the impact point,
  18. I dont scour many sites besides this one actually, I'd love to know where else to find things.
  19. I was thinking of using that same broom as well. Looks pretty cool for a dwemerish playthrough. I'd love to see how you fixed it.
  20. Ignorable for you. Your character is having quite the experience though. Sounds like you'll have to open up the creation kit.
  21. My girlfriend uses these kinda mods to spice things up and change the butt ugliness of skyrim. She loves the mix and match clothing mods as well. She runs around fields picking alchemy ingredients and making potions and selling them to random people. She could care less about being the dragonborn or combat. This is a different playstyle than anyone ever intended for skyrim, but hey she enjoys it, along with her skimpy armor mods to pretty the outfits up. Mods are popular sometimes just because they offer something very different than the original experience and are more novel from that fact alone. Just trying to say these mods draw more interest outside of the boobs crowd, where you might not expect. Me? I like boobs.
  22. Have you played vanilla skyrim yet? I do strongly feel that you need to experience that in order to grasp what many overhauls do to the game and how it is changed. If you haven't you won't really know what you like/dislike and what you want to change. Then you can really look at a mod's description and understand how it is making the game better. When you get there SPERG and skyre are good choices. Requiem is another choice but it is REALLY not for everyone. Beyond that the skyrim Gems website is a good start for mods that overhaul one system or another. I do heavily recommend experiencing Vanilla though. You will grasp many things including having a gauge for how often you will crash WITHOUT mods and then be able to notice that you are crashing more, and then hunt for what mod is causing it.
  23. On "damage" we were never talking about actual damage none whatsoever, game save whatever. Still missing the point... The point is Gameplay exploits. Spelled out now geeze... Do you truly expect your average user to open the ck and inspect each mod they use to understand the underlying systems? If so you are a complete fool, and unreasonable. The only research that should be required of a user should be reading the description and readme carefully. You cannot expect someone with bashed patches and a 255 load order to open everything in the CK. I can't believe you'd suggest such an outlandish thing. Your Car buying example is horrible. Opening the CK is not equivalent to looking up specs on a car, it is equivalent to opening the hood and taking apart the engine. Not everyone can do that. The specs you're talking about should be on the description page. If you can't rely on a mod author to properly describe their content, it is negligence plain and simple. If you can't be bothered to tell me that your water texture mod also installs creature retextures you've crossed a line, and should be held accountable. What Midas's author owes everyone is to properly state this was created before any development tools so it likely isn't the most stable thing. Also he does the right thing and properly states which spells are likely highly overpowered. IF he's not around its up to the user community armed with proper tags, or the administration of the nexus to change the descriptions.
  24. Well said exactly the kind of discussion I'd hoped for. Essentially: free speech means even those with dissenting viewpoints and even regressive backwards ones get to speak. I suppose its the price you pay to keep it open for all.
  25. Just had this thought today after playing through a companion mod. Won't say which but I discovered most of the way through the content that I wouldn't be able to marry this companion. Not because it wasn't set to be marriageable. But because the author had explicitly programmed it to be so based on gender. This irked me on a few different levels, Programmer, Gamer, content creator and person. It seemed like a good discussion topic. Just a discussion though I'm not here to wave a pitchfork! just to see how others see the topic. Here were my thoughts. Programmer: It is just more code to write, making the creation more difficult for the author. You have to think about what the player is when programming certain scenes and dialogs. Its cumbersome, you could just treat the player as a person instead and not care about gender unless it were truly necessary like commenting on certain physical attributes. Programmer. Since it is more code it is another failure point to cause a bug sometime somewhere. Inevitably something will probably fail in testing or release because you forgot to put the male/female version of a line or logic section in. Once again a burden. Gamer: It hides content from users and forces the author to create two sets of content sometimes. I want to play through your character but honestly unless it is really good I probly won't do it twice. Person: Why do you care that I'm having the collection of bits you wrote marry another set of bits that looks female as well? It's a game grow up. However you like to swing or play is great, but why enforce it on anyone else? Hopefully not because of moral reasoning, its all different for the next guy. Content creator: Ok I concede on this one to enforcing sexual preference. After thinking about it I can definitely see making a character and having their sexuality be a vital part of enforcing who they are. It can definitely be a purposeful detail about them... However in the absence of it being a purposeful detail I find it distasteful to force this personal preference. I have my own preference that I don't like M/M but I wouldn't ever think of creating content that disallowed it just because I don't enjoy it. I won't write for it, but that's not the same as banning it explicitly. Sidenotes: In this mod I really didn't see a case for the enforced sexuality preference. I like how the vanilla marriage system works, although it kind of reeks of laziness rather than open-mindedness. There's almost nothing to it nothing is gender specific at all. In its simple lazy nature though it creates something good: A gender neutral approach to romance. No one cares who or what you are, just that you like each other and want to spend what little time you have in this mortal coil together. No one questions it... But mostly because Bethesda was lazy.
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