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About iamthefritch

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    United States

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  1. Im pretty sure i know how it would need to be done that is if i can figure out how to read from a seperate file using papyrus thats where im stuck right now but once i figure that out i think i can make it
  2. I was wondering if there was a way to get a list of strings from a text file or something similar and possibly put them in an array
  3. until a mod is made you can just use the console and type addperk < perk> and theres ways to add to your health magicka and stamina using console commands as well
  4. i found this mod prob closest ive seen so far to the goal of this request i posted a comment on there linking to this thread and asking about adding the weight limit
  5. yah i like the programming language and im not having a hard time learning that cuz ive had experience with scripting languages but im having a hard time figuring out how the CK fits it all together
  6. oh and having the diff things as seperate selectable mods would be a good idea imo like disabling the fast travel as one and then have maybe the bigger more important ones as one mod
  7. so im not sure if its just me but there are quite a few errors when i open just Skyrim.esm and ive tried making a mod that fix errors that come up but havent had much progress the first problem i found was a bunch of items and areas for the e3 demo which starts with a door stuck under a mountain so you can't get to its in the exteriors wilderness 6,-2 but here is my EditorWarnings.txt
  8. maybe we should make a post in skyrim mod talk or maybe a diff forum like that now thats its less of a request and more of something we want to build and just have a list of stuff done and a list of WIP stuff
  9. yah i think making it 50 lbs makes it so you only pick up things that are actually worth picking up and makes having a storage place a lot more useful
  10. yah starting at lower health is deff a good idea i wonder if it would make it too much more difficult if at lower lvls you could gain 1 point per lvl and by 50 or more you could gain 5 per lvl
  11. Im attempting to make the mod i havent really got very far so far yet though and still trying to work out the details and things though like the whole health thing if theres a low max health then what are you gonna spend your level up points on i was thinking about making it so its only 5 points or something you level up with instead of 10 but thats still 250 points to spread between health magicka and stamina
  12. it sounds like how the master training for oblivion was where you had to find the master trainer and complete a task for them to get the opportunity to have them train you its like that system but adds a lot more to the idea
  13. So ive decided im not gonna play skyrim other then minor testing till this im able to create this mod
  14. It would be very helpful and useful to have an autocomplete feature for the console commands im not sure if its possible but to for example when you start typing a command you press the tab key and it fills in the command depending on what commands start with what you typed and if theres multiple commands that start with what you typed you have to hit tab twice and then it will print a list of commands that start with what you typed those who are familar with ubuntu know that this is a feature of the terminal eg. player.mod<tab><tab> player.modactorvalue player.modcrimegold player.moddisposition player.modfactionrank player.modfactionreaction player.modifyfacegen player.modpcmiscstat player.moda<tab>ctorvalue
  15. that works but i think it would be nice to have it noted somewhere in the menus that you have that ability to wear better armor or maybe the armor itself would have some sort of marker to tell you if you can wear it or not
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