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About PierreDole

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  1. Anyone have an idea how to turn on the survivor sense in hard mode? I like the harder zombies but its a pain without survivor sense. :)
  2. Not the Zephyr bow. Or: all other bows. Sorry, english isnt my main language. :) Ok, so it sounds it is not possilble to make such entchantment. And whats about making Zephyr enchantable? Is this possible? The Dawnguard crossbows are enchantable although they comes with an enchantment/property.
  3. Hey guys, I'm looking for a mod witch make other bows enchantable with the Zephyr bow entchantment. I dont know why there isnt already such mod. Maybe I didnt found it, or maybe such mod is not possible? Anyway I'll try a request for it. I image an entchantment that increase 1% speed at base/low entchantment level and goes up to about 35%, 40% at level 100. Is something possible? I know, there are mods that increase the shooting speed of bows. But i dont want to it happen to all bows. On the other hand, i want to create my own bow. :smile: (I'm using the multiple entchantment mod)
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