Hello everyone including modders and players! As you have played and may have noticed, the FPS performance in the Soul Cairn in skyrim special edition is not stable. Depending on the rig you're using, the stability can vary, but when you compare the FPS in soul cairn with the FPS in Tamriel, the difference is horrible! I have basically stable 60 FPS (though in very few situations maybe 57,58 something...) throughout Skyrim special edition, which is a very smooth and enjoyable game experience. But when in the Soul Cairn, the fps is horrible. In many places it is just 35-40 fps, and the fps jumps a lot, I mean very seriously. This happens throughout the soul cairn, wherever there is a lot of grass. Later I did some study and found out this tremendous FPS drop and instability in soul cairn is merely the grass problem. Because the soul cairn is a very huge open place and on the ground the grass is SO MUCH and all over the ground, everywhere. This pulls down the fps from a usual 60 to around 40 and fluctuate hugely, causing very stuttering and laggy game experience. If in the game console, I type "tg" which toggles the grass, the FPS immediately rise up to 60 stability, miraculously. But I don't really want to, for the sake of FPS, keep typing "tg" whenever I go to Soul Cairn. Because the "tg" command is just temporary and does not save with the game. I very much want to make a very very simple mod just to remove the grass from soul cairn (just achieve the "tg" functionality in Soul Cairn), but I am not capable to do that because I lack the skills and am not familiar with creation tool sets. So here I am asking if anybody especially modders, could you make a simple mod just toggling off (remove) the grass from soul cairn, so that guys like me can have a very smooth and stable fps in soul cairn? I guess for a modder who's familiar with the tool sets this could be very easy, but for me it's hard and may take a long time to learn and currently I really do not have that much time to learn all the creation kit skills. Also I believe this mod would also be very lore friendly, and naturally it is. Because in soul cairn it is a place of dead, a place of barren land, a place of no life. So all over the landscapes in Soul Carin even there is no grass, it still looks pretty natural! Because it's a land of barren and death. In Skyrim classic, I remember there seems to be no grass in Soul Cairn originally. But in special edition, there are grass. So please, anyone please help make this very simple mod. Special edition deserves to be a perfect game! You have my greatest thanks in advance, if you have intention to make one!!!