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About Kratos2000

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  1. Thanks! that's exactly the information I wanted! Just a few question, what is region editing and what are ITM's? Also what's cleaning a plugin?
  2. Hi. My previous worldspace failed completely due to the infinitely complicated LoD generation I had to go through, the countless bugs, the Tree LoD overwriting the Object LoD, Pink cliffs etc etc. Now with the Object & Tree LoD Generator I'm regaining hope once again and wanted to ask what should I prepare when making a worldspace? For example, my previous worldspace was not perfect square (i.e not in equal dimensions of 32/64/128 etc) and this screwed up LoD completely, I obviously had no idea until I came to generate some LoD and it fell on it's face trying to generate. So now I know I must create my worldspace in perfect square dimensions, probably 64x64x64x64 so I don't screw up LoD later. What else? Thank you.
  3. Hey. I've had an annoying persistent CTD occuring in the bee and barb when trading with Keerava. I've taken a few hours and tested all the mods, apparently it's RND's hearthfire patch. RND_hearthfires-patch.esp is incompatible with one of the following: Birdsofskyrim.esp 3dnpc.esp runforyourlives.esp SkyMoMod.esp Purity.esp Inconsequential NPCs.esp SkyUI.esp Falskaar.esm SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esm Shadow of Morrowind.esm Wyrmstooth.esm Hearthfires.esm Dawnguard.esm Dragonborn.esm I'm unsure which, and I've spent lots of time making sure it's neither of my other installed mods, just so I could narrow the huge list. Anyone has an idea? there's a Falskaar patch for RND but it clearly states that it only adds RND effects for Falskaar's food, which doesn't sound quite related to this CTD. Please help me find the cause, I'm spending lots of time to figure this out.
  4. I guess it's due to some item she possesses, would like to know if that's true. Where can I see a crash log?
  5. I haven't checked temperatures, how can I? And it could quite possibly be an overheating Graphics card, as mine's pretty weak. So far when it crashed, I had a hard time closing the damn thing as the skyrim window (even when switched) would still cover up most of the screen (only way to close it was using the task manager or restarting), I worked around that with Windows 10's multiple desktops feature. What I'm trying to say, I doesn't seem as if the whole computer went nuts, just the skyrim application. If that tells you anything. The freezing doesn't occur around specific stuff. And I've tried closing background processes, big and small, whichever and it still froze. :|
  6. Thanks for the quick reply! Few things, I do have SKSE. Perhaps it is not evident in the mod load order? But it's working and all. I'm running the game through SKSE launcher. Unofficial patches for Skyrim? downloading right now. And as for mod managers, I'm not using any. Though I regret this more and more now, should I get Mod Organizer then? would it work alright since my game is already modded and barely halfway through? The freezing, I believe, occurs with time, not with setting. While I can say this certainly, I'm guessing so since the game has already froze while entering an inn, while marching in the pathway from winterhold to windhelm, after waking up in windhelm, etc. the places are pretty varied, but the time it takes the game to freeze is usually similar. (I thought at least).
  7. Hey, I really need help here - I've been playing skyrim for the past few weeks and it has been a great experience. Great framerate, no freezing, etc. Suddenly, since the last few days, after 15 minutes in game (or about as much, maybe 20, 30, a short while that isn't very short) it completely freezes, the music still plays but skyrim stays still, frozen. Here is my mod list the way it appears in the load order: Dawnguard.esm Dragonborn.esm Hearthfires.esm BlackLand.esp DragonStar.esp Falskaar.esm Summersetisles.esp Shadow of Morrowind.esm Wyrmstooth.esp Helgen Reborn.esp OrnisiumMod.esp 3DNPC.esp Inconsequential NPCs.esp Run for your Lives.esp SkyMoMod.esp RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp Purity.esp SkyUI.esp Song General Armor&Weapon.esp Palemarsh.esp (house mod) SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esm aGreyLedgeManorLITE.esp (Grey Ledge Manor house mod) Bluecreek Estate.esp Elysium Estate.esp flaho_shi_eagles_nest_ENG.esp (the Eagles nest house mod) MTAutoStorage.esp (what is this even?) Cloaks.esp Sutvaka2.esp Auveren.esp RND_Dragonborn-patch.esp RND_Dawnguard-patch.esp RND_Hearthfires-patch.esp Birdsofskyrim.esp NoRandomDragons.esp Can somebody help me please?
  8. Oh my god, f*#@. Jesus christ f*#@ skyrim this is amazing! ho wow.
  9. But for the thousandth time I'm telling you that it doesn't work. And I've been generating it again and again since weeks ago. So offering the same solution is of no use. You said youself. I don't get why you suddenly forgot that answer. "If it still doesn't work, then you'll need to create a square worldspace with dimension that are divisible by 32." That's what I need help with. I'm sure as hell not going to start over after working months on a project and create a new square world, so I'm asking how can I make my world square and divisible by 32. That's it.
  10. Yeah, lod here looks good, but it's just landscape. look carefully that if you add objects and try to have object lod with the landscape lod (have mountains lod together with object lod on a non-square dimension world), you will be able to have only one at a time. Object or Landscape, never together. and I'm trying to get the both together, and for that I have to make a square worldspace.
  11. But that isn't the problem! The problem is, that IF my worldspace dimensions aren't square, the CK object lod won't work with non-CK landscape lod. In other words, I can't have Object and Landscape lod together if my worldspace isn't in square dimensions.. The only thing I have left is to make the dimensions square. that's it. But I don't know how.
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