I think it would be cool if one of the most popular animes of all time could have its music included in the game. for instance, gomugomu bazooka BGM while fighting, Oitsumerareta BGM when your starting to get detected when sneaking, Difficult 2 BGM when a dragon approaches, Very, Very, Very Strongest BGM when preparing for certain fights in the storyline, Uunan and the Stone Storage room BGM when sneaking, Luffy's Here BGM after killing a dragon or boss monster, One Piece Ost-Set Sail BGM in towns and cities, One piece Ost- The Sword of Vows BGM when exploring, After Eating, Grand Line! BGM while exploring, One Piece OST - Senseless War BGM while exploring, one piece themesongs for the title screen, etc. what do you guys think?