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About solo90

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  1. But none of them are to my liking and i mean cmon my idea is pretty good. i just dont have the modding skills to make it myself :D, also i really really do not like the tentacle effect. its byfar the thing i hate the most in the dragonborn DLC, its a matter of taste i guess.
  2. I plead and ask for the help of the nexus to make a miraak overhaul that is focused on synnergy between magic and shouts. a small buff to the mana absorbtion thing on the item pieces. adding something around the lines of "the less mana you have the lower your shout cooldowns are" and vice versa "the more mana you have the stronger are your shouts". also changing the staff and swords effects abit. making the staff better at keeping enemies away by adding a slow element or a snare element to the tentacles and lowering the damage of them abit or maby even removing it. and making the sword have a knockback effect maby? i dont know :D. or atleast PLEASE REMOVE THAT TENTACLE EFFECT. the tentacle whip thing is awful looking and i just cant find a mode that removes that. its confusing to look at and makes aiming a chore. Thank you anyone who reads this block of text :D
  3. post a link to the shoes mod to please =D
  4. Hey make the armors scale decently into the later stages of the game to k? make the heavy ones have the same stats as the steel armor and the light ones be like idk..something light..that is usefull later . not 1 shoted. getting 1 shotted by a two handed axe isnt fun
  5. I dont know...im still feeling like something is missing....but im not exactly sure what....oh i know. can you make a Ryuuma kimono? the undead samurai from one piece. that could be awsome
  6. In crouching i mean. there are some armor mods that when you crouch the legs part gets crappy and doesnt fit the char that well. just make sure the movement with this armor is fluid
  7. oh god im looking for something like that to. did you find anything yet?
  8. Make a samurai jack one ! make a samurai jack one! oh and what hair are you using (which mod is it if it is a mod ) and the most important part. make sure the crouching works well.
  9. As you say... iv been looking for days for something like that. everything that people make for samurais is heavy armor. and finally i found a samurai robe. and an amazing looking one to! hey is there a way you can make a samurai robe that looks like Samurai Jacks robe? =D....
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