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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Posts posted by MsFrankenstein

  1. I'm having the same problem.


    I have a 250mb file and I've tried a .zip and .7z and neither work. I was able to upload a smaller file.


    In chrome the % icon the bottom left goes from 0% to 15% then at 16% goes back to 0%. Sometimes then the page just errors out or sometimes It repeats this 0-15% multiple times and then fails.


    I've tried from two different ISPs and from 3 different computers. I've also tried IE and Chrome. I get the same problem in all situations. I'm now convinced that it must be a problem on Nexus' end.

    Having the same issue, smaller files works fine to upload in both .rar and .7z. But can't upload any bigger ones using either IE or Chrome : /


    Tried uploading it from a friends computer, same issue there as well.

  2. Hi!

    I've recently built a new house I want to share on Nexus, however I keep getting the error saying "413 Request Entity Too Large" whenever I try to upload the mainfiles (The house comes in two versions), however when I upload an optional file which is significantly smaller it allows it.

    The files are in .rar formats and roughly 120 000-130 000 kb.

    I've tried turning off my antivirus and firewall but still nothing happens.

    What gives?

  3. So I have noticed a problem with the guards in game.

    I used a mod for their helmets previously that would allow us to see their faces, however I have reinstalled my games a couple of times as well as deleted all mods/content related to Skyrim from my computer.
    So I have started on a new game, and yet all the guards have invisible helmets and they are partly bald (Even with no mods installed) - any idea as to why or should I perhaps a new helmet mod again?

    Becoming quite frustrating since they are the only bugs I have found in game since reinstalling.

  4. I for one who have just started off with actively creating stories to share the with the Nexus community, find this more than distressing to have this feature removed.
    As 83willow said, why not inform other users how to properly resize and and use the codes by having a box of information next to the "No-Nudity" box?

    I know this website was created for mods, but it has become a community where members and artists share their work. I have seen some people go and overkill their descriptions with links and pictures, without any purpose to it. Personally I think those who abuse it and should be dealt with, as they are in minority without having the rest of the community suffer this penalty.

    As the storytelling I create is the mainreason I have considered to become a paying member in order to have acess to more features on the site, I find it saddening that my favorite one is getting removed.

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